[89a - 42 lines; 89b - 35 lines]
1)[line 3]לאפוקי ממאני דבתים להתםL'AFUKEI (MAYA B'MA'ANI) MI'MA'ANI D'BATIM L'HASAM- to bring [the waste water] in vessels from his house to there (the other Chatzer where the Ukah is)
2)[line 9]גגות ואחד חצירות ואחד קרפיפות רשות אחת הןECHAD GAGOS V'ECHAD KARPIFOS V'ECHAD CHATZEIROS RESHUS ACHAS HEN
(a)King Shlomo decreed that transferring objects from a Reshus ha'Yachid owned by one person or group to a Reshus ha'Yachid owned by another person or group is forbidden, unless an Eruv Chatzeros (lit. a mixing of the courtyards, Rambam Hil. Eruvin 1:6; or fraternization of the courtyards, Eruvin 49a) is created on Friday, before Shabbos begins (Shabbos 14b, Eruvin 21b).
(b)Aside from houses, there are three categories of Reshus ha'Yachid: Gagos (privately owned roofs), Chatzeros (jointly owned courtyards) and Karpifos (privately owned fenced-in areas that are used for storage or corrals, but not lived in). Tana'im argue as to whether it is permitted to carry from one of these types of Reshus ha'Yachid to another when they are owned by different people. Rebbi Meir (Mishnah Eruvin 89a) rules that it is prohibited to transfer between these different types of Reshuyos, the Rabanan (ibid., and Gemara 91a) prohibit transferring from a Karpaf to one of the other two, and Rebbi Shimon (ibid.) rules that it is permitted to transfer between all of these Reshuyos. (According to Rebbi Shimon and Rebbi Meir, an Eruv Chatzeros is necessary only to carry from the houses in the Chatzer into the Chatzer, not to carry from one Chatzer to another. All of these opinions agree that it is prohibited to carry from houses into courtyards, Karpifos, or roofs and houses owned by another person, since houses are used on a regular basis and are therefore considered separate from all other Reshuyos ha'Yachid; RASHI Eruvin 91a DH v'Karpifos.)
(c)The above argument only applies to utensils that were in a roof, courtyard, or Karpaf when Shabbos began ("she'Shavsu l'Sochan"). Utensils that were in a house when Shabbos began and then brought out to a Chatzer on Shabbos through the use of an Eruv Chatzeros may not be transferred to either of the other two types of Reshuyos even according to Rebbi Shimon.
3)[line 14]שדיורין חלוקין למטהDIYURIN CHALUKIN LEMATAH- the houses below have divisions separating them
4)[line 18]דכל למעלה מעשרהKOL LEMA'ALAH ME'ASARAH- any place above ten Tefachim; i.e. the entire roof
5)[line 22]והן רשות אחתV'HEIN RESHUS ACHAS- and they are the same type of Reshus (e.g. Reshus ha'Yachid, Reshus ha'Yachid, etc.)
6)[line 24]לכתףL'KATEF- to place one's burden on in order to rest
7)[line 24]תל ברשות הרביםTEL BI'RESHUS HA'RABIM (RESHUS HA'YACHID)
A Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain) is an area of at least four-by-four Tefachim that is enclosed by a ten-Tefach high partition on at least three sides, such as enclosed yards or ditches with these dimensions (since the vertical wall of the ditch acts as a partition). A ten-Tefach high mound in a Reshus ha'Rabim that is four-by-four Tefachim wide at the top is also a Reshus ha'Yachid, since the vertical sides of the mound are Halachically considered to continue upward (through a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai called "Gud Asik" — see below, entry #14), and therefore act as partitions.
8)[line 26]מכתשתMACHTESHES- a mortar
9)[line 26]גיגיתGIGIS- a barrel
10)[line 27]ואמת הריחיםAMAS HA'RECHAYIM- the [wooden] base of a mill
11)[line 30]כשתימצי לומרKISHE'TIMTZA LOMAR- (lit. when you find to say) the bottom line is
12)[line 32]לטלטולי דרךכותלL 'TALTULEI DERECH KOSEL- to carry from one Chatzer to the other over the wall that separates them. (The Gemara is assuming that two Chatzeros are separated by a wall [which is ten Tefachim tall, as opposed to a ditch ten Tefachim deep, etc.], since that is the most common scenario.)
13a)[line 37]במחיצות הניכרותMECHITZOS HA'NIKAROS- walls which are recognizable (on the roof; that is, the walls dividing the houses are clearly discernable to one on the roof)
b)[line 38]במחיצות שאינן ניכרותMECHITZOS SHE'EINAN NIKAROS- walls which are not recognizable (on the roof; that is, the walls dividing the houses are not at all discernable to one on the roof)
14)[line 40]גוד אסיק מחיצתאGUD ASIK MECHITZASA
(a)The Torah requires Mechitzos (partitions) for various Halachos (e.g. defining a Reshus ha'Yachid for the purposes of carrying on Shabbos and creating a Kosher Sukah). A Mechitzah must be ten Tefachim high and enclose an area of four by four Tefachim.
(b)Gud Asik (lit. stretch and pull up) is a Halachic device by which Mechitzos are considered to extend upward indefinitely, as long as they are ten Tefachim high to begin with.
15)[last line]כל רשות רשות לעצמוKOL ECHAD V'ECHAD RESHUS L'ATZMO- the Gemara assumes this to mean that one may carry throughout any given roof
16)[line 5]משמיה דרב אמרוMI'SHMEI D'RAV AMRU- it was said in the name of Rav. This is not a quote from a Beraisa, but from Rav himself. The Gemara then cites what the students of Shmuel learned ("Tanu"), i.e. in a Beraisa. Rav must explain how the Beraisa of Shmuel conforms to his opinion; Shmuel, however, need not relate to that which was quoted in Rav's name since it is not a Mishnah or Beraisa.
17)[line 11]אמר רב יוסף לא שמיע לי הא שמעתאAMAR RAV YOSEF LO SHEMI'A LI HA SHEMAITSA- Rav Yosef became sick and forgot much of his learning. His student Abaye reminded him of what he himself had taught. In our Sugya Rav Yosef did not remember hearing the opinion of Shmuel that Gud Asik applies even when the Mechitzos are not noticeable.
18)[line 13]גג גדול הסמוך לקטןGAG GADOL HA'SAMUCH L'KATAN- a wide roof adjacent to a narrower one. The walls dividing the houses below are recognizable above, but only to the sides of the wider roof (Gifufin), and not where the two roofs are joined. Therefore the people using the upper roof may both bring objects to the roof from their house below as well as carry within the roof — even according to the understanding of Rav in the opinion of Rebbi Meir — since they have a Mechitzah (albeit one with a Pesach), while those on the narrower one may not due to the fact that their Mechitzah is completely open (Nifratz b'Milu'o).
19)[line 17]מחיצה נדרסתMECHITZAH NIDRESES- a trampled partition. Shmuel states that if not for the fact that the Mechitzah between the two roofs is constantly being walked upon and cannot therefore function as a Mechitzah, it would allow even those on the narrower roof to carry through the application of Gud Asik.
20)[line 19]מחיצהMechitzah- i.e. a proper Mechitzah, as opposed to one created through Gud Asik
21)[line 20]בגיפופיGIFUFEI- the walls on either side of where the roofs are connected
22)[line 22]והא דיורין אמרת לןV'HA DIYURIN AMRAT LAN- but you, Rav Yosef, explicitly used the term "Diyurin" ("people living")!
23)[line 29]סלוקי סליקו נפשייהומהכאS ELUKEI SELIKU NAFSHAIHU ME'HACHA- they have removed themselves from here (and it is as if they have nullified their roof to those using the wider roof)
24)[line 30]עשה סולם קבוע לגגוASAH SULAM KAVU'A L'GAGO- if one person (and only that one person) set a ladder in place [in order to be able] to use his roof
25)[line 32]בנה עלייהBANAH ALIYAH- if he built an attic (i.e. a room with proper Mechitzos on his roof)
26)[line 33]דקה ארבע[ה]DAKAH (ARBA) [ARBA'AH]- a small, four-Tefach doorway set in the one of the Mechitzos of the second-story room open to the other rooftops
27)[line 34]פעמים שהדקה לאיסורPE'AMIM SHEHA'DAKAH L'ISUR- sometimes, a Dakah set in the one of the Mechitzos of the second-story room prohibits him from using the other rooftops (even according to those opinions which generally consider all rooftops one large Reshus)
28)[last line]תרביצא דביתיהTARBITZA D'VEISEI- the garden of his house