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10. A thousand fruits, according to the Maharshal 11. ברבינו יונה ד"ה ולא פליגי

Yehoash Orange asked:

In Brochos, 44a, we find that the Rabbonim praised the fruits of Eretz Yisroel by eating large quantities. The Gemara states that Raish Lakish ate until he lost his presence of mind. Then, R' Yochanan sent a message to Rav Yehuda Hanasi about Raish Lakish and Rav Yehuda Hanasi sent people to carry Raish Lakish back home.

I was wondering if this Gemara can be read differently. Raish Lakish ate until he lost his presence of mind. And now, a new story is that Rav Yochanan sent a message to Rav Yehuda Hanasi (that the fruit are ripe, ready for the picking) and Rav Yehuda Hanasi sent carriers to get the fruit.

Yehoash Orange, Brooklyn NY

The Kollel replies:

The Dikduk of the Gemara does not seem to refer to fruit, but rather to a person. This is evident in the words "Ley" -- "to him" and "Abasrey" -- "after him." Unless there is a different text, I don't see this as a viable explanation.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose