
TAKING OUT MANURE (Yerushalmi Sheviis Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 6b)

îùðä îàéîúé îåöéàéí æáìéï ìàùôúåú îùéôñ÷å òåáãé òáåãä ãáøé ø''î


(Mishnah) (R. Meir): When may manure be taken out to the heaps (in the fields)? When the workers (who fertilize the fields) stop their work (at the end of the season).

[ãó éè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] øáé éäåãä àåîø îùéáù äîúå÷


(R. Yehuda): When the Matok has dried up.

øáé éåñé àåîø îùé÷ùåø


(R. Yosi): When it becomes knotted (i.e. clumped).

òã ëîä îæáìéï òã ùìåù àùôúåú ìáéú ñàä ùì òùø òùø îùôìåú åùì ìúê ìúê îåñéôéí òì äàùôìåú åàéï îåñéôéï òì äàùôúåú


How much manure may be heaped? Three heaps for every Beis Seah which are at least ten containers of a Letek (15 Seah) each. You may add to the number of containers, but not to the number of heaps.

ø''ù àåîø àó òì äàùôúåú:


(R. Shimon): You may even add to the number of heaps.

âîøà îàéîúé îåöéàéï ëå'. òã ùìà ôñ÷å òåáãé òáåãä îäå ùéäà îåúø ìòùåú àùôä òì ôúç çöéøå


(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah taught - When may manure be taken out etc. Before the workers have stopped, is it permitted to make a heap at the entrance of his courtyard?

ñéìðé ùàì ìø' çééà áø áà (åàîø)[åàñø] ìéä (øáé)[åø' çðéðà] àîø ùøà ìéä åäååï àîøéï ãå ðñá åäåøé òì âøîéä ìöàú ìçåõ ìàøõ ãìà ìîéñá îòùø


Silani asked R. Chiya bar Abba this question and he prohibited it. R. Chanina said that he permitted it. People were saying that he permitted it for Silani because he was receiving Maaser from Silani. R. Chiya decided to go and live in Chutz LaAretz to avoid receiving any more Maaser.

îòúä àôéìå îùôñ÷å òåáãé òáåãä éäà àñåø îôðé îøàéú òéï ùìà éäå àåîøéí ìúåê ùãä áéú äùìçéï ùìå äåà îåöéà


Question: If so (that we are concerned for Maris Ayin), even if the time has passed when the workers fertilize the fields, one shouldn't be allowed to take out manure, as people will suspect him of having irrigated fields (that he wish to now fertilize)?

éåãòéï äï áðé òéøå àí éù ìå áéú äùìçéï àí àéï ìå


Answer: The people of his city will know whether or not he owns an irrigated field.

àîø øáé éåñé äãà àîøä ìà çùå ìòåáøéï åùáéï îôðé îøàéú òéï


(R. Yosi): This teaches us that we are not concerned for the Maris Ayin (mistaken assumptions) of passers by (only of the locals).

áàéñåø á' ôø÷éí îäå ùéäà îåúø ìòùåú ëñãø äæä


Question: During the prohibition of Tosefes Sheviis (during the year before Sheviis, when it is already prohibited to fertilize), may one make piles of manure and make three heaps for every Beis Seah which are at least ten containers of a Letek each?

ðéùîòðà îï äãà îåëøéï åîåöéàéï æáìéí òí äòåùéï ùáéòéú òã ø''ä òí äòëå''í òí äëåúé àôéìå áùáéòéú åáìáã ùìà éôøå÷ àú äîùôìåú [ãó éè òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ìà àîø àìà åáìáã ùìà [ãó æ òîåã à] éôøå÷ àú äîùôìåú äà ìöàú îåöéà äãà àîøä ùäåà îåúø åàéï úéîø ùäåà àñåø éäà àñåø ìäåöéà


Answer (Tosefta): 'One may sell and take out manure until Rosh Hashana for those suspected of transgressing Sheviis and one may do so for a gentile or Kusi even during Sheviis, as long as one doesn't take from the heaps.' The Tosefta only instructed not to take from the heaps, but it's permitted to take out before Rosh Hashana, otherwise it would have stated this.

îùéáù äîúå÷ ô÷åòä


When R. Yehuda said 'when the Matok has dried up', he was referring to the land cracking.

à''ø îðà ääï ô÷åòä ãá÷òúà


(R. Mana): It's like a crack that's in a valley.

îùé÷ùø îùéòùä ÷ùøéï ÷ùøéï


R. Yosi said 'when it becomes knotted', meaning that it becomes thicker and knotted (i.e. clumped).

àîø øáé çððéà îëéåï ùðú÷ùø áå ÷ùø äòìéåï îéã äåà éáù


(R. Chananya): Once the upper layer becomes knotted, it is already considered dry.

åúðé òìä ÷øåáéí ãáøéäí ìäéåú ùååéï


Baraisa: The opinions of R. Yehuda and R. Yosi are very similar.

à''ø éøîéä áôåçú îï äàùôìåú äà (ùúéí)[ùìù] îåúø


(R. Yirmiyah): When the Mishnah prohibited adding to the heaps, it meant reducing the number of containers for each heap, but if he made three heaps, even though there are less containers, it is permitted.

øáé éåñé áòé àí áôåçú îï äàùôìåú äà ùúéí àñåø


Question (R. Yosi): If the Mishnah is when he reduces the containers, it should be prohibited even with two heaps, as it appears that he is fertilizing his field...?

àìà ëé ðï ÷ééîéï äòåùä éåúø îï ëùéòåø ëäãà ãúðé àéï îåñéôéï ìà òì äîùôìåú åìà òì äàùôúåú ãáøé ø''î åçë''à [ãó ë òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îåñéôéï òì äîùôìåú åàéï îåñéôéï òì äàùôúåú


Rather we are discussing when he made three heaps of 10 containers, but he shouldn't increase the number of heaps, as the Baraisa teaches - R. Meir said that one may not add to the number of containers or heaps; Chachamim say that one may add to the containers but not to the heaps.

îåñéôéï òì äîùôìåú ìà áëùéòåø åãëååúä îåöéàéï òì äàùôúåú àôéìå áëùéòåø:


Adding to the containers - isn't it referring to having the set amount (meaning that even if he already took out three heaps of 10 containers, he may add to the containers). This teaches that even if he increases the number of containers to more than the set amount, he may not increase the number of heaps (as it looks like he is taking out manure to fertilize his field).