[79a - 46 lines; 79b - 44 lines]
1)[line 9]àéï çåùùéï ìæøò äàáEIN CHOSHESHIN L'ZERA HA'AV
(a)There is an argument among the Amora'im as to whether or not the species of the father of an animal has any bearing on its Halachic status. There are a number of ramifications to this argument, such as the law of "Oso v'Es Beno." If we consider the seed of the father as a contributing factor, then the Mitzvah of "Oso v'Es Beno" applies to a father and its child, as well as to a mother and its child, and it is forbidden to slaughter them both on the same day. If we do not consider the seed of father as a contributing factor, then the father and child may both be slaughtered on the same day.
(b)Another ramification is the law of Kil'ayim. If we consider the seed of father as a contributing factor, then an animal born from two distinct species is considered to be a different species from its mother and its father. The offspring may not even be crossbred with the species of its mother. Similarly, a carriage may not be drawn by the crossbred offspring together with the thoroughbred mother or father.
2)[line 11]ôøãåúPIRDOS- mules
3a)[line 36]òáé ÷ìéäAVI KALEI- its voice is thick, rough
b)[line 37]öðéó ÷ìéäTZANIF KALEI- its voice is high-pitched
4)[line 38]àåãðéäUDNEI- its ears
5)[line 38]âðåáúéäGENUVSEI- its tail
6)[line 40]àìîúILEMES- an animal that is mute
7)[line 41]âéãîúGIDEMES- an animal, the ears and tail of which are cut off
8)[line 45]ëåãðééúàKUDNAYASA- mules
9)[line 45]øéñô÷RISPAK- (a) a wagon (RASHI); (b) a rickshaw, a vehicle drawn by people or by animals (ARUCH Erech Dispak)
10)[line 2]ëìàéíKIL'AYIM- a crossbred animal (in this instance, Kil'ayim refers to a cross between and sheep and a goat, for example)
11)[line 2]ëåéKOY
See Background to Chulin 78:16.
12)[line 6]úééùTAYISH- a male goat
13)[line 7]öáééäTZVIYAH- a female deer
14)[line 11]öáéTZVI- a male deer
15)[line 11]úééùäTEYASHAH- a female goat
16)[line 14]åáðå ëì ãäåU'VNO KOL DEHU- and its offspring, whatever it is (even the deer-like offspring of a female goat)
17)[line 24]îëñéï àú ãîåMECHASIN ES DAMO (KISUY HA'DAM)
See Background to Chulin 83:12.
18)[line 32]äæøåò, åäìçééí, åä÷áäHA'ZERO'A, VEHA'LECHAYAYIM, VEHA'KEIVAH