More Discussions for this daf
1. The Opinion of Rebbi Shimon 2. A Nazir who Becomes Both A Metzora and Tamei 3. The shaving for Metzora and Tum'ah
4. Shaving the head of a Nazir 5. yotzo ovdei kochavim sheain lo tumah 6. Rebbi Shimon ben Yochi
7. Shaving before Mikvah

dmartin asked:

I heard a great non-lomdushe question that doesn't really require an answer but ties together the daf in nazir and the inyane deyoma (by the way, one of the favorite shaashuim of r. meir shapiro zt"l was to tie together totally unrelated things in mental gymnastics).

the gemara says that an akum has no tumah. however, in al hanissim we say "mosarto ... temaim beyad tehorim" so we see that there is tumah with regard to an akum.

dmartin, raanana, eretz yisroel

The Kollel replies:

I agree with you that it does not require an answer, but I'll answer anyway. An Akum does have Tum'ah as it says in the verse (Vayikra 18:24), "Ki b'Chol Eleh Nitma'u ha'Goyim." What an Akum does not have, though, is Kabalas Tum'ah , for he is Tamei in essence. Besides, the Rabanan were Gozer on them Tum'as Zav as you surely know from the story of Rebbi Yishmael ben Kimchis.

D. Z.

P.S. Tzitzim u'Frachim are meant to beautify the Torah, and are not mere "mental gymnastics" (Rav Meir Shapiro certainly did not view what he was doing as gymnastics.)

Y. Shaw