What are the connotations of "Venasati Panai bachem"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: It means that I will turn from all My other activities in order to punish you. 1
Targum Onkelos: It means that I will turn My anger upon you.
What is the meaning of "Venigaftem lifnei Oyveichem"?
Rashi: It means that you will die by a plague in the house, whilst the enemies encircle you from the outside. 1
And prevent you from escaping the plague.
Why will the enemy not pursue us?
Rashi: Because they will see how weak we are and it is not worth the effort to do so.
What is the meaning of "Veradu bachem Son'eichem"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that 'Your enemies will subjugate you".
What are the implications of the word "Veradu bachem Son'eichem"?
Rashi: It implies that Hashem will set-up our enemies from our own people, who will search for our treasures in all the hidden places. 1
Rashi: As in Michah, 2:3. As opposed to foreign armies, who only take what they find - as in Shoftim, 6:3, & 4.
If nobody is chasing us, why should we flee?
Rashi: Because we will be terror-stricken.
Seeing as we do not find in the B'rachos that the enemy will flee even when nobody chases them, it seems that the Midah of punishment exceeds the Midah of good?
Moshav Zekenim: Regarding being chased, Midah Tovah exceeds the Midah of punishment. 1
It is better to flee when there is noone chasing us, than that they catch and kill us. (PF). Refer however, to 26:17:152:1.
Why is it considered a curse that you flee, and no one pursues you? Surely it is preferable that there is no one to catch you and kill you?
Divrei Eliyahu: Becuse the Pasuk writes in Koheles 3:15 "Veha'Elokim Yevakesh es Nirdaf", which teaches us tht Hashem always supports the one who is chased. Conseuently, since no one is chasing you, Hashem will not save you. 1
Even if a Tzadik is chasing a Rasha. (Vayikra Rabah 27:5).