DELAYED SANCTITY OF SHEVIIS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 5 Halachah 1 Daf 13a)
îùðä áðåú ùåç ùáéòéú ùìäï ùðééä ùäï òåùåú ìùìåù ùðéí
(Mishnah): Bnos Shuach (white fig trees) - their sanctity of Sheviis comes in the second year (of the Shemita cycle, as the Chanatah - i.e the budding of those fruits would have occurred in the Shemita year), as they remain on the tree for three years.
øáé éäåãà [ãó ìã òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àåîø äôøñàåú ùáéòéú ùìäï îåöàé ùáéòéú ùäï òåùåú ìùúé ùðéí
(R. Yehuda): Persian figs - their sanctity of Sheviis comes in the year following Sheviis, as they grow every two years.
àîøå ìå ìà àîøå àìà áðåú ùåç:
(Chachamim to R. Yehuda): They only applied this law to Bnos Shuach.
âîøà îäå áðåú ùåç ôéèøéä îä áëì ùðä åùðä äï òåùåú àå àçú ìùìåù ùðéí
(Gemara) Question: What are Bnos Shuach? Pitriyah (white figs). Does it produce fruit each year (but it takes three years to ripen) or does it only produce fruit once every 3 years?
[ã]áëì ùðä åùðä äï òåùåú [àìà] (àéï) ùàéï ôéøåúéï (îâîøéï)[ðâîøéï] àìà ìàçø ùìåù ùðéí
Answer: They produce every year, but the fruit only ripens after 3 years.
ëéöã äåà éåãò
Question: But how does he know (which ones budded in the Shemita year)?
øáé éåðä àîø îùé÷ùø òìéå çåè úðé ùîåàì úåçá áäï ÷éñîéï
Answer (R. Yona): He ties a thread to them when they bud in Sheviis. Shmuel taught that he inserts toothpicks into them.
úðé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø àéìï ùçðè ÷åãí çîùä òùø áùáè îúòùø ìùòáø ìàçø çîùä òùø áùáè îúòùø ìáà
Baraisa (R. Shimon ben Gamliel): If a tree budded before 15th Shevat, it is tithed according to last year; after 15th Shevat, it is tithed according to the next year.
úðé àîø øáé ðçîéä áã''à áàéìï ùäåà òåùä ùúé âåøðåú áùðä àáì áàéìï ùäåà òåùä âåøï à' áùðä ëâåï æéúéí åúîøéí åçøåáéï àò''ô ùçðèå ÷åãí ìæîï äæä äøé äï ëìòúéã ìáà
Baraisa (R. Nechemia): This only applies when two pickings are made per year, but if it is only picked once a year, such as olives, dates and carobs, even if it budded before that time, it's tithed according to the next year.
[ãó ìã òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåçðï ðäâå áçøåáéï ëøáé ðçîéä
(R. Yochanan): The custom for carobs is like R. Nechemia (that we follow when it was picked rather than when it budded).
îåúéá ø''ù ÷åîé øáé éåçðï åäà úðéðï áðåú ùåç ùáéòéú ùìäí ùðééä ùäï òåùåú ìùìù ùðéí òì ãòúê îä ùòùå áùáéòéú éäå ùáéòéú
Question (R. Shimon ben Lakish to R. Yochanan): Doesn't our Mishnah teach that the sanctity of Sheviis of Bnos Shuach comes in the second year, as they remain on the tree for three years (and this is despite them only being picked once a year). And according to you, it should follow the time that they are picked, so that whatever was picked in Sheviis should have the sanctity of Sheviis...?
åäåà î÷áì îéðéä
R. Yochanan accepted this question against him.
à''ø áåï áø ëäðà åúîéä àðà àéê äéä îåúéá ø''ù ÷åîé øáé éåçðï åäåà î÷áì îéðéä åéúáéðéä àðà àîø çøåáéï åàú àîø áðåú ùåç àðà àîø îðäâ åàú àîøú äìëä àðà àîø ø' ðçîéä åàú àîø øáðï
Question (R. Bun bar Kahana): How could it be that Reish Lakish questioned R. Yochanan and he accepted it? Surely R. Yochanan could have answered, "I spoke about carobs and you are asking from Bnos Shuach! I spoke about custom and you are asking from a Halacha of a Mishnah! I said that they followed R. Nechemia and you are asking from other Tannaim!
àìà äéà çøåáéï äéà áðåú ùåç äéà îðäâ äéà äìëä äéà ø' ðçîéä äéà øáðï
Conclusion of question: Rather you must say that carobs are the same as Bnos Shuach; that the custom is the same as the Halacha and that R. Nechemia and the other Tannaim agree. (Note: This entry follows the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievsky.)
úîï àîøéï àéìï ùçðè ÷åãí øàù äùðä ùì òåìí îúòùø ìùòáø åìàçø ø''ä ùì òåìí îúòùø ìáà
They said in Bavel that a tree that budded before Rosh Hashana (1st Tishrei) establishes that it is tithed according to the previous year; if after Rosh Hashana, it is tithed according to the following year.
äúéá øáé éåãï áø ôãéà ÷åîé øáé éåðä äøé çøåáéï äøé äï çåðèéï ÷åãí ø''ä ùì òåìí åäï îúòùøéï ìáà
Question (R. Yudan bar Pedaya to R. Yona): As for carobs, they bud before Rosh Hashana and they are tithed according to the following year?!
[ãó ìä òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åìà ùîéò ãà''ø çéððà áø ôôà [ãó éâ òîåã á] çøåáéï ùìùåìï äéà çðèï
Rebuttal: Didn't you hear that R. Chinana bar Papa said that the 'budding' of carobs is when it forms a chain, which happens only after Rosh Hashana!
àîø øáé éñà äáéà ùìéù ìôðé ø''ä ùì òåìí îúòùø ìùòáø àçø ø''ä ùì òåìí îúòùø ìáà
(R. Yosa): If it grew a third before Rosh Hashana, it is tithed according to the previous year; if after Rosh Hashana, it is tithed according to the following year.
äúéá ø' æòéøà ÷åîé ø' éåñà ôòîéí ùäùðéí îàôéìåú åúîøéí îèéìåú ùàåø àçø ø''ä ùì òåìí åäï îúòùøåú ìùòáø
Question (R. Zeira to R. Yosa): Sometimes the rainy season begins late and the date pits only get their white layer after Rosh Hashana. Such dates should be tithed according to the following year but people tithe them according to the previous year?!
à''ø æòéøà ìà îï ãòúéä àîø äãà îéìúà àìà îï äãà øáé éåçðï åø''ù áï ì÷éù
Answer (R. Zeira): R. Yosa didn't say his own opinion; he learned it from R. Yochanan and R. Shimon ben Lakish.
øáé éò÷á áø àçà áùí ùîåàì áø àáà äáéà ùìéù ÷åãí è''å áùáè îúòùø ìùòáø àçø è''å áùáè îúòùø ìáà
(R. Yaakov bar Acha citing Shmuel bar Abba): If they reach 1/3rd before 15th Shevat, they are tithed according to the previous year; if after 15th Shevat, they are tithed according to the following year.
àîø ø''æ åéàåú äøé àúøåâ ò÷øúä çðèå åìà ò÷øúä ùðúå åëàï [ùìà] ò÷øú[ä] (ùðúå)[çðèå] (å)ìà ò÷øúä (çðèå)[ùðúå]
Support (R. Zeira): This is certainly correct (that a carob does not follow its budding even though it is a fruit) because an Esrog is similar - you uprooted the effect of its budding (as it instead follows when it is picked), but you still follow its New Year (15th Shevat like any other tree). Here, in the case of the trees discussed by Rav Nachman, that we follow when they were 1/3rd grown rather than when they were picked, certainly we will not change its New Year!
[ãó ìä òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] øáé áåï áø çééà áòé ÷åîé øáé æòéøà îòúä ùìéù äøàùåï ìùòáø ùìéù äùðé ìáà
Question (R. Bun bar Chiya to R. Zeira): If so, the first third should follow the previous year and two-thirds should follow the next year?
à''ì ùìéù äøàùåï ÷ùä ìáà îëéåï ùäåà áà îéã äåà âãì àîø øáé áà áàøéñ àåîï éìéó ìä øáé æòéøà
Answer (R. Zeira): We follow the first third because it is the hardest to grow (but once it grows, the next two-thirds grows quickly). R. Ba said that R. Zeira is correct and spoke like a professional sharecropper.
ùîåàì àîø ùéúéï éåîéï ùéúà òìéé ùéúà éåîéï ùéúéï òìéé
Support (Shmuel): 60 days pass until the first 6 leaves emerge. Six days later, 60 leaves emerge.
úðé øùá''â àåîø îï öàú òìéï åòã äôâéï ð' éåí îï äôâéï åòã äùéúéï äðåáìåú ð' éåí îï ùéúéï äðåáìåú òã äúàéðéí ð' éåí
Baraisa (Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel): From the time that the leaves emerge until they become 'Pagin' is 50 days. From becoming 'Pagin' until they are Shisin Hanovalos is 50 days. From Shisin Hanovalos until they become figs is 50 days.
øáé àåîø ëåìäï àøáòéí éåí
(Rebbi): Each stage is 40 days (not 50 days).
ì÷è úàðä åàéðå éåãò àéîúé çðèä àîø øáé éåðä îåðä îàä éåîéï ìîôøò àí çì ìúåëï çîùä òùø áùáè åäåà éåãò àéîúé çðèä.
If a person picked a fig and doesn't know when it budded, R. Yona said that he should count 100 days back - if within those 100 days was 15th Shevat, then he knows when it budded (and can tithe accordingly).
àîøå ìå åäøé òîê áèáøéà åäï òåùåú ìùðä àçú àîø ìäï åäøé òîëí áöéôåøéï åäï òåùåú ìùúé ùðéí
(Chachamim to R. Yehuda): (The Mishnah taught (above (b)) that R. Yehuda said that for Persian figs, their sanctity of Sheviis comes in the year following Sheviis, as they grow every two years.) The Persian figs that grow near you in Tiveria grow once a year and those near you in Tzipori grow every two years. (If so we should follow the majority of Persian dates. The point of dispute here is whether the majority grow fruit every year or every two years - this is the explanation of Rav Chaim Kanievsky citing the Rosh.)