[92a - 33 lines; 92b - 19 lines]
1)[line 8]ובלבד שלא יהא זה עומד במקומוU'VILVAD SHE'LO YEHEI ZEH OMEID BI'MEKOMO- and as long as this one (i.e. the resident of one of the Chatzeros) does not stand in his place (i.e. in his Chatzer below the wall); Rashi mentions that there is another Girsa: U'VILVAD SHE'YEHEI ZEH OMEID BI'MEKOMO - and as long as this one (i.e. the resident of one of the Chatzeros) does stand in his place (i.e. on top of the wall)
2)[line 9]וכי רבי לא שנאה ר' חייא מניןלו?V 'CHI REBBI LO SHENA'AH, REBBI CHIYA MINAYIN LO?- seeing as Rebbi did not include this teaching in the Mishnah (since he did not want to establish the Halachah accordingly), from where did (his student) Rebbi Chiya conclude [that it is the Halachah]?
3)[line 11]וחורבהCHURVAH- a ruin (which has the status of a Chatzer since it is uninhabited)
4)[line 11]אחת עירבהACHAS IRVAH- [the residents of] one [Chatzer] made an Eruv [amongst themselves]
5)[line 12]אמר רב הונאAMAR RAV HUNA- Rav Huna was a Talmid of Rav, who said on 91a that the we rule according to the opinion of Rebbi Shimon only when there is no Eruv.
6)[line 15]אף לשעירבה ושתיהן אסורותAF LISHE'IRVAH, U'SHTEIHEN ASUROS- I heard from my father Rav that the two are equal - and I understood him to mean that neither may carry, since if we allow one to carry the other may come to do so as well.
7)[line 16]מפני מה אין נותנין חצר שלא עירבה לחצר שעירבהMIPNEI MAH EIN NOSNIN CHATZER SHE'LO IRVAH L'CHATZER SHE'IRVAH?- why did [Rav] not allow the residents of a Chatzer who made an Eruv to carry objects from their Chatzer into a Chatzer which did make an Eruv (if he allows the residents of a Chatzer which made an Eruv to carry objects from their Chatzer into a Churvah)?
8)[line 26]גג גדול סמוך לקטןGAG GADOL SAMUCH L'KATAN- see Background to 89:17
9)[line 28]לרב... ולשמואלL'RAV... UL'SHMUEL- see the Gemara on 89b and Background there, entry #18
10)[last line]אסור לזרועASUR LIZRO'A (KIL'EI HA'KEREM/KIL'EI ZERA'IM)
It is forbidden to plant different types of crops together as it states in the Torah, "Sadecha Lo Sizra Kil'ayim" - "Do not plant different species (together) in your field" (Vayikra 19:19), and "Lo Sizra Karmecha Kil'ayim, Pen Tikdash ha'Melei'ah ha'Zera Asher Tizra u'Sevu'as ha'Karem" - "You shall not sow your vineyard with other species, lest the fruit of the seed which you have sown, as well as the fruit of the vineyard, be forfeited" (Devarim 22:9). If one sows Kil'ayim, the produce becomes prohibited ("Kidesh," from the word in the verse, "Tikdash").
11)[last line]אסור לזרוע את הקטנהASUR LIZRO'A ES HA'KETANAH- from the description in the Mishnah of the smaller Chatzer as a "Pesach" of the larger one, we see that it is considered to be completely within the entrance of the larger Chatzer. Therefore it is forbidden to plant grain anywhere within the smaller Chatzer, even if it is four Amos away from the grapevines in the larger one (even though normally - even within one field - one may plant grapes and grain four Amos away from each other). The idea is that the inhabitants of the larger Chatzer have control over the thinner one.
12)[line 1]מותר לזרוע את הגדולהMUTAR LIZRO'A ES HA'GEDOLAH- since there is a Mechitzah between the two Chatzeros from the point of view of the larger Chatzer, the owner of the larger Chatzer may plant grain up against the wall. When there is a Mechitzah between grain and grapevines no distance between them is necessary.
13)[line 2]אשה בגדולה וגט בקטנהISHAH BI'GEDOLAH V'GET BI'KETANAH- This is in accordance with the opinion which maintains that in order for a woman to be divorced through the placement of a Get in her Reshus, she must be in that Reshus at the time.
14)[line 6]אין יוצאין ידי חובתןEIN YOTZ'IN YEDEI CHOVASAN- we do not view the group of nine people as if they are with the Shali'ach Tzibur (even though the Ketanah is viewed as if it is completely within the Gedolah), since they constitute a majority.
15)[line 17]השוה את גיפופיה גדולה נמי אסורהHISHVAH ES GIFUFEHA GEDOLAH NAMI ASURAH- if he "evened" [the walls of the large and small courtyards by extending the sides of the small Chatzer to the far end of the large one, thereby removing the effect of] the projecting sides, it would be forbidden to carry in the large Chatzer as well.
16)[line 18]סילוק מחיצות הואSILUK MECHITZOS HU- [that is not a case in which the presence of a Mechitzah creates a prohibition; rather,] it is a case [in] which [the presence of a Mechitzah] removes other Mechitzos (the Gifufin) [from the equation]