
WHEN MAY SHEVIIS OLIVES BE USED? (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 4 Halachah 7 Daf 12b)

îùðä [ãó éá òîåã á] æéúéí ùäëðéñå øáéòéú ìñàä ôåöò åàåëì áùãä äëðéñå çöé ìåâ ëåúù åñê áùãä äëðéñå ùìéù ëåúù áùãä åëåðñ ìúåê áéúå


(Mishnah): If a Se'ah of Sheviis olives can be squeezed to produce a Revi'is HaLog (1/4 of a Log - which is 86cc) of oil, they may be split open and eaten in the field. Once they can produce a half a Log of oil, they may be crushed in the field and their oil used to anoint. Once they have reached 1/3rd, they may be crushed in the field and brought home.

åëï ëéåöà áæä áùàø ùðé ùáåò çééáéï áîòùøåú åùàø ëì ôéøåú äàéìï ëòåðúï ìîòùøåú ëê òåðúï ìùáéòéú:


Similarly, in the other years of Shemita, (at this stage) they are obligated in Ma'asros. As for all other fruits of the tree, the time that they become obligated in Ma'asros is when they are permitted to be eaten in Sheviis.

[ãó ìá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] âîøà æéúéí ùäëðéñå øáéòéú ìñàä îäå ùìéù ìåâ


(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah taught that if a Se'ah of Sheviis olives can be squeezed to produce a Revi'is...(Once they have reached 1/3rd, they may be crushed in the field and brought home) - What is 1/3rd ? (From the ascending order of the Mishnah, the term 1/3rd must be more than 1/2, meaning that it's referring to a full Log). So why not say 'a Log'?

îúðéúà ùäï òåùéï ùìåùä ìåâéï ìñàä


Answer: The Mishnah is referring to olives that produce three Log per Seah by the end of the season. (When they have produced 1/3rd of that total, which is a Log, he may crush and bring home.)


THE SAGES' GREAT LOVE FOR ERETZ YISRAEL (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 4 Halachah 7 Daf 12b)

ëúéá (åé÷øà ëä) ëé éåáì äéà ÷åãù úäéä ìëí åâå' îä äéà ÷åãù àó úáåàúä ÷åãù


The pasuk states (Vayikra 25:12), "For it is Yovel, it shall be sanctified to you...'' Just as it is sanctified, so its produce is sanctified (and may not be wasted).

øáé éåñé áï çðéðà îðù÷ ìëéôúà ãòëå òã ëä äéà àøòà ãéùøàì


R. Yosi ben Chanina would kiss the stones of Acco and would say, "Until here is the Land of Israel''. (Acco was the northern border.)

ø''æ òáã éøãðà áîðåé


R. Zeira would wade through the Jordan river in his clothing (in love of the Land).

øáé çééà áø áà îúòâì áäãà àìéñåñ ãèáøéà


R. Chiya bar Ba would roll around on the stones of Tiveria.

ø''ç øáà îú÷ì ëéôé


R. Chiya the Great would weigh the stones of Eretz Yisrael.

øáé çððéà îú÷ì âåùééà ì÷ééí îä ùðàîø (úäéìéí ñá) ëé øöå òáãéê àú àáðéä åàú òôøä éçåððå:


R. Chananya would weigh the clumps of earth of Eretz Yisrael, in fulfilment of the pasuk (Tehillim 102:15), "For Your servants have desired its stones and favored its dust.''


CHOPPING DOWN TREES IN SHEVIIS (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 4 Halachah 8 Daf 12b)

îùðä îàéîúé àéï ÷åööéï àú äàéìï áùáéòéú á''ù àåîøéí ëì äàéìï îùéåöéà


(Mishnah): From when may one no longer chop down a tree (for wood) in Sheviis (as it would deprive the public of partaking of the fruit)? Beis Shammai say - From when it grows fruit.

åá''ä àåîøéí äçøåáéí îùéùìùìå [ãó ìâ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäâôðéí îùéâøòå åäæéúéí îùéðéöå åùàø ëì äàéìï îùéåöéà åëì äàéìï ëéåï ùáà ìòåðú äîòùøåú îåúø ì÷åööå


Beis Hillel say - Carobs - from when the fruit becomes like a chain; grapevines - from when they 'Yigaru' (contain liquid); olives - from when their 'Netz' grows (when the flower falls and the fruit is visible); and for all other trees, from when they grow fruit. For all other trees (in years other than Sheviis), when it reaches the season of Ma'asros, one may chop its branches for firewood. (Since its fruits have already ripened, there is no loss when the branches are chopped.)

åëîä éäà áæéú åìà é÷öðå øåáò


Question: In other years, how much must be on the olive tree to forbid chopping it down (because of the prohibition of chopping down fruit trees)? A quarter Kav of olives.

øùá''â àåîø äëì ìôé äæéú:


(R. Shimon ben Gamliel): It depends on the tree. (If a tree produces fine fruit, even if it produces less than a quarter Kav, it is forbidden to chop it down.)

âîøà úðé øáé çðéðà áø ôôà çøåáéï ùìùåìï äéà çðèï


(Gemara): (The Mishnah taught from when the Carob fruit becomes like a chain, the tree may not be chopped down.) R. Chanina bar Papa taught that its becoming like a chain is its Chanatah (budding).

âôðéí îùéâøòå àîø øáé éåðä îùéæçéìå îéí ëîä ãàú àîø (àéåá ìå) ëé éâøò ðèôé îéí éæå÷å îèø ìàéãå


"Grapevines, from when they 'Yigaru'" - R. Yona said that it's when it flows liquid (when squeezed), as the pasuk states (Iyov 36:27), "For He increases (Yigara) water droplets; rain is poured into His cloud''.

æéúéí îùéðéöå àîø ø' éåðä îùäëðéñå øåáò


(R. Yona): "Olives - from when their Netz grows'' - meaning that it produces a Rova.

îä øåáò ðõ àå øåáò æéúéí


Question: Does he mean a quarter Kav of Nitzanim or a quarter Kav of olives?

àîø øáé éåðä ìàé ãå ðõ ùäåà òåùä øåáò æéúéí


Answer (R. Yona): Enough Nitzanim to indicate that the tree will produce a Kav of olives.

àîø øáé éåðä ëúéá (ãáøéí ëç) ëé éùì æéúéê çã ìúìú îàä åàøáòéï ÷ééí áä


(R. Yona): The pasuk states (Devarim 28:40), "(You will have olive trees throughout all of your boundaries, but you will not anoint with [their] oil,) because (Yishal) your olive trees will drop off (their fruits) - the yield of your olive trees will be very low - there will only be one olive for every 340 Nitzanim. (The word Yishal has the numerical value of 340.)

[ãó ìâ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] à''ø éåðä ëúéá (éåàì á) ëé òõ ðùà ôøéå îâéã ùìà ðùà ôøéå áòåìí äæä åâôï åúàéðä ðúðå çéìí îâéã ùìà ðúðå çéìí áòä''æ


(R. Yona): The pasuk states (Yoel 2:22), "(Don't fear you beasts of the field, as the dwelling places of the desert have become covered with grass,) for the trees have borne their fruit...'' - they didn't bear fruit in this world; "...the fig tree and the vine have given forth their strength'' - this teaches that they didn't give their strength in this world.

à''ø éåðä áùí ø' çîà áø çðéðà äîú áùáò ùðé âåâ àéï ìå çì÷ ìòúéã ìáà ñéîðà ãàëéì ôøåèâîéà àëéì îùúéúà


(R. Yona citing R. Chama bar Chanina): One who dies at the time of Gog (and Magog, instead of suffering together with Am Yisrael), he does not have a portion in the world to come. A sign for this is one who joins the meal that is celebrated a week before a wedding, he will also eat at the wedding meal.

ùîò øáé éåñé åàîø åéàåú òã ëãåï àéú úåúáä ìòìîà ãàúé


R. Yosi heard this and said, "Is that correct? There's the possibility to repent and receive a place in the world to come (even for those that don't suffer it).''

øáé éåðä áùí çééà áø àùé òúéãéï äï çáéøéï ìäúééâò îáúé [ãó éâ òîåã à] ëðñéåú ìáúé îãøùåú îä èòí (úäéìéí ôã) éìëå îçéì àì çéì éøàä àì àìäéí áöéåï


(R. Yona citing Chiya bar Ashi): In the next world, the Torah Scholars will also toil in the Synagogues and Batei Midrash. What's the source for this? The pasuk states (Tehillim 84:8), "They shall go from strength to strength, he will appear to Hash-m in Tzion.''

øáðï ã÷éñøéï àîøé ÷èðé òëå''í åçééìåúéå ùì ð''ð ìà çééï åìà ðéãåðéï åòìéäï äåà àåîø (éøîéäå ðà) åéùðå ùðú òåìí åìà é÷éöå


(Rabbanan of Kisarin): The young idolaters and the soldiers of Nebuchadnetzar will not return for the revival of the dead, and will not be judged for their actions, as the pasuk states (Yirmiyah 51:39), "and they sleep an eternal sleep and will not awaken''.

îàéîúé ÷èðé éùøàì çééï øáé çééä øåáä åø''ù áøáé çã àîø îùéåìãå åçã àîø îùéãáøå


Question: From what age does a Jewish child have a place in the World to Come? R. Chiya the Great and R. Shimon son of Rebbi disagreed - one said from birth and the other said from when it can speak.

î''ã îùéåìãå (úäéìéí ëá) éáàå åéâéãå öã÷úå ìòí ðåìã ëé òùä


According to the one who said from birth, it's as the pasuk states (Tehillim 22:32), "They will come and tell His righteousness, to the newborn nation that which He has done''.

î''ã îùéãáøå (ùí) æøò éòáãðå éñåôø ìä' ìãåø


According to the one said from when it can speak, it's as the pasuk states (Tehillim 22:31), "About the seed that serves Him, it will be told to the latter generation (i.e. forever) concerning Hashem''.

úðé áùí ø''î îùäåà éåãò ìòðåú àîï ááéú äëðñú î''è (éùòéäå ëå) ôúçå ùòøéí åéáåà âåé öãé÷ ùåîø àîåðéí.


(Baraisa citing R. Meir): It is from when the child knows how to answer "Amen'', as the pasuk states (Yishayahu 26:2), "Open the gates, so that a righteous nation, awaiting the realization [of Hash-m's promise], may enter''. (Instead of being read "Shomer Emunim'' (awaiting the realization); it should be read as "Shomer Amenim'' (those who await answering "Amen'').)

úîï àîøé îùéîåìå (úäéìéí ôä) ðùàúé àéîê àôåðä åøáðï ãäëà àîøéï îùéåìãå (ùí) åìöéåï éàîø àéù åàéù éåìã áä åäåà éëåððä òìéåï


In Bavel they say that it's from when the child is circumcised, as the pasuk states (Tehillim 88:16), "Nasasi Aymecha Afuna - I have borne Your fear.'' (This is understood as 'Aymecha' - pain of circumcision; 'Afuna' - he will be taken out and revived from the dead.) And it says (Tehillim 87:5), "And to Zion it will be said, "Man after man was born in her,'' and He will establish it on high.''

øáé àìòæø àåîø àôé' ðôìéí îä èòí (éùòéäå îè) åðöåøé éùøàì ìäùéá åðöéøé éùøàì ìäùéá:


(R. Elazar): Even the miscarried fetuses, as the pasuk states (Yishayahu 49:6), "and to bring back ('Netzirei') the besieged of Yisrael''. ('Netizrei' is understood as formed but before birth.)