Tosfot asks why the gemara here doesn't ask in the way it starts in the beginning of the masechta. But the gemara effectively answers the same way. That is, it answers why we make brachos just as the gemara answers in the beginning why we say shema. I don't really get what's bothering tosfot
EK, Ny ny
Dear EK,
The Gemara 2a asks: The Mishna starts "when is Krias Shema" - but first bring the source that Krias Shema exists as a Mitzva, and then ask when ! (The Gemara answers that the Pasuk tells us of the Mitzva and so the Gemara immediately asks when)
Here also asks Tosfos- how can the Mishna say Keitzad (how)- first explain that a Bracha is needed and then ask what are the words! Wwhy didn't the gemara ask here like it did on 2a?
Answers Tosfos- we know from Sevara that a Bracha should be said, and therefore the Gemara asks immediately Keitzad, and does not ask the type of question that it asked on 2a.
All the best, Reuven Weiner