PREVENTING THE CONCERN THAT A SNAKE DRANK (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 43a)
äîùîøú ùì ééï øáé (ðçîéä)[éäåãä] àåîø àí äéúä ô÷å÷ä îìîòìä àò''ô ùäéà ôúåçä îìîèï
A wine filter - R. Yehuda says that if the upper container was bunged on top, even if the lower container is uncovered, there is no problem of uncovered liquids. (The wine drips down to the lower container through the filter and the upper container retains the sediment, so the snake is afraid to drink from the lower one because the wine is dripping into it.)
ø' (éäåãä)[ðçîéä] àåîø àí äéúä äúçúåðä îëåñä àò''ô ùäòìéåï îâåìä îåúø îôðé ùàéøñ ðçù òåîã ëñáëä åòîã îìîòìï
(R. Nechemia): If the lower one is covered, even though the upper one is not, it is permitted, since the snake's venom cannot pass through the filter.
à''ø ìòæø áùìà èøó àáì àí èøó àñåø
(R. Elazar): This applies when he didn't mix the wine in the filter (so that it should descend quicker), but if he did, it is prohibited.
ìâéï áúé÷å îåúø îëåñä åàéðå ô÷å÷ àñåø ô÷å÷ åàéðå îëåñä àí äéä ô÷÷å çåõ îåúø
If there's a jug of wine in his bag, it is permitted (as it is covered by the bag). If he put a cover over a vessel but he didn't bung up the opening of the vessel, it is prohibited. If he bunged it up but didn't cover it, if the bung prevents a snake from entering, it is permitted.
úøéï àîåøàéï çã àîø ëãé ùéðèì áôé÷÷å åçøðà àîø ëãé ùìà éëðñ ìúåëå øàù äëøëø
Two Amoraim disagreed - one said that it must be bunged so tight that he could lift up the vessel by its bung. The other said that it must be so tight that a narrow stick used for weaving cannot enter.
àîø øáé áà îàï ãòáã èáàåú ô÷é÷ ìä åîëñä ìä
(R. Ba): One who wishes to be very careful will bung up and cover the vessel.
ìâéï ùäðéçå áùéãä úéáä åîâãì åùëçå åçæø åîåöàå àñåø áã÷ åàçø ëê äðéçå îåúø çã òåáãà àúà ÷åîé øáé áçã ãçîúéä îâìé åîëñé àîø îôðé øùò æä ðé÷ì÷ì àú äëéñåééï
If a vessel of wine was left inside a chest, a box or a cabinet and forgotten; when he returns, the wine is prohibited (as perhaps there had been a snake there before he put it there). If he checked it first beforehand and then put the vessel there, it is permitted. Such a case once came before Rebbi, when a person saw a snake uncover the vessel and then return and cover it. Rebbi said, "Because of this evil one, should we disqualify all of our covers?!''
[ãó òæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à''ø îðà ìà îñúáøà ãìà ääéà òåáãà [ãó îâ òîåã á] ãääåà àñåø
(R. Mana): Even though elsewhere, we aren't concerned that the snake might uncover and then re-cover it, but since it happened this way, the wine is prohibited.
à''ø éøîéä çìá ùì âåé ìîä àñåø îôðé úòøåáú áäîä èîàä
(R. Yirmiyah): Why is milk from gentiles prohibited? Because it might have been mixed with milk from a non-Kasher animal.
åúðéðï òåîã äåà âåé åçåìá áòãø åéùøàì òåîã òì âáéå åàéðå çåùù
Tosefta: A gentile may milk in a flock, with a Jew watching him (even from a distance).
øáà áùí øá éäåãà ø' ñéîåï áùí ø' éäåùò áï ìåé çìá ùì âåé ìîä äåà àñåø îôðé äâéìåé
(Rava citing Rav Yehuda/R. Simon citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Why is milk from gentiles prohibited? Because it has been left uncovered.
Question: Why not curdle it? (If there is snake's venom in it, it will not congeal.)
à''ø ùîåàì áø øá éöç÷ îôðé äàéøñ äòåîã áéï äð÷áéí
Answer (R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak): The venom could unnoticeably rest between the holes in the cheese.
â' àéøñéï äï àøñ ùå÷ò åàøñ öó åàøñ òåîã ëñáëä îìîòìä
There are three types of venom - one type sinks, one type floats and one type stands in the middle.
áéåîåé ãøáé éøîéä àúâìééï âéâééúà ãñãøà øáà ùúåï ÷ãîééï åìà îééúåï àçøééï åîééúåï
In the days of R. Yirmiyah, a barrel of water was left uncovered in the Main Synagogue. Those that drank from it first did not die, but those who drank after them died.
àðé àåîø àøñ ùå÷ò äéä
I say that it was the type of venom that sinks.
ôòìéà äéåï áç÷ìà àéúâìééï ÷åìúà ãîéà åàéùúåï îéðä ÷ãîééï åìà îééúåï àçøééï åîééúåï
A jug of water of some workers in the field was left uncovered. The first ones that drank from it didn't die. Those that drank after them died.
àðé àåîø àøñ ùå÷ò äéä
I say that it was the type of venom that sinks.
åúðé ëï çáéú ùðúâìúä åëï àáèéç ùðé÷ø åàëìå åùúå øàùåðéí ìà éàëìå åéùúå àçøåðéí àðé àåîø àøñ ùå÷ò äåà
Support (Tosefta): If a barrel was left uncovered or a melon was nibbled at; even if people ate and drank from them - one should not do so, as I say that the venom sank.
ééï ùðúâìä åùúå îîðå é' áðé àãí àñåø ìåëì åìùúåú àçøéäï àðé àåîø àøñ ùå÷ò äåà
If wine was left uncovered and 10 people drank from it, it's still prohibited to drink from it as I say that the venom sank.
çîùä îù÷éï àéï áäï îùåí âéìåé äöéø åäîåøééñ åäçåîõ åäùîï åäãáù ø''ù àåñø áãáù îåãéí çëîéí ìø''ù ëùøàå àåúå ðå÷ø
Five liquids are not prohibited if left uncovered - Brine, fish brine, vinegar, oil and honey. R. Shimon prohibits honey. The Chachmim agree to R. Shimon when they saw the snake eating from it.
øáé çéððà áø ôôà äååú áéãéä öìåçéú ããáù îéâìééà ìà àñôé÷ îéùàì òã ãîôòôòú áéãéä
R. Chinana bar Papa had a flask of honey that was left uncovered. Before he was able to ask about it, the flask dissolved in his hand because of the venom inside it.
øá åùîåàì úøåéäåï àîøéï ðéúðä øùåú ìàøõ ìá÷ò îôðéå åìà ðéúðä øùåú ìëìé ìá÷ò îôðéå
(Rav & Shmuel): The earth was given permission to split (for the snake to be able to hide inside the house) but a vessel wasn't given permission to split (so if a vessel of liquid was closed, there's no concern that the snake drank from it).
øáé çééà øáà åø''ù áøáé äååï éúáéï áçã áéú àæìéï îøîøéï àîøéï àôùø ãäåà îúçîé äëà åàéúçîé àîøéï áøåê äåà ùáçø áäï áçëîéí ùàîøå ðéúðä øùåú ìàøõ ìá÷ò îôðéå åìà ðéúðä øùåú ìëìé ìá÷ò îôðéå
R. Chiya the Great and R. Shimon b'Rebbi were sitting in a certain house that was tiled with marble. They asked, "Could a snake enter here?'' They then saw a snake (coming out of a hidden place) and they said, "Baruch Hash-m, Who has chosen the Chachamim who said that the earth was given permission to split but a vessel wasn't given permission to split.
ø' éðàé äåä îéãçì îéðéä ñâéï åäåä éäá òøñéä òì àøáòä îøåùéï ãîééï [ãó òæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] çã æîï ôùè éãéä åàùëçéä âáéä àîø àøéîåï îéðéä ùåîø ôúàéí ä'
R. Yannai was afraid from a certain snake. (Since it was so small, it was difficult for him to protect himself from it.) He would sleep with the legs of his bed in buckets of water. Once, he stretched out his arm and found a snake in his bed and he said, "Remove the buckets! They don't help. Rather, (Tehillim 116:6)), "Hash-m guards the simple''!
åëîä äåà ùéòåø ð÷á
Question: How big must the hole be to cause the liquid to be prohibited?
ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø''ç îçåé áä äëéï àîø øàù àöáòé ÷èðä
Answer: R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Chanina showed them the top of his pinky.
ø' éò÷á áø àçà ø''ù áø ååà áùí øéá''ì òã ëãé ùìà úëðñ øàù àöáò ÷èðä ìúåëä ùì úéðå÷ áï éåîå
(R. Yaakov bar Acha/ R. Shimon bar Vava in the name of R. Yehoshua ben Levi): Even if it's small enough that the pinky of a day-old baby cannot enter.
åàôé' ôçåú îéëï äåà òìéì
But some snakes can enter even smaller holes than that?!
àìà ãìà éãò ãå ðôé÷ ìà òìéì
If it can't get in and out easily, it's not considered a hole.
äãéï ñìèà àôéìå ÷èï ëîä àñåø ãäåà òìéì áäãà åðô÷ áäãà
A wicker basket - even if the holes are very small, it is nevertheless prohibited, as it can enter through one hole and exit through another.
äãà ñì÷åúà àôéìå äéà úìåéä ëîä àñåøä ãäåà îùúìùì:
A Salakusa basket - even if it's hung up very high, the liquid in it is prohibited, as the snake can climb down into it from the ceiling.
àéæä î÷åí ÷øåá àîø ø' ùîåàì îàåæï çáéú åìôéä.
(The Mishnah taught that the liquids are prohibited if there was enough time for the snake to come out from a nearby place and drink from it.) What's considered nearby? R. Shmuel said that there was enough time for it to come out of the lip of the utensil and drink from it.
åìà çîé ìéä
Question: Can't a person see the snake if it's hiding there?
à''ø çðéðà îéï ÷èï äåà åùôéôåï ùîå åäåà ãåîä ìùòøä:
Answer (R. Chanina): It's referring to a small snake called a Shefifon, that is as thin as a hair.