
Why does it say "Misdapkim", a Hispa'el conjugation?


Radak: It is knocking on the door, like "Kol Dodi Dofek" (Shir ha'Shirim 5:2). In Sefer Michlol, I explained why it is Hispa'el.


Malbim: It is Hispa'el because it is an illusory action, like Mis'asher, Misroshesh 1 . They appeared to bang, but did not really bang, for they did not come for war.


"Yesh Mis'asher v'Ein Kol Misroshesh v'Hon Rav" (Mishlei 13:7; he seems to be rich, but has nothing; [another] seems to be poor, but has great wealth. - PF)


What was their intent "v'Neda'enu"?


Rashi: We will sodomize him. Radak - he said "Osi Dimu Laharog" (20:5), because he would have forfeited his life rather than consent to this. Or, he euphemistically called it murder. Malbim (20:5) - I surely would have died had they all sodomized me.


Radak: Perhaps they intended to kill him, like he said "Osi Dimu Laharog" (20:5).


Their Aveirah was like that of Sedom. Why was Sedom punished from Shamayim, and Anshei Giv'ah were not?


Ramban (Bereishis 19:8): Anshei Sedom's intent was to stop people from passing through, and everyone gathered. Here, it was due to lust, and not everyone gathered, but there were powerful officers there, therefore others feared to protest.


Malbim: There is a difference between a Rasha and a sinner. Anshei Sedom sinned through intellect. They made bad statutes and laws that inhibit civil life. They accepted these laws to be righteous laws, that a guest may not pass through them, and one who transgresses will be punished according to their etiquette. Their actions were not based on desire, rather, due to their corrupt rules. Anshei Giv'ah did not do so due to intellect, nor due to statutes, rather, due to their lust. They did not host the man due to stinginess. 1 They wanted to Sodomize him only due to lust. A proof of this is that (a) Lot hosted the angels covertly, and they wanted to lodge in the street, amidst fear 2 of the laws. The elder in Giv'ah entered them in public. (b) Everyone in Sedom gathered to Lot's house, for he violated their law. In Giv'ah, the lowly people who lusted gathered, but not everyone. They did not do so due to the laws, rather, against them. (c) In Sedom it says "Nasabu Al ha'Bayis" (Bereishis 19:4), to fight the Ba'al ha'Bayis for transgressing their rules. Here it says "Nasabu Es ha'Bayis", to guard lest the guest leave. They did not desire the elder's daughter 3 , for they did not want to harm him. 4 They did not come to fight (refer to 19:22:1:2). In Sedom, it says "va'Yigshu Lishbor ha'Deles" (Bereishis 19:9). Lot closed the door, for he feared them. The elder did not close the door; he did not fear lest they enter. (d) The elder said "do not do this Nevalah" - they recognized that it is an abomination. Lot did not say so, for their demand was good according to their laws.


He had donkeys laden with all their needs, and did not request anything! Perhaps they did not know this, or they would need to give water to wash (he said "Ein Machsor Kol Davar" (verse 19), for water is very cheap and normal people are not adamant about it) or lend sheets to sleep on, or did not want to risk their property (perhaps he intends to steal from his host). (PF)


Obviously, the angels had nothing to fear! Rather, they acted like people who heard about Sedom's laws, and feared due to them. (PF)


Why did they request only the man, and not his Pilegesh or youth? It seems that many Anshei Giv'ah came, and some needed to wait until the end of the night to rape her! Perhaps the one who spread word said only that the elder took in 'a traveler.' They said "Ish"; [unless the youth was a minor,] they did not specify which man! Alternatively, perhaps they desired the husband, for they had seen that he is very attractive. The Pilegesh was dressed modestly, and their thoughts and lust for her were not aroused until she was handed over to them. (PF)


Abarvenel: He was among the esteemed of the city; they did not want to disgrace him

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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