

שמואל בר אבא בעי אי זה חדש וישן שבחלה.


Question (Shmuel bar Aba): (Mishnah 4:4 discusses Chadash and Yashan.) What is Chadash and Yashan regarding Chalah? (In the following, we always discuss how much the grain grew before Rosh Hashanah.)

שתי שדות אחת הביאה שליש ואחת פחות משליש לחלה אחת למעשרות שתים.


Answer: If there are two fields - [the grain in] one of them grew a third [before Rosh Hashanah], and one of them less than a third, for Chalah they are one (according to Chachamim, who obligate even before it grew a third, both are Yashan), and for Ma'aser they are two (the latter is Chadash);

[דף יא עמוד ב (עוז והדר)] אחת [דף ז עמוד א] פחות משליש ואחת עשבים לחלה שתים ולמעשרות אחת.


If [the grain in] one was less than a third [before Rosh Hashanah], and one [produced only] grass (the grain did not grow yet), for Chalah they are two (the former is Yashan, and the latter is Chadash) and for Ma'aser they are one (both are Chadash);

אחת הביאה שליש ואחת עשבים בין לחלה בין למעשרות שתים.


If one grew a third, and one [produced only] grass, both for Chalah and for Ma'aser they are two.

בנתיים מהו


Question: What is the law of Beintayim? (This belongs on the coming Mishnah, of one who makes a dough Sufganim (soft) is exempt. If it was initially Sufganim and at the end a [normal thick] dough, it is obligated. If he made it Sufganim and decided to make it a dough, what is the law in the meantime (before he makes it a dough?)

רבי יונה בשם ר"ש בן לקיש בנתיים כבראשונה


Answer #1 (R. Yonah citing Reish Lakish): Beintayim is [exempt] like initially.

רבי יוסי בשם ר"ש בן לקיש בנתיים כבאחרונה


Answer #2 (R. Yosi citing Reish Lakish): Beintayim is [obligated] like at the end. (We explained this like R. ISAR ZALMAN MELTZAR.)

(איזו בנתיים - הגר"א מוחקו) העושה עיסה מן הטבל חלה חייבת בתרומה ותרומה חייבת בחלה.


One who makes a dough from Tevel, the Chalah (if he separated it first) is obligated in Terumah, and the Terumah (if he separated it first) is obligated in Chalah. (RIDVAZ)

מנין שהחלה חייבת בתרומה


Question: What is the source that the Chalah is obligated in Terumah?

רבי יצחק בשם רבי שמואל בר מרתא בשם רב [במדבר טו כ] חלה תרימו תרומה מחלה תרימו תרומה


Answer (R. Yitzchak citing R. Shmuel bar Marsa citing Rav): "Chalah Tarimu Serumah" - from Chalah, separate Terumah.

מניין שהתרומה חייבת בחלה


Question: What is the source that the Terumah is obligated in Chalah?

מן קושוי פתרין הדין קרייא מאותה שכתוב בה ראשית תרימו חלה:


Answer (Chachamim of Koshoy): Amidst difficulty (MAHARA FULDA), we learn from this [same] verse ("Reishis Arisoseichem Chalah Tarimu") - from what is called "Reishis [Deganecha", i.e. Terumah], take off Chalah.