More Discussions for this daf
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4. Who Buries the Person Who Was Killed? 5. Mes Mitzvah 6. White Lie
7. Gerushah and Derashah 8. Shevet Levi and Milchemes Mitzvah

M. Deutsch asked:

One minor point you wrote here that a Mes Mitzvah is buried wherever it is found Don't you have to bring it to Kever Yisrael?

M. Deutsch

The Kollel replies:

The place where he is found is the place where he is supposed to be buried. There is no prohibition against burying anybody in a regular cemetery. If we knew who he was, we would notify his family who would give him a regular burial. Being that we do not, he is buried in the area where he is found (of course, there are exceptions to "exactly where he is found," see Eruvin 17b).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose