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13. Tosfos DH Keitzad 14. Derech Eretz 15. The ideal in Torah learning
16. Fasting for a bad dream 17. The source for reciting Berachos 18. Special blessings for wine and bread
19. harmful effects of olive oil 20. The blessing for olive oil 21. Shirah of the Levi'im
22. ברכת על הגפן

Moishe Schloss asks:

Explain the contradiction of:

'Derech Eretz Kadmah l'Torah' and 'Torah Im Derech Eretz'

Moishe Schloss, London, England

The Kollel replies:

Dear R' Schloss,

I may be missing something, but I do not immediately see a contradiction in the two statements regarding "Derech Eretz." The first statement, from Vayikra Rabah 9:3, uses "Derech Eretz" to refer to decent and upstanding human behavior that precedes the legal instruction of the Torah's laws. The second statement, from Mishnah Avos 2:2, suggests engaging in "Derech Eretz," which means a craft or profession, alongside studying Torah.

Perhaps you are referring to the discussion between Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Shimon? If there is something contradictory about these statements or some aspect that I may have overlooked, please let me know.

Warmest regards,

Yishai Rasowsky