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HG Schild HG Schild asked:

My daughter is doing a report on the Egla Arufah. She made a diorama etc and learned some halachos through mishnayos. She wants to know that in the cases where the egla arufah is not brought (found in lake etc), who buries the meis? I do not know...

Chaim, Spring Valley, NY

The Kollel replies:

Perhaps I do not understand your question. As far as I know, the dead body is buried by the same party, regardless of whether an Eglah Arufah is brought. That party is usually one of the seven relatives for which a Kohen may be Metamei (father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, wife).

If the dead person cannot be identified, or he has no close relatives, it is a Mes Mitzvah, and it must be buried by the first Jew who is able to do so. The Mes Mitzvah is buried wherever it is found.

The only burial that is mentioned in connection to the laws of Eglah Arufah is the burial of the decapitated calf itself. True, the Mishnah in Sotah 45b does mention something about the burial of the dead body. However, the Gemara explains that it is mentioned in the context of Mes Mitzvah, and not in the context of Eglah Arufah (unlike the other Mishnayos in the Perek.)

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf