BEIS SHAMMAI'S LAW (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 4 Daf 21a)
[ãó ìç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ø' éøîéä áùí ø' éò÷á áø àçà áùí ø''ù áï ì÷éù àúéà ãø''à [ãó ëà òîåã á] ëá''ù ëîä ãá''ù àåîøéí ÷ãùå îãåîòéï ëï ø''à àåîø ÷ãùå îãåîòéï
(R. Yirmiyah citing R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): (When the Mishnah taught that according to R. Eliezer, if he separated more than one in ten, he should make it Terumas Maaser for produce elsewhere), R. Eliezer follows the view of Beis Shammai (earlier in Perek 1 Mishnah 2 - Chulin 56) that the Terumah there is in a state of Dimua (mixed together with the rest of the produce).
òì ãòúéä ãø' éåçðï ðéçà àçã îòùøä ùáå ÷ãù ìùí úøåîä åäùàø àçã îòùøä úøåîä åäùàø èáì èáåì ìîòùøåú ìôåí ëï öøéê îéîø éåúø îëàï éòùðä úøåîú îòùø òì î÷åí àçø
According to R. Yochanan (that in all cases, Beis Shammai's law applies that Terumah can be created in the form of Dimua), it is fine - 1/10th is sanctified as Terumah and as for the rest, 1/10th is Terumah and the rest is Tevel concerning its Ma'asros. Therefore, it was necessary for R. Eliezer to say, '(if he designates) more than (1/10th)' he should desiginate the excess as Terumas Maaser for produce elsewhere.
òì ãòúéä ãçæ÷éä ÷ùéà àçã îòùøä ùáå ÷ãù ìùí úøåîä [ãó ìè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäùàø à' îòùøä ùáå úøåîä åäùàø èáì èáåì ìëì åúðéðï éåúø îëàï éòùðä úøåîú îòùø òì î÷åí àçø åéòùðä (úøåîú îòùø)[úøåîä] òì î÷åí àçø
Question: But according to Chizkiyah, it is difficult - 1/10th that is sanctified as Terumah and as for the rest, 1/10th is Terumah and the rest is fully Tevel (even concerning its Terumah); but the Mishnah taught that '(if he designates) more than 1/10th, he should designate the excess as Terumas Maaser for produce elsewhere' - let him designate it as Terumah for produce elsewhere?
ñáø çæ÷éä ëäãà ãúðé ø' çééà ãúðé øáé çééà éåúø îëàï éòùðä úøåîú îòùø òì î÷åí àçø
Answer: Chizkiyah follows R. Chiya's version of of Mishnah that actually says 'he should designate the excess as Terumah for produce elsewhere'.
îàé èòîà ãøáé éùîòàì øàùéú ãâðê ãéå ìøàùéú ùéäà ëãâï îðééï ùìà òùä åìà ëìåí òã ùéùééø î÷öú úìîåã ìåîø îøàùéú åìà ëì øàùéú:
What is R. Yishmael's source (to say in our Mishnah - Chulin 78(c) 2.) that a person may make up to half Chulin and half Terumah)? The pasuk states (Devarim 18:4), "The first of your grain'' - it's enough that you Terumah should be as your grain. What the source that he has done nothing unless he has left some behind? The pasuk states concerning separating Challah (Bamidbar 15:21), "from the first of your dough'' - but not all of the first.
THREE TIMES WHEN THE BASKET IS MEASURED (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 5 Daf 21b)
îùðä áùìùä ôø÷éí îùòøéï àú äëìëìä ááéëåøåú åáñéôåú åáàîöò ä÷éõ
(Mishnah): There are three times when the basket (used for measuring Terumah) is measured; (at the time of ripening of) the first fruits, the last fruits and the middle of the summer.
[ãó ìè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äîåðä îùåáç åäîåãã îùåáç äéîéðå åäùå÷ì îùåáç îùìùúï:
One who counts out (when he tithes, aside from the Terumah which may only be taken through estimation) is praiseworthy; one who measures is more praiseworthy; one who weighs out is the most praiseworthy of the three.
âîøà îîé äåà îùåáç
(Gemara) Question: (The Mishnah taught that one who counts out is praiseworthy.) Than whom?
àîø øáé çåðä îùåáç îï äúåøí îï äàåîã
Answer (R. Chuna): Than one who separates based on evaluation (without measurement).
àîø øáé çðéðà áøéä ãøáé äìì îúðé' àîøä ëï åäùå÷ì îùåáç îùìùúï [ãó ëá òîåã à]
(R. Chanina, son of R. Hillel): The Mishnah also indicates this, as it says that one who weighs out is more praiseworthy than the three. (This shows that there are actually four ways to separate).
àîø øáé çéððà úéôúø áùìùúï åìéú àú ù''î ëìåí
Rebuttal (R. Chanina): It should be read as 'of the three', meaning that there are in fact only three ways.
THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO ANNUL TERUMAH (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 4 Halachah 6 Daf 22a)
îùðä øáé àìéòæø àåîø úøåîä òåìä áàçã åîàä
(Mishnah) (R. Eliezer): Terumah is annulled in a mixture of 101.
ø' éäåùò àåîø áîàä åòåã åòåã æä àéï ìå ùéòåø
(R. Yehoshua): In a little over 100, and the extra can be any amount.
ø' éåñé áï îùåìí àåîø åòåã ÷á ìîàä ñàä ùúåú ìîãåîò:
(R. Yosi ben Meshulam): The extra is a Kav per one hundred Se'ah, meaning one sixth of the Se'ah that fell into the mixture.
âîøà îðééï (ùàéï)[ùäï] òåìéï
(Gemara) Question: What's the source that Terumah is annulled in 101?
à''ø éåðä ëúéá îëì çìáå àú î÷ãùå îîðå ãáø ùàú îøéí îîðå àí éôåì ìúåëå î÷ãùå åëîä äåà àçã îîàä
Answer (R. Yona): The pasuk states (Bamidbar 18:29), "From all your gifts, you shall separate every gift of Hash-m from its choicest portion, that part of it which is to be consecrated.'' This refers to Terumas Maaser, which is 1/100th of your produce (as it's 1/10th of the Maaser Rishon). The pasuk teaches that if it fell back into the rest of the pile (i.e. 99), it prohibits them; implying that if there was any more than 99, it would have become annulled.
øáé àìéòæø àåîø îåñéó ñàä åîòìä
(R. Eliezer): An additional Se'ah is required.
øáé éäåùò àåîø îåñéó ëì ùäåà åîòìä
(R. Yehoshua): Any minimal addition is required.
øáé éåñé áï îùåìí àåîø åòåã ÷á ìîàä ñàä ùúåú ìîãåîò åäìëä ëãáøéå:
(R. Yosi ben Meshulam): An additional Kav (1/6th of a Se'ah) is required.