
Yosef too, had two similar dreams; but they were not fulfilled quickly!


Rashbam, Rosh (to Bereishis 37:3), Moshav Zekenim (to Bereishis 37:7), Riva: That is because Yosef did not dream them on the same night. 1


Moshav Zekenim (to 37:7): The interpretations of Yosef's two dreams were different. In the first, his brothers bowed to him due to grain. In the second, also his father bowed to him. This was fulfilled before he died (47:31). 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Repetition teaches only that it will be fulfilled. There is a different source that Pharaoh's dream will come immediately. Refer to 41:32:3:1*.


Moshav Zekenim says that there was a month or year between the dreams. (If it was a year, Yosef was separated from Yaakov at most 21 years. Megilah 17a says that he was away 22 years, and Moshav Zekenim (to Bereishis 37:2) brings so from the Ri! - PF)


The dream foretold that also his mother and brothers would bow to him with his father!


Why were the dreams of the butler and the baker not repeated? They were fulfilled promptly!


Oznayim la'Torah #1: The fact that each one dreamt the interpretation of the other one's dream is considered as if they dreamt their dreams twice.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Every dream that is dreamt twice is bound to materialize soon, but not every dream that is destined to materialize soon is dreamt twice.


How could Yosef infer from the fact that Pharaoh dreamt his dream 'twice'? There are reasons why he needed to dream about cows and grain (refer to 41:2:1; and 41:24:151:1)!


Ramban #1: Because he could just as well have dreamt about the cows and the sheaves in the same dream (without waking up in the middle).


Ramban #2 (citing the Ibn Ezra): Seeing as the main message lay in the famine, 1 it would have served its purpose had Pharaoh dreamt exclusively about the sheaves.


Ohr ha'Chayim: Since both came in the same night, without days in between, this shows that Hashem will do it right away.


Ha'amek Davar: Pharaoh woke in between, to teach that he should rush and be alert to do what is incumbent on him.


Refer to 41:27:1:1.


What do we learn from, "Ki Nachon ha'Davar me'Im ha'Elokim"?


Berachos 55b: When a dream is repeated, it is bound to materialize. 1


R. Bechayei citing R. Chananel: The years of plenty will begin promptly. "U'Memaher..." - the years of famine will be right after them.


Malbim: It is an unconditional decree; Teshuvah will not avert it.


Oznayim la'Torah: And the speeding of its fruition is another issue is learned from the fact that Pharaoh had the dreams, for only he can prepare for the famine immediately. (How can we infer this? If someone else had the dream, why would everyone heed its interpretation? Further, a commoner would assume that his dream applies only to his own fortune (regarding food, or having daughters...)! Perhaps after seeing phenomenal abundance in the next two years in all of Egypt, he would realize the true interpretation and publicize it, and after another one or two years of phenomenal abundance, people would believe and start saving grain. Pharaoh had the dream, so everyone would start saving immediately. - PF)


Why was Hashem in a hurry to bring Pharaoh's dream to fruition?


Because the time had arrived for Yosef to be united with his father and for Galus Mitzrayim to begin (EC). 1


It was time for Yosef to reign, and Hashem does not allow anything to delay a king's reign (Berachos 48b). (PF)


Even though there were nine years before Yaakov would descend to see Yosef and begin the exile, Hashem wanted to precede this with seven years of plenty and two years of famine, to bring great wealth to Egypt, and so that they would revere Yaakov for causing the famine to cease.... (PF)


Why does it say "Hishanos"?


Ohr ha'Chayim: Hashem repeated the dream in a Shinuy (different form), lest Pharaoh think that he dreamed again based on what he was thinking about (what he saw in the first dream).


Ha'amek Davar: This alludes to two questions - why the dream was repeated in two ways, and why he awoke in between.


Why does it say "El Pharaoh"? This is superfluous!


Ha'amek Davar: He dreamed about animals and grain to teach about the degree of scarcity in other lands (refer to 41:5:1:4 and the note there). Yosef explained to Pharaoh only what pertains to him (i.e. in Egypt).

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