THE QUANTITY OF LIQUIDS THAT ANNUL THE VENOM (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 43b)
úðé äîéí á÷ø÷òåú àøáòéí ñàä
(Tosefta): Venom is annulled in 40 Se'ah of water collected on the ground.
ø' ðçîéä àîø ëãé ùúäà çáéú (ùéçéï)[ùééèéï] îúîìà îäï
(R. Nechemia): Enough water to fill an earthenware barrel used as a raft.
äééï áéï áëìéí áéï á÷ø÷òåú ëì ùäåà äééï ëì æîï ùäåà úåññ àéï áå îùåí âéìåé ëîä úåññ òã ùìùä éîéí
But as for wine, whether it's in vessels or collected on the ground, even if there is a large quantity of it, it is prohibited. Freshly produced wine, as long as it is effervescing, cannot become prohibited, as snakes are afraid of it. How long does it effervesce? For three days.
åîòùä ùîöàå ðçù [ãó îã òîåã à] áöã äáåø ùì ééï åáà îòùä ìôðé ø' éäåãä åäúéø
It once happened that a snake was found next to a pit of effervescing wine. The case was brought to R. Yehuda and he permitted it.
îòééï ëì æîï ùäåà îåùê àéï áå îùåí âéìåé
A flowing spring does not have a prohibition (since the flowing waters wash away the venom).
à''ø éùîòàì áðå ùì ø' éåçðï áï áøå÷à îòùä ùéøã ø' éåçðï áï ðåøé àöì ø' éåçðï áï áøå÷à àáà ìáéú ùøééï åäøàäå âéáéä ùìà äéä áå àìà ùìåùú ìåâéï îéí åäéå äâùîéí îèôèôéí åéåøãéï åùçä åùúä åàîø ëæä àéï áå îùåí âéìåé.
(R. Yishmael son of R. Yochanan ben Beroka): Once, R. Yochanan ben Nuri went to visit his father, R. Yochanan ben Beroka, in Beis Shearim and his father showed him a pit which contained only three Log of water and the raindrops were dripping into it. He bent down to drink from it, saying that there was no concern of venom, since the drops were in close succession (and the snake would hear them and not approach).
åòã äéëéï
Question: How much rain avoids the prohibition?
ø' îðà áø úðçåí áùí øáé çðéðà òã ëãé (ùúôåç äëøéú)[ùúãéç äëøúéï]
Answer (R. Mana bar Tanchum citing R. Chanina): If there is enough to wash a leek.
øáé ìòæø á''ø éåñé áùí øá òã ëãé ùéòùä ëøâìé àååæ
(R. Elazar b'R. Yosi citing Rav): Enough for the water to spread like goose legs, this way and that.
[ãó òç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] à''ø éò÷á áø àçà îëéåï ùäåúø îä ùáùãä äåúø îä ùááéú
(R. Yaakov bar Acha): When such rainwater flows into the house, it is also not prohibited.
úðé ø' äåùòéä äâéìåééï ðåäâéï áéï áàøõ áéï áç''ì áéï áéîåú äçîä áéï áéîåú äâùîéí:
Baraisa (R. Hoshiya): The prohibition applies both in Eretz Yisrael and in Chutz LaAretz, whether in the summer or in the rainy season.
à''ø éåãà áï ôæé îàï úðà ðé÷åøéï ø''â ãø''â àåîø àó äðçù ùäåà î÷éà
(R. Yuda ben Pazi): The opinion in the Mishnah that is concerned for a snake eating from food, is Rabban Gamliel. (This can be found in a Mishnah in Maseches Parah, that says - If any creeping thing drinks from the Parah Adumah waters, they do not become disqualified; aside from a weasel, because when it drinks, it spits out what it drank and some of its saliva goes into the water.) Rabban Gamliel even prohibits when a snake drank, since it spits out.
à''ø éåðä îä àëôìï îöåú âáé ð÷åøéí åìà ëï úðé øàä öôåø ðå÷øú áúàéðä åòëáø áàáèéç äøé æä àñåø àðé àåîø î÷åí äð÷ø àëìå
Rebuttal (R. Yona): Why are you comparing the validity of the Parah Adumah waters to a snake eating? Didn't a Tosefta teach (earlier - Chulin 96-2(l)) that if one saw a bird nibbling from a fig or a mouse nibbling from a melon, it is prohibited, as we are concerned that they were eating from the area that a snake had previously eaten...
åàîø ø' áà [øáï âîìéàì] ãäåà àîø ðçù çåæø åî÷éà
And R. Ba said that it was Rabban Gamliel who said that a snake spits out.
àîø ø' éåðä îä àëôú ìï ìîöåú ìâáé ðé÷åøéï
Question (R. Yona): (Asking the same question as earlier) Why are you comparing the validity of the Parah Adumah waters to a snake eating?
åìòðéï èøéôä åàîø ø' áà áùí øáðï ãúîï ùçèä åçèôå æàáéí áðé îéòéä ëùéøä ùçæ÷ú áðé îòéí ëåùø
Question: And concerning a Treifah, R. Ba said in the name of the Rabbanan of Bavel - if a person slaughtered and wolves snatched away the intestines, it is Kasher, because intestines are assumed to be Kasher.
åçù ìåîø ùîà ðé÷áå çæ÷ú áðé îòéí ëåùø åäëà àú àîøú äëéï
Why wasn't he concerned that the intestines had been perforated (and therefore not Kasher) if here he's concerned that a snake ate from the fruit?
[ãó òç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] çåîø äåà áñëðú ðôùåú åéøãå áðé÷åøéï ëøáï âîìéàì
Answer: The Chachamim ruled to be stringent like Rabban Gamliel because of the danger to life.
úðé ø' ìéòæø àåîø àåëì àãí úàðéí åòðáéí áìéìä åàéðå çåùù ùðàîø ùåîø ôúàéí ä':
Baraisa (R. Eliezer): A person may eat figs and grapes at night without concern (that a snake put his venom into them), as the pasuk states (Tehillim 116:6), "Hash-m guards the simple''.
ø' éåðä áùí øá ãâ ðé÷åø àñåø
(R. Yona citing Rav): A fish that was nibbled is prohibited.
ø' çæ÷éä øáé èáé áùí øá ãâ ðé÷åø çé àñåø åîìéç òì éãé îìéçä îúçìçì îú ðåèì î÷åí äð÷ø
(R. Chizkiyah/ R. Tavi citing Rav): A live fish that was nibbled is prohibited (as the venom spreads throughout it). If it was salted, the salting spreads the venom throughout the fish. If it was dead (but not salted), one must merely remove the area where it was nibbled.
ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø' çééà áø áà àáèéç ùðé÷ø ùðéúîñîñå áðé îéòéä àñåø
(R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Chiya bar Ba): If a melon was nibbled and its pits dissolved, it is prohibited (as they dissolved because of the venom).
çã áø ðù äåä èòåï îìôôåï ð÷åø åàëéì îéðéä ìòùøä áðé ðù åîéúåï òáøú øéøéï òìåé åôñ÷úéä çã áø ðù äåä ñðé ÷åôã ãàéîø çã æîï äåä àëéì ÷åôã òáø çã åàîø ìéä ãàéîø äåà åàéúëìòñ åîéú
A person was once carrying nibbled sweet melons and ten people ate from them and all died. Some of the venom then fell on the person and cut his legs off. There was once a person who hated sheep's meat. Once, he ate meat and afterwards, someone informed him that it was sheep's meat. He was so repulsed that he died.
çîøééà ùøåï áôåðã÷éà àîøéï ìåï äáå ìï èìåôçéï åéäáåï àîøéï ìåï äáå ìåï úéðï åéäáåï àîøéï ìåï ÷ãîééà äååï èáéï îäàéìéï àîøéï ìåï ùæøúéä ãçéåé àùëçðï áäåï åàéúëìòñåï åîéúåï
Once, some donkey drivers entered an inn and asked the owner for lentils. After he gave them, they again asked for lentils and he gave them. They said, "The first lentils were better than these.'' He told them, "I found a snake's spine in the first lentils so the second time I brought you different ones.'' When they heard this, they were so repulsed that they died.
ëúéá áøöåú ä' ãøëé àéù âí àåéáéå éùìéí àúå ø' àåîø æä äëìá åøéá''ì àåîø æä äðçù
The pasuk states (Mishlei 16:7), "When Hash-m accepts a person's ways, He will even cause his enemies to make peace with him.''
øòééà çìáåï çìá åàúà çéååéà åàëì îéðéä åäåä ëìáà îñúëì áéä ëã àúåï ééëìåï îéùøé ðáç áäåï åìà àúáåððåï áñåôä àëéì åîéú
There were once some shepherds who milked an animal and a snake came and drank from it. Their dog saw the snake drink from the milk. When they came themselves to drink from it, the dog began to bark, but they ignored it. In the end, the dog drank from it and died.
çã áø ðù òáéã úåí ùçé÷ âå áééúéä åàúà çéåéà ãèåø åàëéì îéðéä åäåé çéåéà ãáéú îñúëì áéä àúåï áðé áééúéä îéëì îéðéä îéùøé îúøúø òìéäåï òôø åìà àúáåððåï å÷ì÷ âøîéä âååéä
A person once ground garlic in his home and a wild snake came and ate from it. Their pet snake saw this and when the household members can to eat from it, their snake became agitated and threw earth on them. They didn't understand the hint, so their snake threw itself into the garlic to save them.
[ãó îã òîåã á] çã áø ðù æîéï çã øáï åàééúéá ëìáà âáéä à''ì áéæéåï àðà çééá ìê à''ì ø' èéáå àðà îùìí ìéä ùáééï òìåï ì÷øúà òàì çã îéðäåï áòà îéðñá àéúúé åàëì áéöéå
A person once invited a Rav to eat with him. When he came to sit at the table, the host sat his dog next to the Rav. The Rav asked if the host was trying to disgrace him. The host said, "Rebbi; I am trying to show appreciation for the good that my dog did for me...Once, men came into the city and one tried to kidnap my wife. The dog came and attacked him in his reproductive organs and saved her.