At what point during the biah process is the women considered mekudeshes and no longer considered a peshlah Or are they different?
Anonymous, New York, New York
I'm not sure what the exactly you mean. Are you determining between Kidushei Biah and Pesulah.
I can just say that what comes of the Sugya and the Halacha in the Rambam (Ishus 2) and Shulchan Aruch (Even ha'Ezer 33;2) is that the time of the Kidushin is up to the when the man wants the Kinyan. So, usually the Daas of a person is that the time of the kinyan is only at the end of the Biah, but he can also think that at any other point of the Biah, the Kinyan will apply. For example, if he'd rather the Kinyan apply right at the beginning of the Biah, he does not need to end the whole act. This is called Ha'ara'ah.
I hope I understood your question.
Kol Tuv,
Aharon Steiner