More Discussions for this daf
1. Rambam mentioned by Tosafos 2. Salted Food and Bread 3. Dementia/Alzheimer
4. Fruits of Ginosar 5. Question 6. Berachos 044: Sudni and Wearing Tefilin at night
7. Hash-m, Birkas haMazon 8. Ginosaur 9. Peiros Ginosaur
10. A thousand fruits, according to the Maharshal 11. ברבינו יונה ד"ה ולא פליגי

David Strimling asks:

I believe that this observation is very important and would like to be sure that it is responded to. On today's daf, the PP reads: "(a)(Mishnah): If one was served salted food and bread,.." It leaves out the very important idea that the salted food is served FIRST! I think this mistake should be corrected.

David Strimling, Ra'anana, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Indeed. the Meiri brings from the Raavad like you say, but I think that most Meforshim do not learn this way. Tosfos Yom Tov explains that 'first' just excludes if he EATS the bread first, and so rules the Mishnah Brurah 212:9. Tosfos clearly holds that if the Tefel were served with the Ikar, and he knew that he will eat both, he blesses only on the Ikar (see the end of Tosfos, why the Peros did not exempt the salted food).Since Rashi did not mention that it matters which is served FIRST, I think that he learns like Tosfos and Tosfos Yom Tov. I therefore explain the Mishnah to connote that they are served together, and the Mishnah rules that one should bless on the Ikar.

I did not include that he must eat the Ikar first, even thought we rule like this, for the Gemara and Rashi do not discuss this.

Pesach Feldman