More Discussions for this daf
1. Bein Tefilah l'tefilah; Rashi 2. Chasan v'Kalah by Milchemes Mitzvah 3. Berachah and Eretz
4. Who Buries the Person Who Was Killed? 5. Mes Mitzvah 6. White Lie
7. Gerushah and Derashah 8. Shevet Levi and Milchemes Mitzvah
1. Ari asks:

the mishnah in the end of the 8th perek says "kol halech limelchamas mitzvah afilu chasan michedro ve kallah michupasa". The Rambam (I think its in hilchos milachaim perek 7 halachah 4 but I dont have it in front of me now) brings this down. The Ridbaz on the Rambam there asks how a kallah can go to war? Its not derech nashim to go to war and brings the possuck of kol covodah bas melech from tehilim.

1. Why is he asking from derech nashim and kol covodah? There is a much stronger question he could of asked that its assur for nashim to go to war because they cant hold a weapen because its a kli gever? Kli gever is a issur deorisa? I am not ssure how to be magdir kol covdah but its not a possuck from chumash and is lachurah less chamur then the issur deorisa of kli gever.

2. Is there anyone that speaks out befarish that its assur for nashim to go to war because of kli gever? The rashash also asks on the gemara above but he to never said befarish the issur of kli gever


2. The Kollel replies:

Shalom Ari,

It's great to hear from you!

1) Right off the bat, it's tempting to suggest two possibilities: (a) that women may be able to contribute to the war effort in some form without donning weaponry, or (b) that in cases of Piku'ach Nefesh, the prohibition of Kli Gever would be overridden.

2) Several primary sources address this issue:

a) Targum Onkelos (Devarim 22:5) renders the prohibition of Kli Gever as referring to weaponry.

b) Rebbi Eliezer ben Yakov (Nazir 59a) also teaches that women should not go out to war with weapons due to the Isur of Kli Gever.

c) Rashi (DH Talmud Lomar) explains that Yael, who killed Sisera, used a peg instead of a weapon to do so.

d) The Rambam (Hilchos Avodas Kochavim 12:10) writes that a woman should not wear armor.

3) For modern reviews of this issue, please refer to the Tzitz Eliezer 20:31, Igros Moshe Orach Chayim 4:75, and Yechaveh Da'as 5:55.

May you continue to attain greatness in Torah and Yiras Shamayim!


Yishai Rasowsky