THREE MORE STORIES (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 42b)
îòùä áèáç àçã áöéôåøéï ùäéä îàëéì éùøàì ðáéìåú åèøéôåú ôòí àçú ùúä ééï áòøá (ùáú)[éåäë''ô] åòìä ìââ åðôì åîú åäéå ëìáéí îì÷÷éí áãîå
There was once a butcher in Tziporin who was giving Neveilos and Treifos to Jews. Once, he drank wine on Erev Yom Kippur and went up to the roof and fell and died and the dogs lapped his blood.
àúåï ùàìå ìø' çðéðà îäå îéøîéúé îï ÷îéäåï àîø ìåï ëúéá åáùø áùãä èøéôä ìà úàëìå ìëìá úùìéëåï àåúå åæä äéä âåæì àú äëìáéí åîàëéì àú éùøàì
They came and asked R. Chanina whether they could move the corpse away (on Yom Kippur) to save its disgrace. He told them that the pasuk states (Shemos 22:30), "You may not eat flesh of an (animal) torn apart in the field; you shall throw it to the dogs.'' But this person stole from the dogs and gave it to Jews.
àîø ìåï àøôåðåï ãîãéãäåï àéðåï àëìéï
(R. Chanina): Leave him for the dogs - they are eating what's theirs.
îòùä áçñéã àçã ùäéä (îâìâì)[îìâìâ] áâéìåé ééï ôòí àçú ì÷ä áãì÷ú åøàå àåúå éåùá åãåøù áéåä''ë åöìåçéú ùì îéí áéãå
There was once a pious man who showed disdain for the prohibition of drinking liquids left uncovered. Once, he was infected by the venom (as he wasn't careful with the prohibition) and they saw him sitting and expounding on Yom Kippur with a flask of water in his hand (from which he needed to drink, despite the fast).
çã á''ð àéâìé ìä âøá ãçîø àæì áòøåáà öåîà øáà ìîéùôëéðéä çîúéä çã à''ì äáéä ìé ðùúééä à''ì ìàå îâìé äåà à''ì äáéä ìé åîøé ãöåîà ìé÷åí ìà àéñô÷ îùúééä òã ãàéúçìçì
Once, a person had a barrel of wine that was left uncovered. On Erev Yom Kippur, he went to spill it out. Someone saw him and said, "Give it to me and I'll drink it''. He answered him that it is wine left uncovered. The man said, "Give it to me (anyway) - Hash-m said that we must eat and drink on Erev Yom Kippur, so He should protect me.'' Even before he finished drinking it, the venom spread throughout his body and he died.
MORE RULES OF UNCOVERED LIQUIDS (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 42b)
ø' éøîéä áùí øáé çééà áø áà ëì äàøñéï îòìéï çèèéï åàéøåñ ãðçù îîéú
(R. Yirmiyah citing R. Chiya bar Ba): All other venom causes boils and skin ailments; a snake's venom kills.
ø' éøîéä ùàì ìø''æ îøéä ùîåòúà (ùàì ìéä) îúðîðí (äéä)
Question (R. Yirmiyah to R. Zeira): According to the opinion that if a person was sleeping, it's prohibited; if he is dozing, it is also prohibited.
ø' æòéøà äåä éúéá àééëåì åäåä ãîéê éäá éãéä òì úåîðúà åàîø ìåï àãì÷éï áåöéðà àãì÷åï åàùëçåï ùôåôéðà ùäåà ãåîä ìùòøä ëøéê òìä
R. Zeira was sitting and eating. The candle went out and he began to doze off. He put his arm on a measuring vessel known as a Tumnasa so that he would sense if a snake was coming. He told them to light a candle and they discovered a snake like a hair wrapped around the vessel.
àîø ìéä øùéòà ìà äåéðà æäéø áê
(R. Zeira to the snake): You evil one! If I wouldn't have been careful from you, (you would have gone into the vessel. This shows that the snake is not afraid of a person who is dozing.)
àîø øáé àîé öøéëéï ìîéçåù ìîä ãáøééúà çùùéï (àñåø)[àéñåø]
(R. Imi): We must be careful from things that people are concerned for, even if there is no Torah source for it...
ãìà ìîéúï áø ðù ôøéèéï âå ôåîà [ãó îâ òîåã à]
One may not put coins in one's mouth (as there is dried sweat on it);
[ãó òå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åúáùéìà úåúé òøñà
One may not put a pot of food under a bed (because of the Ruach Ra'ah - the evil spirit that is there);
ôéúà úçåú ùéçéà
One may not put bread under the armpit (because of the sweat there);
îéöà ñëéðà âå ôåâìà ñëéðà âå àúøåâà
One may not insert a knife into a radish or Esrog and eat it (or the blade might cut him).
àîø øáé éåñé áé øáé áåï ëì æéòà ãðô÷à îáø ðù ñí äîåú äåà çåõ îæéòú äôðéí
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): All human sweat is poisonous except facial sweat.
ëã ùàìåï ìøáé éåðúï à''ì òøáà ãå ðôùê àðà
When R. Yonasan was asked (about the laws of uncovered liquids), he said, "Am I your guarantor (to warn you not to endanger yourselves)? (He answered this as he didn't want them to ask him.)
àîø øáé éðàé àéï ÷èà ÷èà ùéçåø åàéï àåáã àåáã îøâìé
(R. Yannai): (To those who wish to consume items that are doubtfully prohibited because of being uncovered) The gain is minimal (like a coal) but the potential loss is enormous (like a precious gem).
àîø øáé ùîòåï áï ì÷éù àéìå æáðú âøîê ììåãéï äåä îæáéï ìäåï áãîéï é÷øéï äëà áãîéï ÷ìéìéï.
(R. Shimon ben Lakish): If you would sell yourself to cannibals, you would ask a very high price; here, for such a small price, don't endanger you life.
úðé îéí ùðúâìå ìà éøáéõ áäåï áúåê áéúå åìà éùôëí áøùåú äøáéí åìà éù÷ä ìâåé åìà éù÷ä îäï áäîú çáéøå àáì îù÷ä äåà áäîúå
(Tosefta): Water that was left uncovered - one may not use it to sprinkle in his house to settle the dust; one may not pour it out in a public domain; one may not give it to a gentile to drink and one may not give it to his friend's animal to drink; but one may give it to his own animal.
îéí ùðúâìå ìà éùøä áäï àú äèéè åìà éëáñ áäï àú äëìéí åìà éãéç áäï ÷òøåú ëåñåú åúîçåééï åàéï öøéê ìåîø ôðéå éãéå åøâìéå
One may not soak clay with it; wash clothing with it, wash bowls, cups and serving bowls with it and one certainly should not wash one's face, hands and feet with it. (In all of these cases, there is concern that the toxic venom will touch his skin.)
àçøéí àîøå ìà àñøå àìà î÷åí ñéøèà ôðéå ëñéøèà äí øàùé àöáòåú éãéå åøâìéå ëñéøèà äí
(Others): They only prohibited using the water when the skin has cracks that absorb. The face and the ends of the fingers and toes are considered to have such skin.
îéí ùðúâìå ìà éâáì áäï àú äòéñä
(Tosefta): It should not be used to knead dough.
øáé ðçîéä àîø àôééä îåúø îôðé ùàéøñ ðçù ëìä áàåø
(R. Nechemia): Baking it permits it, because the snake's venom is consumed by the fire.
øáé ñéîï áùí øáé éäåùò áï ìåé àîø áùàéðä ðåôìú àáì àí äéúä ðåôìú àñåø
(R. Simon citing R. Yehoshua ben Levi): That's only when the bread isn't crumbling into many pieces; but if it is, it is prohibited (as that indicates that perhaps it contained venom that caused the crumbling).
äëì îåãéí áîéí ùäåçîå ùàñåø îä áéï ôú îä áéï çîéí ëàï äàåø ùåìè åëàï àéï äàåø ùåìè ëàï äëìé îôñé÷ åëàï àéï äëìé îôñé÷
All agree that heated water is still prohibited. What's the difference between bread and hot water? The fire of the oven consumes the venom. And there is no vessel separating the fire from the liquid.
ùîåàì àîø îä éòùä ìé øùò æä àéï àðé ùåúä àìà çîéï
(Shmuel): How can this evil one (i.e snake) injure me when I heat up the water?
îéìúéä àîø öåðï ùðòùå çîéï îåúøéï
This indicates that cold water that was heated is permitted.
àîø øáé çðéðà øùò æä ãòúå ð÷ééä åàéðå ùåúä çîéï ùðòùå öåðï
(R. Chanina): This evil one is finicky and will not drink hot water that cooled down.
îéìúéä àîøä çîéï åðòùå öåðï îåúøéí
This indicates that hot water that cooled down is permitted.
øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï áéï æä áéï æä àñåø
(R. Abahu citing R. Yochanan): Both of those cases are prohibited.
[ãó òå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îúðéúà îñééò ìøáé éåçðï çîéï ëì æîï ùîòìéï äáì äøé àìå îåúøéí àáì îéí äîâåìéï àò''ô ùîçîîï äøé àìå àñåøéí îé ëáùéï åîé ùì÷åú åîé úåøîñéï äøé àìå îåúøéí îéí ùäãéç áäï ëáùéï åùì÷åú åúåøîñéï äøé àìå àñåøéí äãéç áäï òðáéí åàåáùéï ìçåìä àñåø:
Support for R. Yochanan (Tosefta): As long as hot water is steaming, it is permitted. But as for water left uncovered, even if he heated them, they are prohibited. Pickling water and water in which vegetables or Turmus beans were boiled are permitted. Water used for rinsing pickled or boiled vegetables or Turmus beans is prohibited. If used for rinsing grapes or Be'ushim (poor quality grapes) for a sick person, they are prohibited.