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Bill Kanter asked:

Hi, Someone just told me about this web site. Yaasher Koach

(a) My question is I thought we say that any chidush i.e., all of Torah Shebaal peh, was given to Moshe at Sinai. not, as our Gemarah (and Rashi) say that only the general points were given at Sinai and the rest was given once the Mishkan was established.

(b) Also, if specific details on many areas were not given to Moshe until the Mishkan was set up, then how could he begin judging the day after Yom Kippur as we read in Parshas Yisro. i.e., how can he give psak halacha if he won't know the details for another 6 months?


Bill Kanter

Bill Kanter, Chicago, U.S.A.

The Kollel replies:

(a) I think you are referring to Megilah 19b, where Rebbi Yochanan says that Hash-m taught Moshe Rabeinu all the Torah that will ever be said. (It does not say there specifically that it was taught to Moshe at Sinai .) Also, many minutae of the Mitzvos are called "Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai ", implying that they were taught to Moshe there.

However, this does not contradict Rebbi Yishmael's statement that details were taught to Moshe after the Mishkan was erected. In Ta'anis 21b DH El Mul, Rashi explains that the Cloud of Hash-m's presence moved from Sinai to the Mishkan when it was erected on 1 Nisan (see Shemos 40:34). In that sense, it was a continuation of the revelation at Sinai. In fact, the Jews were still standing before Sinai at the time, and only left the area on the 20th of Iyar (Bamidbar 10:11). Therefore, any revelation that occurred when the Mishkan was erected can still be called a revelation "at Sinai." The strongest proof to this is that Rashi here (6b DH u'Peratos) explains that the details taught to Moshe when the Mishkan was built are recorded in Sefer Vayikra. Yet at the end of Sefer Vayikra, the Torah tells us "These are the Mitzvos that Hash-m taught Moshe... at Sinai !"

(b) Firstly, there were many areas which were explained to Moshe in detail at Sinai; specifically what the Torah records in Mishpatim, which includes most of the monetary laws. This is clear from Rashi at the end of 6a. Secondly, if any point was not clear, Moshe would ask Hash-m to clarify it when the question arose (as with the laws of Nachalos).

Be well, it's good to have you "on board!"
