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19. A Handful Doesn't Feed a Lion 20. Sending out to war 21. Times of the Mishmaros; When is midnight
22. Ashmuros; Urim v'Tumim 23. King David's harp 24. Fooling the angels; 3 or 4 Ashmuros
25. King David sending the nation to war 26. Source for Ashmoros 27. query
28. חצות לילה היה עוסק בדברי תורה

joseoh asks:

The sanhedrin ask dovid for help feeding the poor. Dovid first suggests taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. The rabbis respond a handful does not feed a lion and a hole does not fill itself(meaning israel cannot sustain itself). Isnt that against a passuk in devarim 8:9 which says Israel can sustain itself?

joseoh, woodmere, ny

The Kollel replies:

To be sure, Eretz Yisrael is able to sustain itself. But like all Berachos, that only applies when Yisrael are worthy; see, for example, the Berachos and Kelalos in Bechukosai. Without specifying why Yisrael were not worthy in the time of David ha'Melech, the very fact that there were so many poor people is, in itself, a proof that they were not, as Rashi points out in Devarim 15:4.

As a matter of fact, David ha'Melech himself lost the merit of building the Beis ha'Mikdash because he refused to submit to the ongoing request of the Sanhedrin to open the treasury that contained funds for the Beis ha'Mikdash to provide for the poor. But that will of course not explain why the land did not provide for the poor.

Wishing you and your family a Kesivah v'Chasimah Tovah.


Eliezer Chrysler