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28. חצות לילה היה עוסק בדברי תורה

Elisha Yagudayev asks:

Why would they first got to Achitophel to learn battle strategies, wouldn't it make more sense to first confirm from the sanhedrin that it was okay to go to war, and then plan for it?

Thank you Rav

Elisha Yagudayev, Flushing, United States

The Kollel replies:

We can say that until the plans are set, Sanhedrin cannot decide whether it is worth proceeding. The Sefer Chodesh ha'Aviv says that the plans take a long time and Sanhedrin needs to be asked close to the attack.

Rashi seems to learn differently: Sanhedrin is consulted in order that they should pray for them (some learn this is besides the reason of getting permission). Based on this, we can say that prayer is better when its more specific and therefore should be after the plans are set.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner