
Having just said (in 3:7) that He has heard Yisrael's cries, why does Hashem say here that their cries have reached him?


Ramban: Since the Egyptians had gone too far in their oppression of Yisrael, their cries had reached the Heavenly Throne. 1 Consequently, Hashem would no longer turn a blind eye to what Pharaoh was doing, but would proceed to take action.


Seforno: He meant that He had accepted their prayers, because they were genuine. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Having revealed to Moshe His plan to take Yisrael out of Egypt and to take them to the land of the seven nations, He informs him that He now wants to implement the first part of His plan - to punish Pharaoh and take Yisrael out of Egypt, through him. 3


Ramban: As in Divrei Hayamim II 28:9.


Seforno: Not like the prayers mentioned in Tehilim 78:36.


Oznayim la'Torah: Hinting to Moshe that the second part of the plan would be carried out by somebody else, which prompted Moshe to declare - "Shelach Na b'Yad Tishlach!" (4:13) - Refer to 4:13:1:2.


What was Hashem adding when He concluded, "and I have also seen the oppression... "?


Ramban and Seforno: He was telling Moshe that He was about to avenge what Pharaoh and his people had done to Yisrael, for going beyond the decree to subjugate Yisrael. 1


Seforno: See Zecharyah 1:15; and refer to Bereishis 15:14:1:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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