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1. Shelamim and Rav Papa 2. Tul Chelkecha v'Tzei 3. Ein Maftirin by Pesach Sheni

David Halter asks:

Is there a din of "Ain Maftirin Achar HaPesach Afikoman" with the Pesach Sheni? If there is, when the Gemorah suggested that a Cohen is brought along to join in all the five doubtful Pesachim perhaps he will eat something after the Pesach?

David Halter, United Kingdom

The Kollel replies:

Ohr Chadash asks your question- several answers are given.

First of all, Tosfos DH Maftirin, Pesachim 120a gives two reasons for Ein Maftirin it's a Takana of the Rabanan to be full with the Pesach at the end of the meal and therefore will not come to break bones. Also, to be left with the taste of the Mitzva of Pesach in your mouth.

Or Chadash answers that since we are solving a Kareis problem, we push aside this (minor) Takana. Another answer- to give to a Kohen Katan that doesn't have an Aveira. Yad Yosef answers- being left with the taste of another Mitzva is OK even after the Pesach. See Metivta edition in the back.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner