In your point by point summary (on daf 3b points 3j,k,l) you explain that R. Aba bar Kahana's statement is going on what "pertaining to the Mes" means.
In your review answers (on daf 3b answer 6b) you explain that it is going on what is forbidden to say.
Mordechai Cutler, Chicago, IL.. USA
Rashi clearly says that R. Aba bar Kahana is coming to qualify what is forbidden to speak before a Meis (as is evident from the Gemara itself). It therefore seems that although 'Point by Point Summary' comments directly on the previous statement in the Gemara, which is 'Devarav shel Meis', it is referring to where it is not Devarav shel Meis (and therefore forbidden).
R. Eliezer Chrysler