Why does R'Nassan on 3b, who holds that the night consists of 3 watches, use the verse in Shoftim to prove his reason, and not use the same verse as R'Eliezer on 3a in Yirmiyahu of learning from the 3 roarings? (Or, alternatively, why does R'Eliezer not use R'Nassan's verse?)
Benjie Fine, Manchester, UK
I don't see much of a question on Rebbi Nasan. The Pasuk in Shoftim explicitly says, "Rosh Ashmores ha'Tichonah," which is exactly what Rebbi Nasan is discussing. Rebbi Eliezer didn't use his verse as part of what he is saying is that Hash-m roars like a lion, which can only be derived from the Pasuk in Yirmiyah, not the Pasuk in Shoftim.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose