More Discussions for this daf
1. Simcha offerings 2. Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai - Deeper meaning? 3. Klaloseihen
4. Klalos Nemra Bsinai 5. Beis Shamai vs. Beis Hillel on Olas Re'iyah and Shalmei Chagigah 6. Korban Chagigah in partnership etc.
7. Korban Olah before Matan Torah 8. Comment on Outlines 9. Kelalim
10. Klalim u'Pratim b'Matan Torah 11. Why is the gemoro only discussing chigger in bes shamai 12. הזבחים ומנחה הגשתם לי

Joseph Kayeri asks:


Id like to ask what does the gemara mean when saying that according to R Akiva, because all the Klalim and Pratin were given in Matan Torah, it could have been the Tamid. But the pasuk says that BEFORE Matan Torah they already had slaughtered the Tamid. So how would Am Israel know how to do it?

(I am asking on the Hava Amina´s svara On Abayes words)..

Thank you

Joseph Kayeri, Sao Paulo, brazil

The Kollel replies:

Your question is asked by Rebbi Akiva Eiger as well as Rav Elyashiv in his comments on the Masechta. Rebbi Akiva Eiger does not answer the question. If I understood Rav Elyashiv's answer correctly, he says that if the details were said later we would not know them at Sinai, but if everything was said at Sinai, Moshe Rabeinu may have taught some details earlier, including how to perform an Olas Tamid.

Yoel Domb