More Discussions for this daf
1. Laws of Yerushalayim 2. Kedushah of a Shul 3. Wrapping a Mes Mitzvah with a Sefer Torah
4. Removing Kedushah from a Shul 5. Contradiction in Rashi 6. Permissibility of transferring ownership of a Shul
7. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh 8. The number of Aliyos on a Ta'anis 9. Tashmishim
10. Tefilin straps 11. Tashmishei Kedushah/Mitzvah 12. The division of Yerushalayim
13. Binyamin 14. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh

jweinstein asked:

Dear Rav shlita,

The gemara details how "yerusalim" was split (according to one tanna). The areas describe as either Yehuda's or Binyamin's seems to be very limited! How are like the Old City - outside the Temple wall treated?

1) Is this not part of Yerushalim?

2) The gemara also discusses the ability to rent lodging. I would think that these areas are outside the listing of the gemara (hal, ulam etc.). But assuming the area was devised to one tribe, which one received this land?

Thank you for your help and this wonderful website!

Yossie Weinstein

jweinstein, new york, ny

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yossie

Hello there and thanks for your question. Clearly from the Pesukim in Yehoshua (15:63, 18:28) and Shoftim (1:8, 21) Yerushalayim was in the territory of both Yehudah and Binyamin. The Gemara does not go into detail how this system worked in Yerushalayim, as it did not have any halachic implications. (I assume the border between the two had some topographical logic to it.) In the case of Har ha'Bayis however the Mizbe'ach had to be in the area belonging to Binyamin, while the Lishkas ha'Gazis was in Yehudah's area (see Zevachim 54b), thus it being necessary to go into the details.

All the best.

Y. Landy