More Discussions for this daf
1. Tenaim 2. selling and kidushin 3. Shtaros
4. Repetition 5. Extra Word- O V'alah 6. Yesomah b'Chayei Avihah
7. Tosfos DH Kasav Al ha'Niyar v'Al ha'Cheres 8. Document Written Without A Woman's Consent 9. Kidushei Bi'ah
10. Kiddushei Biah/Pesulah Sattus 11. כל הבה מיהבה לאו כלום הוא

David Braunschweig asks:

In Kidushin Daf Tes Amud Bais 5 lines from the bottem the gemorah asks: Why diden't the pasuk just say O V'alah instead of u'V'alah? so it teaches us 3 things. My question is how can the gemorah make a drasha from a word in the torah if the letter vav isn't extra, if we dident say u'V'alah we would have said O V'alah and that includes the extra word of O?

David Braunschweig, Woodmere, NY

The Kollel replies:

The Pnei Yehoshua explains that Rava derives that relations acquire from "Beulas Ba'al." He is saying that the Torah could have made this teaching simpler and merely said the words "Oh B'alah" instead of "Beulas Baal." It therefore must be that "u'Va'alah" to teach us a different lesson regarding Kidushin ha'Mesurin l'Biah. ("u'Va'alah" alone does not teach Kidushin through relations, as it sounds like their first has to be Kidushei Kesef and only then relations can finalize the Kidushin.)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose