More Discussions for this daf
1. Laws of Yerushalayim 2. Kedushah of a Shul 3. Wrapping a Mes Mitzvah with a Sefer Torah
4. Removing Kedushah from a Shul 5. Contradiction in Rashi 6. Permissibility of transferring ownership of a Shul
7. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh 8. The number of Aliyos on a Ta'anis 9. Tashmishim
10. Tefilin straps 11. Tashmishei Kedushah/Mitzvah 12. The division of Yerushalayim
13. Binyamin 14. Ma'alin ba'Kodesh

ariel grenberg asks:

why is removing kedusha off a shul based on money and redemtion?

why should it be like maaser sheni? is there a special limud from maaser sheni? thats a gezaras hakasuv so people dont need to take their spoilable fruit to Yerushalayim. how does the gemaras know it comes off at all ? For example, can i buy off a teffilin bag also from its kedusha?

ariel grenberg, yavneel Israel

The Kollel replies:

The Bi'ur Halachah (OC153, DH "Rasha'im") explains that there is actually an argument among the Rishonim whether a redemption is needed by the seven Tuvei ha'Ir (Ran) or whether they can just proclaim it to be Chulin (Ramban). This clearly means that the Ramban does not hold it is dependent on redemption at all, and that there is clearly no Gezeiras ha'Kasuv from Ma'aser Sheini.

According to the Ran that this is dependent on redemption (not money, as even he agrees the Kedushah can be placed on another item), this is only regarding a shul, and not Tefilin bags, since "the honor of its holiness" is very great. The Magen Avraham (153:27) says that the Ran's opinion is based on a Tosefta.

(Regarding the many different types of Tefilin bags and their holiness, see Ginzei ha'Kodesh (6:15).)

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose