


Rav Chisda gave rulings in Kafri while Rav Huna was alive [in Pumbadisa];


Rav Hamnuna gave rulings in Charta while Rav Chisda was alive [elsewhere].


(It was enacted that a slaughterer must bring his knife to the local Chacham to inspect it, for the honor of the Chacham.) Ravina inspected a knife in Bavel.


Rav Ashi: Why did you do so? (You take honor for yourself in place of me, your Rebbi!)


Ravina: [You were in a different city. Also] Rav Hamnuna gave rulings in Charta while Rav Chisda was alive [elsewhere]!


Rav Ashi: It was taught that Rav Hamnuna did not give rulings!


Ravina: It was taught that he gave rulings, and it was taught that he did not. He did not rule while his Rebbi, Rav Huna, was alive, but he did during the life of Rav Chisda, to whom he was a Talmid Chaver (a colleague who learned some teachings from him);


Likewise, I am a Talmid Chaver to you!


Rava: A Chacham may inspect his own knife [for slaughter].


Ravina visited Mechuza. His host gave him his knife to inspect.


Ravina: Show it to Rava! (He is the local Chacham.)


His host: Rava taught that a Chacham may inspect his own knife! (I slaughter for you. This is like inspecting for yourself)!


Ravina: I pay you for the meat. You are like any other Shochet.


R. Eliezer of Hegronya and Rav Acha bar Tachlifa visited Rav Acha brei d'Rav Ika. He wanted to slaughter a third-grown calf for them. He showed the knife to them.


Rav Acha bar Tachlifa: You should show it to Rav Acha bar Yakov. This is his region!


R. Eliezer: Rava taught that a Chacham may inspect his own knife!


R. Eliezer inspected it, and he was punished.


Question: Rava permits this!


Answer #1: Since they already suggested bringing it to the local Chacham, he should not have deterred them.


Answer #2: Rava's law does not apply to Rav Acha bar Yakov, for he was exceptionally aged and Chacham.




(Rava): One may stop someone from transgressing [even though it implicitly teaches a Halachah] in front of one's Rebbi.


Ravina was in front of Rav Ashi. He saw a man tying his donkey to a tree on Shabbos. He shouted at him, but the man did not stop. Ravina excommunicated him.


Ravina (to Rav Ashi): Was it brazen (R. Yehonason - if I was not a Talmid Chaver, rather, a Talmid, would it be brazen) for me to do so in front of you?


Rav Ashi: "Ein Chachmah v'Ein Tevunah v'Ein Etzah l'Neged Hash-m" - we do not stop to honor the Rebbi when Hash-m's name is being desecrated.


(Rava): One may not rule in front of one's Rebbi. One is Chayav Misah [b'Yedei Shamayim] for this;


Not in front of his Rebbi it is forbidden, but one is not Chayav Misah.


Question: Even not in front of his Rebbi one is Chayav Misah!


(Beraisa - R. Eliezer): Aharon's sons were killed because they [implicitly] ruled in front of Moshe their Rebbi:


They expounded "v'Nasnu Bnei Aharon ha'Kohen Esh Al ha'Mizbe'ach" - even though fire descends from Shamayim, it is a Mitzvah for people to bring fire. (Rashi - they expounded correctly. Ra'avad - they erred. The verse applies only to the outer Mizbe'ach.)


A Talmid of R. Eliezer ruled in front of him. R. Eliezer told his wife 'I will be amazed if he survives the year!' He did not survive the year. She thought that R. Eliezer must be a Navi!


R. Eliezer: I am not a Navi, nor even one training to be a Navi. I have a tradition that one who rules in front of his Rebbi is Chayav Misah.


(Rabah bar bar Chanah): The Talmid was Yehudah ben Gurya. He was three Parsa'os (about 12 kilometers) away from his Rebbi.


Answer: Yehudah ruled in front of R. Eliezer. (He lived three Parsa'os from his Rebbi.)


Question: Rabah taught that he was three Parsa'os away! (Surely, he teaches that he did not rule in front of him.)


Counter-question: Why did Rabah teach the name of the Talmid and his father?


Answer to both questions: Rabah gave details so we will know that this actually occurred, and it is not a mere parable.


(R. Chiya bar Aba): One who rules in front of his Rebbi deserves to be bitten by a snake. It says "va'Ya'an Elihu... Tza'ir Anochi la'Yomim v'Atem Yesisim Al Ken Zochalti (I fear to speak in front of you because you are older than me)", like "Im Chamas Zochalei Afar."


(R. Chanina): He is called a sinner - "b'Libi Tzafanti Imrasecha Lema'an Lo Echeta Lach." (I held my words inside to refrain from sinning.)


Contradiction (Rav Hamnuna): It says "b'Libi Tzafanti Imrasecha", and it says "Bisarti Tzedek b'Kahal Rav" (David taught in public)!


Answer: He did not teach in the life of Ira ha'Ya'iri (his Rebbi), only after his death.


(R. Aba bar Zavda): If one gives all his Matanos Kehunah to one Kohen, this brings hunger to the world (other Kohanim). It says "Ira ha'Ya'iri Hayah Chohen l'David";


Question: Was he Kohen only for David?!


Answer: He gave [all] his Matanos Kehunah to him. Afterwards it says "va'Yhi Ra'av bi'Ymei David".


(R. Elazar): One who rules in front of his Rebbi is demoted from his grandeur. We learn from "va'Yomer Elazar..." (He told the soldiers to Kasher the Kelim taken from the war with Midyan.) Even though he said that Hash-m told this to Moshe and not to himself, he was punished for this;


Yehoshua should have had to ask Elazar (Rashi - to ask matters of Hash-m through the Urim v'Tumim; Rashash - matters of Halachah) -- "v'Lifnei Elazar ha'Kohen Ya'amod." However, we do not find that he did.




(R. Levi): One who rules in front of his Rebbi dies without sons - "va'Ya'an Yehoshua... Meshares Moshe... Kela'em." (He decided that Eldad and Medad are liable for prophesizing that Moshe will not lead Bnei Yisrael into Eretz Yisrael);



It says "Nun Beno Yehoshua Beno" (it does not list sons of Yehoshua, for he did not have any. He did have daughters Megilah (14b).)


He argues with R. Aba bar Papa;


(R. Aba bar Papa): Yehoshua was punished [by not having sons] because he caused Bnei Yisrael to refrain from procreation for a night. "Ani Sar Tzeva Hash-m Atah Vasi" - the angel rebuked Yehoshua for failing to offer yesterday's afternoon Tamid, and for not learning Torah in depth now.


Yehoshua: For which of these did you come?


The angel: "Atah Vasi" (for Bitul Torah now). Harchev Davar (Bereishis 48:16) - after Chet ha'Egel, Hash-m said that He will send an angel; Moshe prayed that Hash-m Himself come, and Hash-m consented (Shemos 33:2-3, 16-17), for Moshe's lifetime. Yehoshua knew that now, the angel will be in place of Hash-m, He was unsure if the angel will supply our food, or protect from all evil. The angel answered, 'I came now' (against your enemy, which is a temporary need, and not to supply your food, which is a constant need. This is why he appeared like a Sar Tzeva!) Torah protects; due to Bitul Torah, Hash-m Himself will not protect us, rather, an angel. Avodah sustains; had he come for Bitul Avodah, it would have been to supply our food.


(R. Yochanan): Immediately, "va'Yalech Yehoshua...b'Soch ha'Emek" - he spent the night in the depth of Halachah.


We have a tradition, that when the Aron [of Betzalel, containing the second Luchos] and the Shechinah are not in their proper place, one may not have relations. (The Aron was with Yehoshua. He did not return it to the Mishkan in Gilgal.)


(Shmuel bar Inya): Learning Torah is greater than bringing the Temidim. The angel came due to neglect of Torah.


(Rav Berona): It says about those who sleep in a room where a couple dwell "Neshei Ami Tegarshun mi'Beis Ta'anugeha." (They separate women from their husbands.)


(Rav Yosef): This is even if she is Nidah. (They are ashamed to speak in front of others.)


(Rabah): If she is Nidah, the stranger should be blessed! (He ensures that they will not transgress.)


This is wrong. We are not concerned lest a man sin with his wife when she is Nidah.




A certain Nochri who lived in a Mavoy with Yisraelim refused to rent his Reshus. The Yisraelim asked Abaye what to do.


Abaye: All of you should be Mevatel your Reshus to one Yisrael. Then, you are like [many Yisraelim in] one residence of a Yisrael. A Nochri does not forbid in this case.


Question: A Nochri does not forbid when only one Yisrael lives there, for this is uncommon. Here, many Yisraelim live with him. This is common!


Answer (Abaye): It is not common for everyone to be Mevatel his Reshus to one member. Chachamim did not decree about something uncommon.