
STANDING CROPS AND EARS (Yerushalmi Ma'asros Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1b)

øá çñãà àîø äá÷éø ÷îä åçæø åæëä áä åòáø åäôøéù îîðä úøåîä äøé æå úøåîä. [äá÷éø ùáìéí åçæø åæëä áäï åäôøéù îäí úøåîä àéðä úøåîä]


(Rav Chisda): If a person declared his standing crops to be Hefker (ownerless) and then acquired them again and (harvested them and) separated Terumah from them, it is valid Terumah. If he declared (detached) ears to be Hekfer and then acquired them again and separated Terumah from them, it is invalid Terumah.

îä áéï ÷îä ìùéáìéï ÷îä òã ùìà äá÷éøä òáø åäôøéù îîðä úøåîä àéðä úøåîä ùéáìéï òã ùìà äá÷éøï òáø åäôøéù îäï úøåîä äøé æå úøåîä.


What's the difference between standing crops and ears? Standing crops - if before he declared them Hefker, he separated Terumah from them; it is invalid Terumah (since it was separated whilst still attached to the ground). Ears - if before he declared them Hefker he separated from them Terumah, it is valid Terumah.

øá çéððà áùí øá çñãà àó áä÷ãù ëï.


(Rav Chinana citing Rav Chisda): There is a similar difference between standing crops and ears in the laws of Hekdesh.

îéìéäåï ãøáðéï ôìéâéï ãàîø øáé éåçðï áùí øáé éðàé (ãáøéí éã) åáà äìåé ëé àéï ìå çì÷ åðçìä òîê îîä ùéù ìê åàéï ìå àú çééá ìéúï ìå éöà ì÷è ùéãê åéãå ùååéï áå. äéà ì÷è äéà ùëçä äéà ôéàä äéà äá÷ø.


The Rabbanan disagree with this - R. Yochanan cited from R. Yannai - the pasuk states (Devarim 14:29), "And the Levi will come, as he doesn't have a portion or inheritance with you'' - you are obligated to tithe from that which you have and he does not have. This excludes Leket, as his hand and your hand are equal in it (since a poor Yisrael is also permitted to take it). The same is true for Leket, for Shichechah, for Peah and for Hefker.

[ãó á òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåçðï çáåøä äéä î÷ùä äøé ä÷ãù äøé àéï éãê åéãå ùååéï áå ëîå ùéãê åéãå ùååéï áå.


(R. Yochanan): The Bnei Chaburah asked - Since Hekdesh is prohibited both to the owner and to others; just as you learned from the pasuk that Leket is exempt since his hand and your hand are equal in it, you should also exempt Hekdesh from Ma'asros?

à''ø àéìà îä ðï ÷ééîéï àí áùðúîøç äëøé áøùåú ääá÷ø åáøùåú ää÷ãù àîø äúåøä (ùí) øàùéú ãâðê åìà ùì äá÷ø øàùéú ãâðê åìà ùì ä÷ãù.


(R. Ila): What's the case? If he smoothed the pile (thereby obligating it in Maaser) whilst it was Hefker or it belonged to Hekdesh, the pasuk says (Devarim 18:4), "the beginning of your grain'' but not Hefker or Hekdesh grain.

àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï áùäá÷éø ùéáìéï åçæø åæëä áäï áäá÷ø ôèåø åáä÷ãù çééá


Rather, the case is when he declared ears Hefker and then again acquired them - Hefker is exempt; but such a case of Hekdesh is obligated.

áäá÷ø ôèåø îï ääéà ãàîø øáé éåçðï áùí ø' éðàé (ùí) åáà äìåé ëé àéï ìå çì÷ åðçìä òîê áîä ùéù ìê åàéï ìå àú çééá ìéúï ìå éöà äá÷ø ùéãê åéãå ùååéï áå


Hefker is exempt, as R. Yochanan cited above from R. Yannai, that we learn it from the pasuk, "And the Levi will come etc.''...This excludes Hefker produce, that your hand and his hand is equal.

áä÷ãù çééá îï äãà ä÷ãéù ÷îä åôãä ÷îä çééá.


Hekdesh is obligated, as the Mishnah (in Peah 4:7) teaches, "If a person consecrated standing crops and redeemed them as standing crops, it is obligated in Maaser.

îä áéï äá÷ø îä áéï ä÷ãù äá÷ø éöà éãé áòìéí ä÷ãù [ãó á òîåã à] ìà éöà éãé äâæáø


Why is Hefker different from Hekdesh? Hefker left the possession of the owner (so everyone's hands are equal in it); Hekdesh didn't leave the possession of the treasurer.

à''ø àáéï àôéìå éãé áòìéí ìà éöà îàçø ùàîø ìå ôãä àú øàùåï.


(R. Avin): Hekdesh didn't fully leave the hands of the owner, since he has the first right to redeem it from Hekdesh.

[ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé æòéøà øáé éñà áùí øáé ìòæø äæåøò ùãä äá÷ø çééá áîòùøåú.


(R. Zeira/ R. Yasa citing R. Elazar): One who sows a Hefker field is obligated in Ma'asros.

øáé éåðä îôé÷ ìéùðà áæëä áùãä äá÷ø åâéãåìéä.


R. Yona would say that it's specifically when he acquired the field and its growths that it's obligated in Maaser; otherwise it's exempt.

øáé çééà áø àãà áòé ÷åîé øáé éåçðï ëîäéï åôèøéåú îäå ùéäéå çééáéï áîòùøåú.


Question (R. Chiya bar Ada to R. Yochanan): Are toadstools and mushrooms obligated in Ma'asros?

àîø ìéä øáé éåçðï áùí øáé ñéñéé ëúéá (ãáøéí éã) òùø úòùø àú ëì úáåàú æøòê ãáø ùäåà ðæøò åîöîéç éöàå ëîäéï åôèøéåú ùàéðï ðæøòåú åîöîéçåú.


Answer (R. Yochanan citing R. Sisai): The pasuk states (Devarim 14:22), "You shall tithe all of your seed crop'' - something that is planted and grows - this excludes toadstools and mushrooms that grow without being planted.

øáé éåðä îôé÷ ìéùðà îôðé ùäàøõ ôåìèúï.


R. Yona expressed it by saying that they are exempt because they do not draw nutrients from the ground (but rather from the air).

àó òì ôé ùäåà ùåîøå ìäåñéó àåëì çééá ÷èï åâãåì.


(The Mishnah taught that) even if it's normally left (in the ground) to grow further, whether he picked it earlier or later, it is obligated.

äà àí àéðå ùåîøå ìäåñéó àåëì àéðå çééá ÷èï åâãåì.


The Gemara points out from there, that it's specifically if it begins as food and ends as food that it must be tithed from the beginning; but if it begins as food and he doesn't normally leave it to grow further (as it doesn't end as food), he is exempt from tithing if he picked it at any stage, even at the beginning.

øáé àéîé áùí øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù æå ìäåöéà îãáøé øáï âîìéàì ãúðéðï úîï øáï âîìéàì àåîø úîøåú ùì úìúï åùì çøãì åùì ôåì äìáï çééáåú áîòùøåú.


(R. Imi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): The Mishnah was worded that way to exclude the opinion of Rabban Gamliel, who teaches in a later Mishnah (end of Perek 4) that the buds of fenugreek, mustard and white beans are obligated in Ma'asros (even though they are planted for their seeds, since they are eaten).

àîø øáé éåñé åëé îçîú äàåëì ø''â îçééá îòúä àôéìå éø÷ï àìà øáï âîìéàì àåîø çùåáåú äï ìàåëì åøáðï àîøé àéï çùåáåú ìàåëì.


Question (R. Yosi): Is it because their buds are eaten that Rabban Gamliel obligates them? If so, even their leaves should be obligated?! Rather, Rabban Gamliel says that the buds are considered an independent food and the Rabbanan disagree.

åòåã îï äãà ãúðé [ãó â òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à''ø éäåùò îéîé ìà îìàðé ìáé ìåîø ìàãí öà åì÷åè ìê úîøåú ùì úìúï åùì çøãì åùì ôåì äìáï åùìå÷ ìôåèøï îï äîòùøåú.


Support (Baraisa - R. Yehoshua): I never dared to say to someone, "Go and pick for yourself buds of fenugreek, mustard or white beans and cook them'' to exempt them from Ma'asros. (He was concerned for Rabban Gamliel's opinion that the buds are considered food and obligated in Ma'asros.)

úðé ëì ùúçéìúå àåëì åàéï ñåôå àåëì


(Tosefta): Anything that begins as food but does not end as food (is obligated at the beginning but not at the end).

îä àéú ìê


Question: What would be an example of that?

ëäãà ãúðéà äî÷ééí îìàä ùì àëøåò ìæøò áèìä ãòúå ÷ìçéí éçéãéï ìà áèìä ãòúå.


Answer (Baraisa): One who leaves a full row of Echro'a growing in order to use it for sowing, since others don't do that, his opinion is negated and the vegetable must be tithed. But if he leaves single stems for this purpose, since others do so, they are exempt from Maaser. (Echro'a is something that begins edible and then becomes inedible.)

àîø øáé éåðä åäåà ùìé÷è éø÷ àáì ìà ìé÷è éø÷ ëê àðå [ãó á òîåã á] àåîøéí òöéí çééáéï áîòùøåú.


The first teaching of the Baraisa applies when he picked them when they were still an edible vegetable, but not after they stiffened and became inedible. Is wood obligated in Maaser?!

åëì ùàéï úçéìúå àåëì àáì ñåôå àåëì àéðå çééá òã ùéòùä àåëì.


The Mishnah taught that anything that does not begin as food but ends as food is only obligated when it actually becomes food.

îä àéú ìê


Question: What would be an example of that?

ëäãà ãúðéðï ãáúøä îàéîúé ôéøåú çééáéí áîòùøåú äúàðéí îùéáçéìå:


Answer: (The next Mishnah teaches) When are fruits of the tree obligated in Ma'asros? Figs (are obligated) when their tops turn white (i.e. when they begin to ripen).