
When did he speak to his heart?


Rashi: It was after he descended from his grandeur (refer to 1:12:1:1).


What is the significance of speaking to his heart?


Ibn Ezra: The Ru'ach dwells in the heart. The heart is the first matter created in man. It is like a king, and the brain is the head general. The heart is a nickname for Chachmah, Sechel and thoughts of Binah, for it is the primary chariot for man's supreme Neshamah. Similarly, speech is attributed to the lips, for it comes from them. It says "Lev Chacham v'Navon" (Melachim I, 3:12), "Koneh Lev Ohev Nafsho" (Mishlei 19:8).


R. Avigdor: The heart does 10 things. It sees ("v'Libi Ra'ah"), speaks ("Dibarti Ani Im Libi", knows ("Lev Yode'a Maras Nafsho" - Mishlei 14:10), screams ("Tza'ak Libam El Hashem" - Eichah 2:18), hears ("v'Nasata l'Avdecha Lev Shome'a" - Melachim I, 3:9), stands ("ha'Ya'amod Libech" - Yechezkel 22:14), goes "(Halach Libi" - Iyov 31:7), falls ("Al Yipol Lev Adam Alav" - Shmuel I, 17:32), rejoices ("Lachen Yismach Libi" - Tehilim 16:9) and is consoled ("Dabru Al Lev Yerushalayim" - Yeshayah 40:2).


Metzudas David: He thought to himself; he did not speak to someone else.


What do we learn from "Leimor"?


Rashi (according to Sifsei Chachamim): This is what he said to his heart - who will say about me, that I will come to this Midah?


Rashbam: I said the following.


How did he aggrandize and increase Chachmah?


Ibn Ezra: He connected and learned Chachmah of the early Chachamim, and added to it.


Seforno: Via investigation.


Metzudas David: I had grandeur, which widens the heart. I engaged much to greatly increase Chachmah over the previous kings of Yerushalayim 1 .


Metzudas David: Perhaps he discusses Nochri kings. [Within Yisrael,] only his father David ruled over Yerushalayim [before him]! (Presumably, Malki Tzedek was a Chacham. Perhaps he was succeeded by Chachamim. - PF)


What is "Kol Asher Hayah Lefanai"?


Rashbam: More than all the Chachamim in Yerushalayim, before I was born.


Ri Kara: Any previous king of Yerushalayim. (Refer to 1:16:4:3) 1 .


What other Chachamim ruled over Yerushalayim before him, other than David and Malki Tzedek?


Why does it add "v'Libi Ra'ah Harbe Chachmah v'Da'as"?


Ibn Ezra: I saw much Chachmah that I did not connect. Harbe is a noun that can apply also to the plural - "Harbe Yihyu" (11:8). Also "Reikam" (Bereishis 31:42, can apply to the singular, masculine or feminine, and the plural). The verb [from which Harbe comes] has a Kamatz [under the Beis] - "Harbah Erbeh" (Bereishis 3:16).


Ri Kara: My heart chose much Chachmah and Da'as. This is like "Hishamer Lecha Pen Ta'aleh Olosecha b'Chol Makom Asher Tir'eh" (Devarim 12:13), i.e. that you will choose.


Seforno: It saw investigations of previous Chachamim, and consequences of their premises.


Metzudas David, Metzudas Tziyon: I 'saw' with understanding of the heart - "Re'eh Devarecha Tovim" (Shmuel II, 15:3).

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