More Discussions for this daf
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4. Chutz Min ha'Yayin 5. A Sevara for Berachos 6. First Tosfos DH Keitzad
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10. Is logic as strong as a Biblical edict? 11. Rebbi Yehudah's opinion, and ha'Gagen/ha'Gefen 12. Kavanah For Tefilah
13. Tosfos DH Keitzad 14. Derech Eretz 15. The ideal in Torah learning
16. Fasting for a bad dream 17. The source for reciting Berachos 18. Special blessings for wine and bread
19. harmful effects of olive oil 20. The blessing for olive oil 21. Shirah of the Levi'im
22. ברכת על הגפן

Chaim Ozer Shulman asked:

1) Berachos 35b - R'Sh'b'Y' says Efshar Choresh Bishaas Zriah ... Torah Ma
T'hei Aleha. But donsn't R'Sh'b'Y' himself say in Menachos 99b that
ViHagisa is satisfied with Kriyas Shma Shacris and Arvis?

2) Berachos 34b Rav Kahana Chazif Al Man D'mefarash Chetei. Rashi says
because of chilul hashem. Tosafos says because it shows he's not
embarressed. What about because if people hear about it, they will
assume "everyone does it" and they will commit such sins too?

The Kollel replies:

1) Excellent question! Tosfos Rabeinu Yehudah ha'Chasid answers that Raban Shimon Bar Yochai's statement in Menachos is referring to the minimal learning required by law. His opinion here in Berachos, on the other hand, is referring to the ideal .

2) What you suggest is indeed a possible answer, and is probably included in Rashi's explanation, that it is a "Chilul Hash-m."