[50a - 40 lines; 50b - 43 lines]

1)[line 1]ãà÷ùúàD'AKSHATA- (O.F. feste) [fat] of the small amount of Chelev over the string (version 1) or over the bow (version 2)

2)[line 2]ãàééúøàD'AYATRA- the fat of the bowstring which clings to the abomasum and is definitely not a draping fat

3)[line 5]î÷îöéïMEKAMTZIN- we skim a little off the surface of the fat of the bowstring and eat the rest

4)[line 9]÷îåõ äá ìé ãàéëåìKEMOTZ HAV LI D'EICHOL- skim a little off the surface of the fat of the bowstring and give me the rest to eat

5)[line 9]çæééä ãäåé ÷îçñíCHAZYEI D'HAVI KA'MECHASEM- he (Rebbi Chanina) saw him (his attendant) that he was hesitant to do so

6)[line 10]âåí ùãéGUM SHADI- cut off the fat entirely and throw it away

7)[line 11]áðé îòééïBNEI ME'AYIN- entrails, small intestines

8a)[line 13]ùéø÷à ãîòééàSHIRKA D'ME'AYA- (a) the thin film that is attached to the entrails (RASHI to Pesachim 68a); (b) (O.F. glaire) a viscous, sticky substance

b)[line 13]ãðôé÷ àâá ãåç÷àD'NAFIK AGAV DUCHKA- (a) that comes out with difficulty; (b) alt. Girsa, D'NAFKA AGAV DUCHKA D'SAKINA - that comes out through [using] the pressure of a knife (RASHI to Pesachim 68a)

9)[line 13]âîéøé çáøéàGEMIREI CHEVRAYA- the colleagues [of Rebbi Aba] learned a tradition [from Rebbi Aba]

10)[line 19]ëì ùìùä éîéí äøàùåðéíKOL SHELOSHAH YAMIM HA'RISHONIM- for the first three days [of mourning, if a relative of the deceased who did not know of the death arrives at the place of mourning]

11)[line 19]îî÷åí ÷øåáMI'MAKOM KAROV- [if he comes] from a nearby place (i.e. a place that is within a day's journey), [then he counts seven days of Shiv'ah with the other mourners]

12)[line 20]îî÷åí øçå÷MI'MAKOM RACHOK- [if he comes] from a distant place (i.e. one that is more than a day's journey away), [then he counts Shiv'ah on his own and must observe a full seven days of Shiv'ah, starting from when he arrived and found out about the death]

13)[line 22]àîø îàï ãäåàAMAR MAN D'HU- someone said; one of the scholars said

14)[line 22]àéæëé åàéñ÷ åàâîøä ìùîòúàIZKI V'EISAK V'AGMERAH LI'SHEMAITA- I should merit to go up to Eretz Yisrael and learn this teaching from the mouth of its master (from Rebbi Aba b'Rebbi Chiya bar Aba)

15)[line 23]ëé ñìé÷KI SALIK- when he went up to Eretz Yisrael

16)[line 28]î÷éôéí ááðé îòééíMAKIFIM BI'VENEI ME'AYIM- [if we are unsure about whether a puncture in the innards came before or after slaughter, we may puncture other innards;] if the wound resembles the fresh wound, [the animal is Kosher]

17)[line 29]îîùîù áäå åàéãîåMEMASHMESH BEHU V'IDMU- he rubbed the new holes and they appeared similar

18)[line 31]çëéí áøé áèøôåú ëøáé éåçðïCHAKIM BRI BI'TEREIFOS K'REBBI YOCHANAN- my son is well-learned with regard to the laws of Tereifos, like Rebbi Yochanan was (a) with regard to all matters of Halachah (RASHI, 1st explanation); (b) with regard to the laws of Tereifos (RASHI, 2nd explanation)

19)[line 32]òøåâäARUGAH- [in the same] row [of lobes]

20)[line 33]îã÷ä ìã÷äMI'DAKAH L'DAKAH- from small to small

21)[line 33]åîâñä ìâñäUMI'GASAH L'GASAH- and from large to large

22)[line 35]çåìéàCHULYA- in the same three-ring band (the cartilage rings of the trachea)

23)[line 36]áø çåìéàBAR CHULYA- sub-band (the lower half of the throat-side, three-ring band)

24)[line 37]çìçåìúCHALCHOLES- the rectum

25)[line 38]åéøéëéí îòîéãåú àåúäVI'REICHAYIM MA'AMIDOS OSAH- since the hips support it; i.e. the rectum as it exits the abdominal cavity is tightly encased by the bones of the haunches (the hipbones) on each side and by the spinal column above and by cartilage below

26)[line 38]åëîä?V'CHAMAH?- and which part of the rectum does not become a Tereifah through a mere puncture? (RAN)

27)[line 39]î÷åí äãá÷ áøåáåMAKOM HA'DEVEK B'RUBO- the place where it adheres to the hips in its majority; i.e. in that place it is a Tereifah only if a majority of the circumference is torn at that point

28)[line 40]ìà úúìåLO TEISLU- do not hang on him (on Rav Nachman); i.e. do not attribute empty statements to Rav Nachman


29)[line 1]áå÷é ñøé÷éBUKEI SERIKEI- empty pitchers (do not attribute to him things that were never said)

30)[line 3]ëãé úôéñäKEDEI TEFISAH- as long as there is a place to grasp it intact within that area

31)[line 3]ëîìà áèãà áúåøàKI'MELO BATDA B'SORA- [What is considered enough place to grasp? Abaye says] room for four fingers (Rashi - one finger) suffices [even] for an ox

32)[line 7]ñðéà ãéáéSANYA DIVEI- (a) (O.F. crestange bodel) caecum, blind gut or inner paunch; (b) (O.F. bodel sacelier) caecum, blind gut (O.F. pance) paunch, the first stomach of ruminants

33)[line 8]àéñúåîëà ãëøñàISTUMKA D'CHARSA- (O.F. estomaque) the opening of the rumen (rumen is the first stomach of animals that chew the cud)

34)[line 11]ðôì ëøñà ááéøàNAFAL KERESA B'VIRA- [if you do not know which section Rebbi Yochanan meant,] the paunch has fallen into a pit; i.e. you have not explained anything useful to us by quoting Rebbi Yochanan's opinion

35)[line 12]îï äîéöø åìîèäMIN HA'METZAR UL'MATAH- it is from the point where it narrows and downward; i.e. from where the paunch begins to narrow as it approaches the esophagus, and all the way to the esophagus

36)[line 13]î÷åí ùàéï áå îéìúMAKOM SHE'EIN BO MEILAS- the inner paunch is the area of the paunch that does not have wool

37)[line 16]àîøé áîòøáäAMREI B'MA'ARAVAH- they say in the west (i.e. in Eretz Yisrael)

38)[line 18]áùø äçåôä àú øåá äëøñBASAR HA'CHOFEH ES ROV HA'KERES- the flesh that covers most of the paunch, a reference to a specific section of the abdominal wall

39)[line 20]äéëà ãôøòé èáçéHEICHA D'FAR'EI TABACHEI- where the butchers expose that part of the paunch when they slit open the belly of the hanging animal

40)[line 32]ãäåéà èôç áîùäåD'HAVYA TEFACH B'MASHEHU- it is a handbreadth in a little more than its greater part

41)[line 35]ð÷ãøä ëñìòNIKDERAH K'SELA- if a circular hole the size of a Sela coin was gouged from the outer paunch it is a Tereifah

42)[line 35]ùàí úîúç úòîåã òì èôçSHE'IM TIMATE'ACH TA'AMOD AL HA'TEFACH- if it were stretched into a straight line it would amount to a handbreadth

43)[line 37]àîáøà ãðäøãòA'MAVRA D'NEHARDE'A- at the river-crossing at Neharde'a

44)[line 39]ãòééìï úìú ÷ùééúà áöéôà áãåç÷àD'AYLAN TELAS KASHYASA B'TZIFA B'DOCHAKA- in a case where three date pits can pass tightly through the hole if they are coated with fruit residue

45)[line 40]áìà öéôà áøååçàB'LO TZIFA BI'REVACHA- in a case where three date pits can pass tightly through the hole if they are not coated with fruit residue