
What is "Hotzen"?


Rashi citing Dunash: It is a war weapon.


Rashi #1: It is surrounding camps, like "veli'Tzninim b'Tzideichem" (Bamidbar 33:55); its Targum is ul'Mashiryan Mekapnechon.


Rashi citing Menachem: This is [a shield 1 ,] like "Tzinah v'Socherah" (Tehilim 91:4).


Rashi #2: Hotzen is like Chotzen ? "v'Hevi'u Vanecha b'Chotzen" (Yeshayah 49:22). It is with force, i.e. an army.


Radak, Malbim: It is a kind of chariot, or a weapon. There is nothing like this in Tanach. Perhaps it is a general term for all weapons.


Rashi: Dunash disagreed. The Targum 'b'Manei Zeyana' (with weapons) supports him. It is as if it says b'Hotzen.


What are "Tzinah u'Magen v'Kova"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Armed with shields and helmets.


What Mishpat will He put in front of them?


Rashi: What I should judge [Yehudah], I will make [Kasdim] my messengers to do justice.


Radak: They will judge you. I.e. My hand will be with them to destroy you.


Malbim: When they will come, I will arrange in front of them My judgment for being Mezanah under your Husband ? "u'Va'u v'Nasnu Ish Kis'o Pesach Sha'arei Yerushalayim?; v'Dibarti Mishpatai Osam al Kol Ra'asam" (Yirmeyah 1:15-16). The verse depicts that Bavel's army will be the judges, and Hashem will be the litigant who arranges his claims in front of them. This judgment and punishment will be according to Hashem's laws and His claims against them. There will be a second judgment; refer to 23:24:4:3.


Why will they judge you "b'Mishpeteihem"?


Rashi: They are laws that I did not write in My Torah; it is their etiquette, i.e. blinding Tzidkiyah's eyes.


Radak: You loved their customs and laws. Therefore, I will put you in their hands to judge you like their custom to judge a rebel. They slaughtered Tzidkiyah's sons in front of his eyes, and slaughtered all officers of Yehudah, and blinded Tzidkiyah's eyes.


Malbim: The judges themselves will punish according to their etiquette and laws.

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