[65a - 30 lines; 65b - 34 lines]
1)[line 1]áúøúé úéáåúB'TARTEI TEIVOS- in two words (the two words "Bas ha'Ya'anah")
2)[line 1]úøé ùîåú ðéðäåTREI SHEMOS NINHU- there are two names here (referring to two separate entities, i.e. the ostrich and the eggs of birds that are Teme'im)
3)[line 2]"àÅú ëÌÀãÈøÀìÈòÉîÆø ...""ES KEDOR LA'OMER ..."- "Kedor La'omer ..." (Bereishis 14:9) - The tradition of the Amora'im of this Sugya was that the name Kedorla'omer was written as two words (see YOSEF DA'AS)
4)[line 4]áùúé úéáåú ôñé÷ ìäå; áùðé ùéèéï ìà ôñé÷ ìäåB'SHTEI TEIVOS PASIK LEHU; B'SHNEI SHITIN LO PASIK LEHU- [the name Kedorla'omer] may be (and is) split into two words; it may not, however, be written on (lit. split onto) two lines
5)[line 7]ãåøñ åàåëìDORES V'OCHEL- it steadies its food under its foot while it eats it
6)[line 10]çåì÷ àú øâìéå ùúéí ìëàï åùúéí ìëàïCHOLEK ES RAGLAV SHETAYIM L'KAN U'SHETAYIM L'KAN- (lit. it splits its feet) it grabs the string with two toes in front and two toes in back
7)[line 13]÷åìè îï äàåéøKOLET MIN HA'AVIR- [when throwing food to it,] it grabs its food from the air
8)[line 13]öéôøúàTZIPARTA- name of a kosher bird
9)[line 14]÷åìè åàåëìKOLET V'OCHEL- it grabs its food and eats it, never letting it land on the ground (the Tziparta, however, may place its food on the ground before it eats it)
10)[line 15]ùëï òí èîàéíSHACHEN IM TEME'IM- [a bird that] lives with birds that are Temei'im
11)[line 17]æøæéøZARZIR- a bird that lives among ravens (but is Kosher, according to the Chachamim who argue with Rebbi Eliezer - Daf 62a)
12)[line 19]ðãîäNIDMEH- it is similar to them in appearance
13a)[line 20]àøëåORKO- its length
b)[line 21]ä÷éôåHEKEIFO- its circumference
14)[line 23]æçìZACHAL- the name of a species of locust that is born without Kartzulin, the legs with which it jumps
15)[line 24]"... àÂùÑÆø (ìà) ìåÉ ëÀøÈòÇéÄí ...""... ASHER LO CHERA'AYIM ..."- "... that has Kartzulin, the legs with which it jumps ..." (Vayikra 11:21) - The word "Lo," "it has," is spelled (according to the Masores, the tradition of the way a Sefer Torah is to be written) with a letter Alef, which has the connotation "that it does not have Kartzulin." This statement of Rebbi Eliezer b'Rebbi Yosi supports the opinion of the Tana Kama of this Beraisa.
16)[line 27]àøáäARBEH- the red locust, according to Yemenite tradition; more generally, Arbeh denotes the Sudanese or desert locust which reaches Eretz Yisrael in large numbers (The LIVING TORAH by Rav Aryeh Kaplan, p.320). According to our Sugya, the Arbeh has no Gabachas (lit. it is not bald; this could possibly refer to an arched back or small horn-like protrusions on it head), no tail and not elongated head.
17)[line 27]ñìòíSOL'AM- the yellow locust, according to Yemenite tradition (The LIVING TORAH by Rav Aryeh Kaplan, p.320). According to our Sugya, the Sol'am has a Gabachas, no tail and no elongated head.
18)[line 27]çøâåìCHARGOL- the spotted gray locust, according to Yemenite tradition; some identify it with the long-horned grasshopper (see note #11) (The LIVING TORAH by Rav Aryeh Kaplan, p.320) According to our Sugya, the Chargol has a Gabachas, a tail and no elongated head.
19)[line 27]çâáCHAGAV- the small white locust, according to Yemenite tradition. (Chagav is also a general term referring to many species of locusts.) (The LIVING TORAH by Rav Aryeh Kaplan, p.320) According to RASHI DH Harzavnis, it seems that the Chagav is similar in appearance to the other three, however, the only fact that can be inferred from our Sugya is that it has no elongated head.
20a)[last line]ëììé ëììåúKELALEI KELALOS- (lit. general terms upon general terms) extra general terms in the verses that are used to teach Halachos; according to RASHI DH d'Vei, this refers to the words "l'Mineihu" that follow Sol'am and Chagav
b)[last line]ôøèé ôøèåúPERATEI PERATOS- (lit. specifications upon specifications) extra specific terms in the verses that are used to teach Halachos; according to RASHI DH d'Vei, this refers to the words "Sol'am" and "Chagav"
c)[last line]ëììé ëììåú / ôøèé ôøèåúKELALEI KELALOS / PERATEI PERATOS (KELALEI U'FERATEI)
(a)In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. These methods made it possible to present the Written Word in a compact form, from which the Oral Law could be interpreted by means of application of these rules. Three of these rules are as follows:
(b)KLAL U'FRAT EIN B'CHLAL ELA MAH SHEB'PRAT - When a Klal (general term) is followed by a Prat (specification), without teaching any new Halachos that pertain to that Prat, then the Halachah of the verse is limited and applies only to the Prat.
(c)PRAT U'CHLAL HU, V'NA'ASEH KLAL MOSIF AL HA'PRAT - When a Prat is followed by a Klal, then the Halachah of the verse is all-inclusive and applies to all of the cases of the general category.
(d)KLAL U'FRAT U'CHLAL IY ATAH DAN ELA K'EIN HA'PRAT - When a Klal is followed by a Prat, which is followed in turn by another Klal, then everything belonging to the general category that is similar to the Prat is included. Anything that is not in the general category of the limiting Prat is not included. This method is explained in two ways:
1.Some learn that the first Klal is the essential Klal. Since it is followed by a Prat, we should exclude everything but the Prat. However, because of the subsequent Klal that follows the Prat, we must include something. Therefore, we include that which is similar to the Prat in all respects.
2.Some learn that the second Klal is the essential one. Just as a Klal that follows a Prat is all-inclusive, a Klal that comes after a Klal u'Ferat is all-inclusive. However, since the Prat follows the original Klal, something must be excluded. Therefore, we exclude from the Klal u'Ferat u'Chelal that which is not similar at all to the Prat.
21)[line 2]éù ìå âáçúYESH LO GABACHAS- its head is bald in front
22)[line 5]éù ìå æðáYESH LO ZANAV- it has a tail
23)[line 18]öøöåøTZARTZUR- cricket