(a) how can you wrap a niftar -mes mitzvah with the wrapping of a sefer torah? why isnt that a yeridah?
(b) and then can you wrap a private mes with the wrapping of a private sefer torah?
ariel grenberg, yavneel Israel
Dear Ariel,
(a) The Gemara says that wrapping the Mes Mitzvah with a Mitpachas Sefarim is the means of burying the Mitpachas ("Zu Hee Genizasan"). Since you are burying the wrapping, not using it, it is not considered a Yeridah.
(b) I do not think you could use a personal Mitpachas Sefarim to wrap a regular Mes. The reason is as follows.
The Sha"ch and Ta"z (YD 282:11) both say that one is permitted to use a Mitpachas Sefarim for a Mes Mitzvah - not obligated. The Me'iri (quoted by the Mishnah Berurah 154, comment #21) gives the reason - since the needs of the Mes Mitzvah fall upon the Tzibur, therefore the Tzibur is allowed to use Tzibur property for the burial. No such Heter exists for a regular Mes. The family must buy Tachrichin.
Yonasan Sigler
This is not a Psak Halachah