[64a - 31 lines; 64b - 22 lines]

1)[line 1]òåáøé ãâéíUBREI DAGIM- the cluster of fish eggs

2)[line 2]ùëåãøúSHE'KODERES- that which is spherical (at its end)

3)[line 2]åòâåìâåìúV'AGULGOLES- and rounded (in its middle)

4)[line 2]øàùä àçã ëãROSHAH ECHAD KAD- if one of its heads (ends) is more rounded, less pointy

5)[line 4]çìáåïCHELBON- the egg white

6)[line 5]çìîåïCHELMON- yoke

7)[line 9]áèøåôåúB'TERUFOS- that they (the eggs) were beaten

8)[line 13]ñéîðéï ìàå ãàåøééúàSIMANIN LAV D'ORAISA

(a)There are certain instances where the Torah requires proof of identity, for example in order to reclaim a lost object or to identify a dead man and permit his wife to remarry. The Gemara records an argument as to whether Simanin ("signs"; identifying marks) are considered a valid poof (Simanin d'Oraisa) or not (Simanin Lav d'Oraisa) in these instances.

(b)The Simanin under discussion are not general signs (e.g. the color of the clothes of the deceased), nor very specific signs (e.g. the lost Get had a hole next to the third letter Alef). The former certainly is not accepted as proof, while the latter certainly is accepted (see Insights). The Simanin under discussion are signs that lie in between these extremes.

9)[line 26]øé÷îäRIKMAH- if it developed an embryo

10)[line 26](áëòãùä îèîà) [îèîà îèîàä](BECHE'ADASHAH METAMEI) [METAM'AH BECHE'ADASHAH] (TUM'AS SHERATZIM)

Sheratzim are forbidden animals and reptiles mentioned in Vayikra 11:29-30 (see Background to Shabbos 107:5). A Sheretz, even if it is only the size of an Adashah (lentil bean) is an Av ha'Tum'ah. It makes a person or object Tamei through Maga (contact). If a person becomes Tamei by touching a Sheretz, he can immediately go the Mikvah. After nightfall he becomes Tahor and may eat Terumah or Kodshim.


11)[line 1]àôøåçéíEFROCHIM- baby birds

12)[line 3]âéòåìé áéöéíGI'ULEI BEITZIM- if non-Kosher eggs were boiled together with Kosher ones, the Kosher eggs remain permitted. We are not worried that some of the non-Kosher eggs exuded some of their taste into the water and from there the taste was infused into the Kosher eggs, because eggs do not exude any significant taste when they are boiled.

13)[line 3]îåæøåúMUZAROS- unfertilized eggs. The RAN explains that the word "Muzaros" is derived from the root "Muzar," which means to spin or twist yarn. When eggs stand for a long time and spoil, their contents turn stringy, like spun yarn.

14)[line 6]÷ùø ùìäKESHER SHELAH- lit. its attachment or knot; this is the place where the sperm attaches itself to the egg and the embryo begins to form. RASHI maintains that the Kesher is located in the rounded end of the egg.

15)[line 10]ãùãà úëìà áëåìäD'SHADA TICHLA B'CHULAH- that the blood permeated the entire egg

16)[line 22]ãôñ÷ ñôøà ìùúé úéáåúD'FASAK SAFRA LI'SHTEI TEIVOS- that the scribe [who writes a Torah scroll] separated [the words "Bas" and "ha'Ya'anah"] into two words, [referring to eggs and birds]