
Why were Yehudah, Reuven, Efrayim and Dan chosen to lead the four Degalim?


Oznayim la'Torah #1: So that, with the exception of the camp of Dan, 1 they would combine with their two maternal brothers, 2 who are generally particularly close 3 - for the sake of peace.


Oznayim la'Torah #2 (citing Abarbanel): Because they represented the four Chayos that supported the Kisei ha'Kavod 4 - a lion (king of the Chayos), a man (king of the world), an ox (king of the Beheimos) and an eagle (king of the birds). 5


The Kisei ha'Kavod. Refer to 1:15:1:1.


See Oznayim la?Torah, DH ?Degel Machaneh Yehudah #3.


Oznayim la'Torah: As hinted in Re'ei, Devarim, 13:7 "Ki Yesischa Achicha ben Imecna" - See Kidushin 80b.


Which Yechezkel saw in his opening vision (Oznayim la'Torah).


Although the other tribes did not have a large flag, each tribe had a small flag ? a piece of cloth dyed with the color of its stone on the Choshen with its own appropriate picture: Shimon ? a picture of Sh?chem; Levi ? Urim ve?Tumim; Yisachar ? a sun and a moon (?Yod?ei Binah la?Itim?) Zevulsun ?a ship; Menasheh ? Binyami ? a wolf; Gad ? a troop of soldiers; Asher ? an olive-tree.


What is the meaning of the word "Keidmah"?


Rashi: It means 'on the east side', since Degel Machaneh Yehudah was the first to travel. 1


Rashi: Which is synonymous with 'in front' or 'first'; and the west is therefore called "Achor" ('at the back' or 'last'). Rosh ? Yehudah is always first - for the Degalim, for Korbanos Chanukas ha'Mishkan, for war, and to be informed of the Ge'ulah.


Why did specifically Yisachar and Zevulun join Yehudah to form Degel Machaneh Yehudah?


Ramban #1 (in Pasuk 2): Together with the three tribes of Degel Machaneh Reuven - Reuven, Shimon and Gad, they comprised the sons of Le'ah - including Gad, 1 the firstborn of her maidservant Zilpah.


Ramban #2: Refer to 2:2:3:1**.


Oznayim la'Torah: Because Yehudah represented the Crown of Malchus and Yisachar (who were Talmidei-Chachamim) and Zevulun (who supported them) the Crown of Torah - which go hand in hand. 2


To replace Levi, who did not encamp together with the other tribes. Refer to Bereishis, 12:1:1:1*.


See Oznayim la'Torah on Pasuk 5, who elaborates on the role of the B'nei Zevulun and their relationship with the B'nei Yisachar.


Why did the three tribes that comprised Degel Machaneh Yehudah (Yehudah, Yisachar and Zevulun) encamp specifically in the east?


Ramban (citing Midrash Rabah) 1 : Hashem said to Moshe: 'Yehudah, the designated sovereign, 2 shall encamp in the east, from where light comes to the world; next to him, is Yisachar, the master of Torah, 3 and then Zevulun, the master of wealth. 4 They will travel first!' 5


Hadar Zekenim: Yehudah was a king, and it was Kavod for the Mishkan that the king is in the east.


Refer also to 2:2:4:1.


Which is called 'light' (See R. Chavel's footnotes).


See R. Chavel's footnotes.


See Vay'chi, Bereishis 49:13 and ve'Zos ha'Berachah, Devarim 33:19. See also R. Chavel's footnotes, who explains that Torah and wealth are also called 'light.'


As the Pasuk writes in Michah, 2:13 "Vaya'avor Malkam Lifneihem, va'Hashem be'Rosham".


What was the area of each Machaneh and of the whole of Machaneh Yisrael, including Machaneh Leviyah?


Targum Yonasan: The area of each Machaneh ? including that of Machaneh Leviyah - was four by four Mil, and the total area twelve by twelve Milin. 1


Which is synonymous with one Parsah and three Parsa'os, respectively.


Why does the Torah write "ve'ha'Chonim" - with a 'Vav' - only by Degel Machaneh Yehudah?


Alshich: To prevent Yehudah from becoming proud or the other tribes from shame, due to the fact that Yehudah was the first - because "ve'ha'Chonim" implies that others preceded them. 1


We find a similar idea regarding the Chanukas ha'Mizbe'ach of the Nesi'im. Refer to 7:12:1:1. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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