INCREASING THE MANURE (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 3 Halachah 2 Daf 7a)
îùðä òåùä àãí àú ùãäå ùìù ùìù àùôúåú ìáéú ñàä éåúø îëàï àñåø ãáøé ø''ù
(Mishnah) (R. Shimon): A person may make three heaps for every Beis Seah, but no more.
åçë''à òã ùéòîé÷ â' àå òã ùéâáéä ùìùä
(Chachamim): To be permitted to increase the number of heaps, one must make them three tefachim deeper or raise them three tefachim higher (to show that he is not merely fertilizing his field).
òåùä àãí àú æáìå àåöø
A person may pile all of his manure in one place (rather than in three heaps).
ø''î àåîø òã ùéòîé÷ â' àå òã ùéâáéä ùìùä
(R. Meir): Only if he lowers or raises it three tefachim.
äéä ìå ãáø îåòè îåñéó òìéå åäåìê
If he had a small quantity of manure, he may add to it (until he has reached the amount of 10 containers).
ø''à áï òæøéä àåîø òã ùéòîé÷å àå òã ùéâáéä ùìùä àå òã ùéúï òì äñìò:
(R. Elazar ben Azaria): Only if he lowers or raises it three tefachim or he puts it on top of a rock.
âîøà åìîä úðéúä úøééï æéîðéï
(Gemara): Why did the Mishnah teach R. Shimon's opinion twice (both here and in the earlier Mishnah)?
àîø ø' éøîéä ëàï áôåçú îï äàùôìåú [ãó ë òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] áøí äëà áòåùä ëùéòåø
Answer (R. Yirmiyah): Our Mishnah is when he reduces the number of containers per heap (to less than 10); the earlier Mishnah is when he uses 10 containers per heap.
åúðé ëï òì ãøáé ùîòåï åáìáã ùìà éôçåú ìàùôä îùìù îùôìåú
Proof (Baraisa): About R. Shimon's statement, it was taught - as long as he doesn't have less than three containers in a heap.
)åçëîéí àåñøéï) [åø' îàéø àåñø] [ãó æ òîåã á] áòåùä éåúø îëùéòåø àáì áëùéòåø áùìùä î÷åîåú îåúø áî÷åí àçã ìà ëì ùëï
The Mishnah taught that R. Meir prohibits (piling all his manure into one heap unless he lowers or raises it three tefachim). He only prohibits when he makes a pile larger than the size (of 3 heaps of 10 containers); but if he makes the heap that size, if it's permitted in 3 places, certainly it's permitted in one place!
ôúø ìä úøéï ôúøéï
(In the Mishnah, Chachamim and R. Elazar ben Azaria disagreed over a small quantity.) There are two ways to explain their disagreement...
(ëùäéä)[áùäéä] ìå ãáø îåòè áúåê (ùãäå)[áéúå] áùáéòéú äøé æä îåñéó òìéå åäåìê îùôñ÷å òåáãé òáåãä øáé ìéòæø áï òæøéä àåñø î''è ãøàá''ò ùîà ìà éîöà ìå æáì åðîöà îæáì àú àåúå î÷åí.
Explanation #1: When he had a small quantity (of manure) in his house in Sheviis, he may add more, until there are 10 containers. When the workers have stopped their work, R. Elazar ben Azaria prohibits it. Why is this? Perhaps he won't find manure to complete the 10 and he would have thereby fertilized his field.
ôúø ìä ôúø çåøï (ëùäéä)[ëùäéä] ìå ãáø îåòè áúåê áéúå òøá ùáéòéú (åäåà îá÷ù ìäåöéàå áúåê ùãäå ùáéòéú) äøé æä îåñéó òìéå åäåìê îùôñ÷å òåáãé òáåãä øàá''ò àåñø ùîà ìà éîöà ìå æáì åðîöà îæáì àú àåúå î÷åí
Explanation #2: When he had a small quantity (of manure) in his house before Sheviis, he may add more in Sheviis. When the workers have stopped their work, R. Elazar ben Azaria prohibits it. Why is this? Perhaps he won't find manure and he would have thereby fertilized his field.
åìà ëáø äåà îæåáì îòøá ùáéòéú
Question on explanation #1: Why didn't R. Elazar ben Azaria allow adding a small amount if there was already manure there before Sheviis?
øáé áà øáé éøîéä á''ø áåï áø çééà áùí øáé áà áø îîì îôðé îøàéú òéï òã ùéåöéà òùø îùôìåú ëàçú
Answer (R. Ba/ R. Yirmiyah bei R. Bun bar Chiya citing R. Ba bar Mamal): Because of Maris HaAyin, unless he takes out 10 containers together.
åìéú ìøáðï îôðé îøàéú òéï
Question: Are the Rabbanan not concerned for Maris Ayin?
àîø øáé àéãé ãçåèøà ñìå åîâøéôå îåëéçéï òìéå ùäåà òåùä àùôä
Answer (R. Idi of Chutra): His basket and shovel show that he is merely making a heap.
[ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éåñé á''ø áåï àîø àéìéï ùîåòúà ãäëà ãúðéðï øáé àìéòæø áï òæøéä àåîø àéï òåùéï àú äàîä áúçìä áîåòã åáùáéòéú
(R. Yosi bei R. Bun): These two explanations follow that which was taught (in Maseches Moed Katan) - R. Eliezer ben Azaria says that one may not make a new channel (around and between fields) on Chol HaMoed (because it involves great effort) nor on Sheviis. (Why is that?)
àîø øáé æòéøà îôðé ùäåà îëùéø àú öããéä ìæøéòä
Reason (R. Zeira): Because it prepares the earth around the channel for planting.
øáé éøîéä øáé áåï áø çééà áùí øáé áà áø îîì îôðé îøàéú òéï
Alternative reason (R.Yirmiyah/ R. Bun bar Chiya citing R. Ba bar Mamal): Because of Maris Ayin (that it looks like he's digging for Sheviis).
äååï áòéï îéîø îàï ãàîø úîï îôðé îøàéú òéï åäëà îôðé îøàéú òéï î''ã îôðé ùäåà îëùéø àú öããéä ìæøéòä äëà îàé àéú ìê ìîéîø ìéú ìê àìà ëäãà ùîà ìà éîöà ìå æáì åðîöà îæáì àú àåúå äî÷åí
They thought to suggest that the one that was concerned there (Mishnah in Moed Katan) for Maris Ayin would say the same thing here. And the one who said (in Moed Katan, that one may not make a channel) because it prepares the earth around the channel for planting; what would he say here (about Sheviis)? It must be like the first explanation, that he had a small quantity in his field - and perhaps he won't find manure and he would have thereby fertilized his field.
îä ðô÷ îáéðéäåï çôø ìòùåú àîä ùì áðééï
What's the difference between the two cases? If he dug to make foundations of a building.
äååï áòåï îéîø îàï ãàîø îôðé îøàéú òéï åäëà îôðé îøàéú òéï åî''ã úîï îôðé ùäåà îëùéø àú öããéä ìæøéòä äëà äøé àéðå îëùéø àú öããéä ìæøéòä
They thought to suggest that there (a channel), according the opinion that it is because of Maris Ayin, here (foundations), it is prohibited for the same reason. And according to the opinion that there it's prohibited because he is preparing the sides for planting, here it does not apply.
äëì îåãéí ùàí äéä ìå ùí ñéã àå öøåøåú àå àáðéí âéôñåñ îåúø:
All agree that if in the location that he put the manure, there were lime, pebbles or Gipsus stones, it is permitted to put some manure (and it is the same as putting manure on a stone).