[63a - 54 lines; 63b - 30 lines]

1)[line 1]בחרתא דארגזCHARTA D'ARGIZ- the city of Charta which was built by Argiz the sorcerer, located adjacent to Baghdad

2)[line 2]רבינא סר סכינא בבבלRAVINA SAR SAKINA B'BAVEL- Ravina inspected a knife for Shechitah in Bavel (Ravina's Rebbi, Rav Ashi, lived in Masa Mechasya, which was also in Bavel. The custom was to bring a slaughtering knife for inspection to the Rav.)

3)[line 8]דתלמיד חברTALMID CHAVER- a disciple on the level of a colleague (considered a Talmid due to the fact that he learned one or more things from him [RASHI])

4)[line 9]צורבא מרבנןTZURBA ME'RABANAN- a young Talmid Chacham

5)[line 10]רבינא איקלע למחוזאRAVINA IKLA LI'MECHOZA- This is not the same Ravina as was mentioned above, who was a Talmid Chaver of Rav Ashi, but another Ravina who lived much earlier and was alive at the same time as Rava, the Rav of Mechoza (Hagahos Ya'avetz)

6)[line 11]אושפיזכניהUSHPIZICHNEI- his innkeeper, host

7)[line 12]אנא מיזבן זבינאANA MIZBAN ZEVINA- I am buying it (and therefore it is not considered "for myself," although I am eating from it)

8)[line 11]וקא מחוי ליהV'KA MACHAVEI LEI- and he [tried to] show it to him (for inspection)

9)[line 14]סימן זיל''א (להני''א) [מהני"א] מחלי''ף איק''א ויעק''בSIMAN ZILA (LEHANYA) [MEHANYA] MACHLIF IKA V'YAKOV- a mnemonic device to remember the names of the Amora'im that follow:

1.Rebbi Elazar me'Hagronya;

2.Rav (Aba) [Acha] bar Tachlifa;

3.Rav Acha brei d'Rav Ika;

4.Rav Acha bar Yakov.

10)[line 19]עיגלא תילתאIGLA TILTA- (a) a third-grown calf (that has reached one-third of its full growth and is particularly tasty) (RASHI); (b) a calf that has reached one-third of its expected lifespan, at which time it has reached its full growth (RASHI Sanhedrin 65b); (c) a calf which is a cow's third offspring which is well developed and fat (RASHI ibid., Shabbos 11a, Pesachim 68b); (d) a calf that is healthy and good to eat (TOSFOS Gitin 56a). (See Insights to Shabbos 136:1.)

11)[line 21]לא ליחוש ליה לסבא?LO LEICHUSH LEI L'SABA?- should we not consider the honor of [Rav Acha bar Yakov,] the Elder?

12)[line 25]דאתחילו בכבודוASCHILU BI'CHVODO- they raised the issue of honoring him

13)[line 26]דמופלגD'MUFLAG- that he was very distinguished (by his age and his Torah-learning)

14)[line 28]אסרASAR- tied

15)[line 29]בצינתאTZINESA- a palm tree

16)[line 29]רמא ביה קלאRAMA BEI KALA- Ravina called to him loudly

17)[line 29]בשמתאB'SHAMTA- in Cherem, excommunicated

18)[line 30]אמר ליה כי האי גוונאAMAR LEI KI HAI GAVNA- Ravina asked his Rebbi, Rav Ashi, "Is what I have just done..."

19)[line 30]כאפקרותאAFKERUSA- Chutzpah, disrespect

20)[line 32]בפניוB'FANAV- Rava is not referring to one who is preventing an Aveirah from being committed; he is talking about a general case of a Talmid who rules while his Rebbi is alive.

21)[line 38]בן נביאBEN NAVI- one who is in the process of learning to become a full-fledged Navi

22)[line 40]בפניו הוהB'FANAV HAVAH- and when the Beraisa tells us that he was three Parsa'os away it refers to his place of residence

23)[line 42]ראוי להכישו נחשRA'UY L'HAKISHO NACHASH- he is fit to be bitten by a snake

24)[line 43]"ויען אליהוא...""VA'YA'AN ELIHU..."- "And Elihu the son of Barach'el ha'Buzi answered and said, 'I am young and you are very old. I consider myself worthy of crawling under your feet; therefore I was afraid of voicing my opinion to you'" (Iyov 32:6) - The word for "crawling," Zachalti, hints at the snake, as the Gemara proves in the following verse (see next entry).

25)[line 44]"... עם חמת זוחלי עפר""... IM CHAMAS ZOCHALEI AFAR"- "... with the poison of things that crawl in the dust (i.e. snakes)" (Devarim 32:24).

26)[line 45]"בלבי צפנתי אמרתך למען לא אחטא לך""B'LIBI TZAFANTI IMRASECHA L'MA'AN LO ECHETA LACH"- "In my heart I have stored your word, in order not to sin against you" (Tehilim 119:11) - The Gemara interprets King David's statement as, "I did not rule when doing so would have constituted a sin."

27)[line 46]שעירא היאיריIRA HA'YA'IRI- one of the great Torah sages and advisors of King David (TARGUM YONASAN to Shmuel II 20:26). He is Ira ben Ikesh ha'Teko'i (Shmuel II 23:26), who was called ha'Ya'iri because (a) one of his ancestors was named Ya'ir; or (b) Teko'a, his city, was known for its abundant production of olive oil (Menachos 85b). Olive oil at the time was the best source of lamplight, and the word "Ya'ir" means he/it will give light (RADAK to Shmuel II 20:26).

28)[line 49]משגרMESHAGER- send

29)[line 50]ר' (אליעזר) [אלעזר] אומר...REBBI (ELIEZER) [ELAZAR] OMER...- This statement is a continuation of what befalls a Talmid who rules in front of his Rebbi.

30)[line 51]"ויאמר אלעזר הכהן אל אנשי הצבא...""VA'YOMER ELAZAR HA'KOHEN EL ANSHEI HA'TZAVA..."- "And Elazar the Kohen said to the men of war who went to the battle, 'This is the ordinance of the Torah that HaSh-m commanded Moshe'" (Bamidbar 31:21) - Even though Elazar made it perfectly clear that HaSh-m commanded the laws of Hag'alas Kelim to Moshe and not to himself, he was punished for revealing them in the presence of his Rebbi.

31)[line 52]"ולפני אלעזר הכהן יעמד...""V'LIFNEI ELAZAR HA'KOHEN YA'AMOD..."- "And in front of Elazar the Kohen he (Yehoshu'a) shall stand, and (Elazar) shall ask for him of the Urim v'Tumim" (Bamidbar 27:21 ).

32)[line 53]כל דמותיב מלה קמיה רביהKOL D'MOSIV MILAH KAMEI RABEI- anyone who answers a Halachic question in the presence of his Rebbi

33)[line 53]אזיל לשאולAZIL L'SHE'OL- (lit. he shall go to the depths) he will die

34)[last line]"ויען יהושע...""VAYA'AN YEHOSHU'A..."- When it was reported to Moshe Rabeinu that Eldad and Meidad were prophesizing, Yehoshu'a spoke up and urged Moshe to incarcerate them (Bamidbar 11:28). This was tantamount to ruling in his Rebbi's presence.


35)[line 1]"נוֹן בנו; יהושע בנו""NOHN BENO; YEHOSHU'A BENO"- "Nohn [was] his son; Yehoshua [was] his son" (Divrei Hayamim I 7:27) - The lineage of Yehoshua ended with him; he had no children

36)[line 12]וגמירי דכל זמן... אסורין בתשמיש המטהU'G'MIRI D'CHOL ZEMAN... ASURIN B'TASHMISH HA'MITAH- Yehoshu'a was rebuked by the Mal'ach for maintaining his siege at night instead of learning Torah. Since the Aron was with Bnei Yisrael at the warfront, they were unable to conceive children that night either. The Gemara is assuming that this is the reason why Yehoshua did not have children, and not because he kept them from learning Torah, because the Gemara is trying to find a sin for which Yehoshua's punishment would have been Midah Keneged Midah (MAHARSHA, in Chidushei Agados)

37)[line 17]בקילעאKIL'A- a room

38)[line 19]באשתו נדה[LO NITZRECHA ELA] AFILU B'ISHTO NIDAH- that which we would not have known if not for Rav Berona's statement is [that this applies] even when his wife is a Nidah (because he is intruding upon their privacy)

39)[line 21]מאן נטריה?MAN NATREI?- who guarded him (to insure he did not have relations with his wife when she was a Nidah)?

40)[line 22]לחמן בר ריסתקLACHMAN BAR RISTAK- a Nochri (the Girsa of RABEINU CHANANEL is Haman bar Ristak)

41)[line 23]אוגר לן רשותךOGAR LAN RESHUSECH- rent us your share in the courtyard