[55a - 35 lines; 55b - 44 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 55a [line 6]:
The words "B'MI SHE'MAGBI'A DA'ATO ALEHA" במי שמגביה דעתו עליה
should be "B'MI SHE'MAGBI'A DA'ATO ALAV" במי שמגביה דעתו עליו (Dikdukei Sofrim #40)
[2] Gemara 55a [line 7]:
The words "B'MI SHE'MARCHIV DA'ATO ALEHA" במי שמרחיב דעתו עליה
should be "B'MI SHE'MARCHIV DA'ATO ALAV" במי שמרחיב דעתו עליו (Dikdukei Sofrim ibid.)
1a)[line 6]במי שמגביה דעתו עליהB'MI SHE'MAGBI'A DA'ATO (ALEHA) [ALAV]- in a person who is haughty
b)[line 7]במי שמרחיב דעתו עליהB'MI SHE'MARCHIV DA'ATO (ALEHA) [ALAV]- in a person who desires material pleasures
2a)[line 10]בסחרניםSACHARANIM- merchants that travel from city to city to sell their wares
b)[line 10]בתגריםTAGARIM- merchants that sell their wares in their own city
3)[line 18]כמין קשתKEMIN KESHES- in the shape of bow, "U"-shaped
4)[line 18]כמין גאםKEMIN GAM- in the shape of a Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet, an inverted "L"
5)[line 22]דאריכא וקטינאD'ARICHA U'KETINA- it is long and narrow, i.e. rectangular
6)[line 22]ליתן לה פותיא אאורכהLITEN LAH PUSYA A'URKA- we should extend its width to be as long as its length
7)[line 24]דמרבעא ולא מרבעא בריבועעולםD 'MERAB'A V'LO MERAB'A B'RIBU'A OLAM- it is square but is not aligned with the lines of longitude and latitude
8)[line 32]מודדין לה מןהיתרM ODEDIN LAH MIN HA'YETER- we measure the 2000 Amos for it from the bowstring, the imaginary line drawn between the two ends of city
9)[last line]דנותנין קרפף לזו וקרפף לזוD'NOSNIN KARPAF L'ZU V'KARPAF L'ZU- we give an area of 70 Amos and 4 Tefachim as an extension for each part of the city, before we start to measure the Techum, and if the two extensions meet, both parts of the city are considered as one
10)[line 8]דדחיקא תשמישתייהוD'DECHIKA TASHMISHTAIHU- the use of the space outside of the cities would be very cramped
11)[line 19]נפשNEFESH- a structure that is built over a grave (a) for watchmen (RASHI); (b) as a monument (ARUCH)
12)[line 20]והקברKEVER- a cemetery
13)[line 21]לחזןCHAZAN- a caretaker
14)[line 22]לכומריםKUMARIM- priests
15)[line 22]והאורוותURVOS- stables
16)[line 22]והאוצרותOTZAROS- storehouses
17)[line 23]והבורגניןBURGANIN- temporary huts of the watchmen that guard the fields
18)[line 23]והבית שביםHA'BAYIS SHE'BA'YAM- a house located on an island in the sea
19)[line 23]הרי אלו מתעברין עמהHAREI ELU MIS'ABRIN IMAH- these are included in the city limits and the Techum is measured from their outside edges
20a)[line 27]ובורBOR- a round well that is dug in the ground
b)[line 28]ושיחSHI'ACH- an elongated ditch
c)[line 28]ומערהME'ARAH- a cave
21)[line 28]ושובך שבתוכהSHOVACH SHE'B'SOCHAH- the dovecote that is the field
22)[line 30]לפנות בו כלים שבספינהL'FANOS BO KEILIM SHE'B'SEFINAH- to remove and store there utensils that are on a boat
23)[line 32]להשליםL'HASHLIM- to complete the measurement of 4 X 4 Amos (since the building is lacking this area)
24)[line 32]צריפיןTZERIFIN- cone-shaped huts
25)[line 34]תלתא פרסיTELASA PARSEI- three Parsa'os (Persian miles), approximately 11.5 kilometers (7.2 miles) or 13.8 kilometers (8.6 miles), depending upon the differing Halachic opinions; (1 PARSAH = 4 MIL)
26)[line 35]כשהן נפניןK'SHE'HEN NIFNIN- when they would defecate
27)[line 38]הוקבעוHUKBE'U- the adjacent huts are considered permanent dwellings, (and the Techum is measured as if the houses and huts constitute a city)
28)[line 40]ביריאBIRIYA- a town in the Galilee
29)[line 40]כיושבי קבריםYOSHVEI KEVARIM- grave-dwellers, i.e. corpses
30)[line 44]מרבין את הזבלMARBIN ES HA'ZEVEL- increase excrement
31)[last line]וכופפין את הקומהKOFEFIN ES HA'KOMAH- bend a person's posture