
What do we learn from "Semach Bachur b'Yaldusecha vi'Tivcha Libcha bi'Mei Vechurosecha [v'Halech b'Darchei Libecha uv'Mar'ei Einecha v'Da Ki Al Kol Eleh Yevi'acha Elokim ba'Mishpat]"?


Shabbos 63b #1: The Reisha (until "v'Da") is the enticement of the Yetzer ha'Ra [to indulge in every desire]. Afterwards are Divrei ha'Yetzer Tov [that you will be judged for everything].


Shabbos 63b #2: The Reisha discusses Divrei Torah (learn whatever you desire). Afterwards it discusses good deeds 1 .


Rashi: This is like one who tells his servant and son 'sin much, for you will be stricken once for everything.'


Ibn Ezra: Since everything is Hevel, rejoice, i.e. do evil. This is like "Alai Peleshes Hisro'a'i" (Tehilim 60:10) - and see what I will do to you, and "Sisi v'Simchi Bas Edom Yosheves b'Eretz Utz" (Eichah 4:21).


Rashbam: Semach when you are a Yeled (child), vi'Tivcha Libcha when you are a Bachur (adolescent).


Rid: Fulfill all desires of your Nefesh in this world.


Seforno: Rejoice in the perfection that you attained in your youth, when you do not have distractions and scary matters. The text that one learns in his youth [is better 2 - Shabbos 21b].


Metzudas David: Adolescent - rejoice in the good that you had in childhood, for surely then you did not sin amidst great good, since you were a child. Also now, in the days of adolescence, do good for your heart and be happy.


Rashi (63b): One will be judged about how well he fulfilled what he learned. Maharsha - he is judged also about his learning. "V'Halech..." discusses deeds, and "... Yevi'acha Elokim ba'Mishpat" applies to learning and deeds).


Rashi (21b): One remembers better what he learns in his youth. (Perhaps Seforno explains like Rav Elyashiv (21b), that the learning of one's youth is like writing on new paper (Avos 4:20); it is clear. - PF)


What is the meaning of "vi'Ytivecha Libecha"?


Ibn Ezra: There are three kinds of Tov ha'Lev. (a) It is good by itself - "va'Yitav Libo" (Rus 3:7). (b) The heart does good to its owner - "vi'Tivecha Libecha." (c) He improves by himself - "Hemah Metivim Es Libam" (Shoftim 19:22).


Seforno: What you attained in your childhood will help you to increase perfection in adolescence - if you heard old (Drashos), you will hear new (Brachos 40a).


Metzudas David: This is like "Semach Bachur"; the matter is repeated in different words.


What are "Darchei Libecha" [and "Mer'ei Einecha"]?


Refer to 11:9:1:1-4, 6.


Ibn Ezra: This is like "v'Lo Sasuru Acharei Levavchem v'Acharei Eineichem" (Bamidbar 15:39).


Seforno: In the ways of intellect that you already attained. They are always for a good purpose.


Metzudas David: Do what your heart thinks, and what your eyes show to you and you desire it.


Why does it say "v'Da"?


Rid: Realize that this world is not Hefker. Do your deeds with fear and the yoke of Shamayim, and do not sin.


Metzudas David: Know that if there is sin in your deeds, you will be punished for it. Therefore, inspect your deeds very much, to ensure that there is no sin in them.


What is "Kol Eleh"?


Ibn Ezra: The Simchah, and going in the way of the heart and what the eye sees.


Rashbam: All these days.


Seforno: Investigation and deed. Know in front of Whom you toil, and that you will need to give reckoning in the future! (Avos 3:1)

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