UNTIL THE SECOND RAINS FALL (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 9 Halachah 5 Daf 26b)
[ãó ëå òîåã á] [ãó òå òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä äîì÷è òùáéí ìçéí òã ùéáù äîúå÷ åäîâáá áéáù òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä òìé ÷ðéí åòìé âôðéí òã ùéùøå îàáéäï åäîâáá éáù òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä
(Mishnah): One who gathers moist grasses may eat them without Biur until the moisture (of the earth that sweetens the fruits) dries up. One who gathers dry grasses may eat them without Biur until the second rains fall. Cane and vine leaves (gathered when moist) may be eaten without Biur before they fall off from their stems. But if gathered when dry, it's until the second rains fall.
åø''ò àåîø áëåìï òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä
(R. Akiva): All are until the second rains fall.
ëéåöà áå äîùëéø áéú ìçáéøå òã äâùîéí òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä äîåãø äðééä îçáéøå òã äâùîéí òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä
Similarly, one who rents a house 'until the rains' has it until the second rains fall. One who vows not to derive benefit from someone 'until the rains' is prohibited until the second rains fall.
òã àéîúé ðëðñéí òðééí ìôøãéñåú òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä òã àéîúé ðäðéí åùåøôéí á÷ù åáúáï ùì ùáéòéú òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä:
Until when may the poor enter the orchards (to gather the gifts to the poor or to gather Sheviis produce)? Until the second rains fall. Until when may one use and burn the straw and stubble of Sheviis? Until the second rains fall.
âîøà ø' àáéï áùí øáé éåçðï ìéú ëàï òìé ÷ðéí àìà òìé âôðéí òìé ÷ðéí àéï ìäí áéòåø
(Gemara) (R. Avin citing R. Yochanan): The Mishnah's text should not say 'cane leaves'; only vine leaves. Cane leaves don't need Biur.
åúðé ëï òìé ÷ðéí åòìé äàåâ åòìé çøåáéí àéï ìäï áéòåø îôðé ùàéï îéðï ëìä
Support (Baraisa): Cane leaves, Og leaves and carob leaves do not require Biur, because they don't disappear (they just dry out).
ø''æ áòé àîø òã äâùí
Question (R. Zeira): (In the case of renting out a house) what if he said 'until the rain'? (Does he mean until the rains or until one rainfall?)
òã ùéøã âùí àçã
Answer: Until one rainfall.
[ãó òå òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úîï úðéðï äàåîø äøé òìé òöéí ìà éôçåú îùðé âæéøéï
Mishnah in Maseches Shekalim: One who says, "I accept to bring wood (plural)'' (as a donation for the altar), he should not bring less than two logs.
àîø øáé éåñé á''ø áåï ø' áà áø îîì áòé àîø äøé òìé òõ îáéà âéæø àçã
Question (R. Yosi b' R. Bun citing R. Ba bar Mamal): One who says, "I accept to bring wood (sing.)'', may he bring only one log?
àîø øáé ìéòæø îúðé' àîøä ëï ùæä ÷øáï áôðé òöîå åæä ÷øáï áô''ò ãúðéðï ùðéí áéãï ùðé âæéøé òöéí
(R. Eliezer): The Mishnah (in Maseches Yoma) teaches this - The two Kohanim were carrying two logs (one each). This shows that each is a separate Korban.
úðé øáé éåñé àåîø ëì ãáø ùäåà úìåé áøáéòä òã ùúøã øáéòä ùðééä åùàéðä úìåé áøáéòä òã ùéâéò æîðä ùì øáéòä
Baraisa (R. Yosi): Any case listed in the Mishnah that depends on the actual rainfall (e.g. gathering dry cane and vine leaves) is until the second rains fall. Any case that doesn't depend on the actual rainfall (e.g. renting a house) is until the time that the second rains usually fall.
úðé øùá''â àåîø ùáòú éîéí ùéøãå áäï âùîéí åìà ôñ÷å éù áäï ëãé øáéòä [øàùåðä å]ùðééä
Tosefta (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): If rains fell for 7 days without stopping, it is considered to be the first and second rains.
úðé øáé çðéðà áùí øùá''â åìîä ð÷øà ùîä øáéòä ùäéà øåáòú àú äàøõ
Baraisa (R. Chanina citing Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): Why are the rains referred to as 'Revi'ah'? Because they rest onto top of the ground (and fertilize it).
àîø øáé çðéðà îëéåï ùúñøç îä ùáùãä äåúø îä ùááéú
(R. Chanina): (Discussing the Mishnah's case of straw and stubble) Once the straw and stubble in the field has rotted (it loses its sanctity of Sheviis and) even that which is in house becomes permitted.
úðé ø' äåùòéä àôé' ìàçø â' ùðéí àñåø òã ùéñøç
Baraisa (R. Hoshiya): Even after 3 years, it remains prohibited until it rots.
úáï ùì ùáéòéú àéï ùåøéï àåúå áèéè ùøééï áèéè áèì åäåà ùâáìå úáï ùì ùáéòéú àéï ðåúðéï àåúå áëø ðúðå áëø áèì åäåà ùéùï òìéå
One may not soak Sheviis stubble in mud (for construction), but if he had already soaked it, it is annulled to the mud (and it loses its sanctity). Sheviis stubble may not be used to fill a pillow, but if it was it is annulled to the pillow and he may sleep on it.
úáï ùì ùáéòéú îä ùéäà àñåø îùåí ñôéçéí
Question: Is there a prohibition of Sefichin on Sheviis stubble?
øáé ìåé öðáøéà ùàì ìøáé áà áø æáãé åùøé
R. Levi of Tzanbar asked this question to R. Ba bar Zavdi and he permitted it.
àîø øáé æòéøà åàðà ãìà ñîëéú òìé àùúàìú ìàéìéï ãáéú áøñðà [ãó òæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åàîøéï ðäâéï äåéðà ëðéùéï úáï îï òøåáú ùîéèúà åëã îçñøéï îééúé îï ùåøééà
(R. Zeira): I didn't rely on R. Bar bar Zavdi and I asked the Chachamim of Beis Karsana, who said, "We were accustomed to collect stubble before Sheviis for the entire year ahead, so that we wouldn't use Sefichin of stubble; and when we ran out, we would gather stubble that grew on walls (for which there was no decree of Sefichin).
àîø øáé éøîéä îúðé' àîøä ùäåà îåúø ãúðé äöáåòéï åäôèîåï ìå÷çéï îåøñï î''î åàéðå çåùù
(R. Yirmiyah): A Baraisa permits it, as it was taught - the painters and those that fatten fowl (for consumption), may buy chicken feed (shells and chaff of produce) from anywhere without concern (that they are Sefichin. Chazal didn't decree on them since they aren't human food.)
ñáø øáé éøîéä îéîø àôéìå îï äçùåã
R. Yirmiyah suggested that one may also buy from someone suspected of not observing Sheviis.
à''ì øáé éåñé ìà àîøå àìà áùàéðå éåãò àí çùåã äåà àí àéðå çùåã äà ãáø áøé ùäåà çùåã àñåø
(R. Yosi to R. Yirmiyah): They only allowed it when the seller's status was unknown, but not if he was certainly suspected.
àîø øáé ùîàé îúðé' àîøä ùäåà àñåø ãúðéðï úîï åáùáéòéú åáëìàé äëøí åä÷ãù àí éù áæøò åáòõ ëãé ìéúï èòí
(R. Shammai): The Mishnah in Maseches Terumos (Perek 10 Mishnah 5) teaches that even stubble is prohibited - (If fenugreek, whose seeds and stems have the same taste, fell into a vat of wine) If the fenugreek was of Sheviis, Kila'i HaKerem (mixed seeds in a vineyard) or Hekdesh, if the seed and stem combined are enough to give flavor, the wine is prohibited.
ìà ðîöà îàáã àåëìé áäîä
Question: (The Mishnah asked - Until when may one use and burn the straw and stubble of Sheviis? Until the second rains fall.) How is it permitted to burn them - isn't it destroying Sheviis produce?
úôúø áàåëìé áäîä ìàãí
Answer: For a human need, it is permitted to benefit from animal food in this way.
àîø øáé îðà úéôúø á÷ãåùú ùáéòéú ááéòåø åìéú àú ùîò îéðä ëìåí:
Answer (R. Mana): (This answer is incorrect. Rather) it's when the time of Biur arrived and since they have lost their sanctity, he may benefit from burning them - and there is no proof that one may benefit from animal food for a human need.