BAVA METZIA 86 (16 Iyar 5784) - Dedicated in memory of Baruch Tzvi Yisrael z'l ben Zev Dov and Sarah Rosenbaum.
רבי ור' נתן סוף משנה רב אשי ורבינא סוף הוראה וסימנך עד אבוא אל מקדשי אל אבינה לאחריתם
Translation: Rebbi and R. Nosson are the end of Mishnah, Rav Ashi and Ravina are the end of authoritative rulings, and it is indicated by the following Pasuk: 'Until I come to my sanctuary, then I understood their end.' [Tehilim 73:17. 'Mikdashi' (sanctuary) alludes to Rav Ashi, and 'Avina' (I understood) alludes to 'Ravina'. Therefore, Rav Ashi and Ravina are their end, meaning of the teachings of the Talmud Bavli.]
(a)What does the Gemara mean by 'the end of authoritative rulings'?
1.Rashi: Earlier, the Gemara was not in any order - questions on the Mishnah were raised in the Beis Midrash or questions about a case that happened and each person would give their opinion. Rav Ashi and Ravina organized those discussions and placed them in the appropriate Masechta and Mishnah. They and their colleagues also asked relevant questions and gave suitable answers.
2.Rambam (Intro to Peirush haMishnayos): Ravina and Rav Ashi were the last of the Chachamim. After they passed away, anyone who followed them was not disagreeing with them; rather, they were explaining them.
אמר רב כהנא אישתעי לי רב חמא בר ברתיה דחסא רבה בר נחמני אגב שמדא נח נפשיה אכלו ביה קורצא בי מלכא אמרו איכא חד גברא ביהודאי דקא מבטל תריסר אלפי גברי מישראל ירחא בקייטא וירחא בסתוא מכרגא דמלכא שדרו פריסתקא דמלכא בתריה ולא אשכחיה ערק ואזל מפומבדיתא לאקרא מאקרא לאגמא ומאגמא לשחין ומשחין לצריפא ומצריפא לעינא דמים ומעינא דמים לפומבדיתא בפומבדיתא אשכחיה איקלע פריסתקא דמלכא לההוא אושפיזא דרבה קריבו תכא קמיה ואשקוהו תרי כסי ודליוה לתכא מקמיה הדר פרצופיה לאחוריה אמרו ליה מאי נעביד ליה גברא דמלכא הוא אמר להו קריבו תכא לקמיה ואשקיוהו חד כסא ודליוהו לתכא מקמיה ולתסי עבדו ליה הכי ואתסי
Translation: Rav Kahana said: Rav Chama, the son of the daughter of Chasa, told me that Rabbah bar Nachmani died because of government persecution. They slandered him to the king. They said: There is a Jewish man who prevents 12000 Jewish men from paying the head tax one month in the summer and one month in the winter. (The Jewish men in Bavel would travel to the big yeshivas in the months of Nisan and Tishrei to learn Torah from the leading Rabbis, and therefore the tax collectors could not collect taxes during these months.) They sent a royal officer after him, and did not find him. He fled and went from Pumbedisa to Akra, and from Akra to Agma, and from Agma to Shachin, and from Shachin to Tzrifa, and from Tzrifa to Eina D'Mayim, and from Eina D'Mayim back to Pumbedisa. In Pumbedisa, he [the royal officer] found him. The royal officer came to the same inn where Rabbah was hiding. They placed a table in front of him [the royal officer] and gave him two cups, and removed the table, [Drinking an even number of cups could excite the ill will of certain demons.] and his face was turned backward by demons. They said to him [Rabbah], What should we do with him? He is a man employed by the king! He said to them, Bring the table back to him, give him one more cup, and take the table away from in front of him, and he will be healed. They did this for him, and he was healed.
(a)How could giving the officer two cups of wine cause him damage? Does the Gemara not say in Pesachim 110b that there is no issue of twos for guests?
1.Ein Eliyahu: A guest is different as he is served the cups separately and does not expect a second one when he has the first. But here, the officer was served both at the same time.
אמר מידע ידענא דגברא דקא בעינא הכא הוא בחיש אבתריה ואשכחיה אמר אזלינא מהא אי מקטל קטלו לההוא גברא לא מגלינא ואי נגידי מנגדין ליה מגלינא אתיוהו לקמיה עייליה לאדרונא וטרקיה לבבא באנפיה בעא רחמי פרק אשיתא ערק ואזיל לאגמא הוה יתיב אגירדא דדקולא וקא גריס קא מיפלגי במתיבתא דרקיעא אם בהרת קודמת לשער לבן טמא ואם שער לבן קודם לבהרת טהור ספק הקב"ה אומר טהור וכולהו מתיבתא דרקיעא אמרי טמא ואמרי מאן נוכח נוכח רבה בר נחמני דאמר רבה בר נחמני אני יחיד בנגעים אני יחיד באהלות שדרו שליחא בתריה לא הוה מצי מלאך המות למקרב ליה מדלא הוה קא פסיק פומיה מגרסיה אדהכי נשב זיקא ואויש ביני קני סבר גונדא דפרשי הוא אמר תינח נפשיה דההוא גברא ולא ימסר בידא דמלכותא כי הוה קא ניחא נפשיה אמר טהור טהור יצאת בת קול ואמרה אשריך רבה בר נחמני שגופך טהור ויצאתה נשמתך בטהור
Translation: He [the royal officer] said, I know the man I want is here! He searched for him and found him. He [Rabbah] said, I will go from here. If they threaten to kill me. I will not reveal it, but if they beat me [literally: beat him] I will reveal it. They found him and brought him before the king and put him in a room and locked the door. He prayed and the wall fell, and he fled to Agma. He sat on the trunk of a fallen palm and learned Torah. In the Heavenly Yeshiva they argued if a bright leprous spot preceded a white hair, he is Tamei; but if a white hair preceded the bright spot, he is Tahor. (See Vayikra 13:13. The bright spot must appear first, and then the white hair.) If the order was in doubt, the Holy One, Blessed Is He says he is Tahor; and the entire Heavenly Yeshiva says he is Tamei. And they said, Who will prove who the halacha follows? Rabbah bar Nachmani will prove it! As Rabbah bar Nachmani said, I am an expert in laws of Negaim (another word for Tzora'as - leprosy), and I am an expert in laws of Ohalos. They sent a messenger after him, but the Angel of Death could not come near him, because his mouth did not stop speaking his Torah learning. Meanwhile, a wind blew and made noise between the reeds. He thought it was an army of soldiers. He said, 'Let me die and not be given over into the hands of the government.' As he was dying, he said, Tahor, Tahor! (In answering the doubt of the Heavenly Yeshiva.) A Heavenly voice came out and said, You are praised, Rabbah bar Nachmani, that you body is Tahor and your soul left with the word 'Tahor'!
(a)The Kesef Mishnah (Hilchos Tumas Tzora'as 2:9) explains that the reason that the Rambam does not rule like this teaching of Rabbah about a 'leprous spot' is because of a further application of the principal of 'Lo Ba'shomayim Hi' - 'the Torah is not in Heaven'. We do not rule Halacha based on what was said when a person's soul was leaving him. But why would we not rule like that, if he made his ruling when he was still alive?
1.Chasam Sofer (Shut Orach Chaim 18): Rabbah died alone without anyone to hear his ruling. The Bas Kol (Heavenly voice) was also not heard by people, as it was the note that fell from Heaven that informed them of his death. Furthermore, even if it was heard, they would not have known which law the Bas Kol was referring to when it said 'Tahor'. Therefore, this story must have been seen in a dream or related by Eliyahu haNavi. So it is appropriate to say that 'Lo Bashomayim Hi', as we do not learn Halacha from Eliyahu or through a dream. (See Rashi Shabbos 108a dh -מאי אם יבא אליהו ויאמר - 'Heter and Issur do not depend on him, as 'Lo Bashomayim Hi').
נפל פתקא מרקיעא בפומבדיתא רבה בר נחמני נתבקש בישיבה של מעלה נפקו אביי ורבא וכולהו רבנן לאיעסוקי ביה לא הוו ידעי דוכתיה אזלו לאגמא חזו צפרי דמטללי וקיימי אמרי שמע מינה התם הוא ספדוהו תלתא יומי ותלתא לילותא נפל פתקא כל הפורש יהא בנידוי ספדוהו שבעה יומי נפל פתקא לכו לביתכם לשלום ההוא יומא דנח נפשיה דלייה זעפא ודרי לההוא טייעא כי רכיב גמלא מהאי גיסא דנהר פפא ושדייה בהך גיסא אמר מאי האי אמרי ליה נח נפשיה דרבה בר נחמני אמר לפניו רבונו של עולם כולי עלמא דידך הוא ורבה בר נחמני דידך את דרבה ורבה דידך אמאי קא מחרבת ליה לעלמא נח זעפא
Translation: In Pumbedisa, a note fell from the sky that said: Rabbah bar Nachmani is wanted in the Heavenly Yeshiva. Abaye and Rava and all the Rabbis went out to attend to him at his burial, but they did not know where he was [literally: his location]. They went to Agma and saw birds who were standing, making shade with their wings. They said, Hear from this that he is there. They eulogized him for three days and three nights. Then a note fell from Heaven that said: Anyone who leaves will be excommunicated. They eulogized him for seven days. Then a note fell from Heaven that said: Go back to your homes in peace. On the day that he died, a strong wind lifted an Arab who was riding a camel, and moved him from one side of the River Papa (the canal passing through Pumbedisa) and placed him on the other side. He said, 'What is this? They said to him, Rabbah bar Nachmani died. Right in front of them, he said, Master of the Universe! The whole world is Yours, and Rabbah bar Nachmani is Yours. You are a friend of Rabbah, and Rabbah is Your friend. Why do You destroy the world for him? The wind rested.
(a)What is the meaning of 'they did not know where he was'?
1.Many Meforshim: They did not know which way to praise him when they eulogized him, since he had so many different outstanding virtues.
(b)How did they know, when seeing the birds shading with their wings, that it was the place where Rabbah's body was?
1.Maharsha: Birds do not usually hover in one place for very long. They saw that the birds were doing something unnatural and realized that they must been shading the body of Rabbah.
2.Maharal: Just as the Keruvim (Cherubs) rest above the Aron in the Mishkan and spread their wings out over it, so too the birds were shading with their wings over the body of Rabbah, who personified the contents of the Aron.
3.Tiferes Tzion P.412: (As stated above, when the Gemara said that they did not know where he was, it meant, with what aspect of Rabbah's greatness to begin to eulogize him.) When they saw the birds, who hover around, giving shade there, they understood that they should begin by praising Rabbah's efforts to bring people close, who were 'floating' in their observance of the Torah.
(c)The Gemara in Moed Koton 27b states that eulogies should be made for seven days. Why did the people originally think that three days would suffice?
1.Yad Yosef (on Ein Yaakov): Since he was pursued by the government, he was considered to be one of the 'Herugei Malchus'. The people were concerned that the government would find out and it would endanger their lives. A second reason is that they thought that since they had eulogized for three days, both day and night, it was considered like six days of eulogy. The beginning of the next day would therefore be considered like part of the seventh day and they could then leave.
(d)Why did Rabbah's death cause strong winds?
1.Toras Chaim: The Gemara in Chagigah 12b tells us,'What does the earth rest on? On the pillars...the pillars upon the waters...the waters upon the mountains...the mountains on the wind...the wind upon the storm...the storm is suspended on the arm of the Holy One, blessed is He'. Thus, the foundation of the world is the stormy wind. A Tzaddik is also the foundation of the world, as the Pasuk states (Mishlei 10:25), "but the righteous one is the foundation of the world." Therefore, on the day of death of the great Tzadikim, stormy winds are out of control, as if the world's foundations are collapsing (since one of the two foundations have been removed).
(e)Was it really the prayer of the Arab that stopped the storms?
1.Ben Yehoyada: It was not actually his prayer that brought about the calming of the wind. Rather, it was orchestrated by Heaven in this way, in order to bring honor to Rabbah among the gentiles.
2.Rav Yechiel Michel Stern: Yes, as Hash-m listens even to the prayers of a gentile who prays genuinely to Him.
רבי שמעון בן חלפתא בעל בשר הוה יומא חד הוה חמימא ליה הוה סליק ויתיב אשינא דטורא אמר לה לברתיה בתי הניפי עלי במניפא ואני אתן ליך ככרין דנרד אדהכי נשבא זיקא אמר כמה ככרין דנרד למרי דיכי
Translation: R. Shimon ben Chalafta was a fat man. One day, it was very hot for him, so he climbed up and sat on top of a mountain, and said to his daughter: My daughter, fan me with a fan, and I will give you bundles of spikenard (a fragrant spice). Meanwhile, a wind blew. He said, How many bundles of spikenard do I owe to the Master of this breeze?
(a)Why did the Gemara relate this story now?
1.Rashi, Tosfos: Since the Gemara earlier mentioned R. Elazar ben R. Shimon, who was very fat, a story is related about another fat man.
2.Mishnas Yosef: Since in the previous story, the Gemara had related that there was a strong, angry wind, it wanted to end the topic by discussing a pleasant, beneficial wind.
(b)What is the significance of 'bundles of spikenard'?
1.Ben Yehoyada: (He understands that 'Naird' means roses.) It alludes to Chidushei Torah - novel understandings in Torah. Since the pleasant wind, that was sent by Hash-m, facilitated R. Shimon's ability to study Torah, he felt compelled to study with even greater effort and bring out novel concepts. Torah is compared to roses, in that their strong smell is far-reaching. Similarly, the Gemara tells us that when the Torah was given, the world was filled with sweet smelling spices. Furthermore, just as there are varied levels of rose petals and some smell more than others, so too there are different levels and types of Chidushei Torah.
למימרא דסעודתא דאברהם אבינו עדיפא מדשלמה והכתיב ויהי לחם שלמה ליום אחד שלשים כור סולת וששים כור קמח עשרה בקר בריאים ועשרה בקר רעי ומאה צאן לבד מאיל וצבי ויחמור וברבורים אבוסים ואמר גוריון בן אסטיון משמיה דרב הללו לעמילן של טבחים ור' יצחק אמר הללו לציקי קדירה ואמר ר' יצחק אלף נשים היו לשלמה כל אחת ואחת עשתה לו בביתה כך מאי טעמא זו סבורה שמא אצלי סועד היום וזו סבורה [שמא] אצלי סועד היום
Translation: Is this to say that Avraham Avinu's meals were greater than Shlomo's? Is it not written, 'And the bread for Shlomo for one day was 30 Kor of fine flour and 60 Kor of regular flour, 10 fat [literally: healthy] oxen, and 10 grazing cattle, and 100 sheep, besides the goat and deer and fallow deer, and fattened fowl'? (Melachim I 5:2) And Gurion ben Istion said in Rav's name: These flours were only for the cook's dough. (Cooks used to place dough above the pot, to absorb the steam and vapor. And R. Yitzchak said: These animals were only for the fried meat. (For a single dish served at the feast. Shlomo really used much more than this.) And R. Yitzchak said: Shlomo had 1000 wives, and each one made this amount for him in her own house. What is the reason? This one (wife) thought, Maybe he will eat with me today.
(a)How did Gurion ben Istion and R. Yitzchak expound from the Pasuk that it was not referring to the actual food?
1.Kli Yakar (of Rav Shmuel Laniado - Melachim I 5:2): The Pasuk said 'L'Yom Echad' and it should have said 'B'Yom Echad'. The letter Lamed indicates that those items were used to prepare the food for one day.
(b)How did R. Yitzchak expound from the Pasuk that each of Shlomo haMelech's wives prepared a full banquet in her house?
1.Kli Yakar (ibid): Perhaps he understood it from the word 'Echad' - one, which is a seemingly an unnecessary word. It indicates that each of the wives prepared such a banquet.
ואילו גבי אברהם כתיב ואל הבקר רץ אברהם ויקח בן בקר רך וטוב ואמר רב יהודה אמר רב בן בקר אחד רך שנים וטוב שלשה התם תלתא תורי לתלתא גברי הכא לכל ישראל ויהודה שנאמר יהודה וישראל רבים כחול אשר על (שפת) הים מאי ברבורים אבוסים אמר רב שאובסים אותן בעל כרחן ושמואל אמר שאבוסים ועומדים מאליהם ורבי יוחנן אמר מביאין תור ממרעיתו בדלא אניס ותרנגולת מאשפתה בדלא אניסא אמר רבי יוחנן מובחר שבבהמות שור מובחר שבעופות תרנגולת אמר אמימר זגתא אוכמתא בי בטניתא דמשתכחא ביני עצרי דלא מציא פסיא קניא
Translation: But regarding Avraham it is written: 'And Avraham ran to the cattle and took a tender and good calf.' [Bereishis 18:7] And Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: 'Calf' means one; 'tender' means two; and 'good' means three! (Shlomo's meals were infinitely larger than Avraham's.) There, there were three calves for three men, but here, it was to feed all of Yisrael and Yehuda, as the verse says: 'Yehuda and Yisrael were many, like the sand at the edge of the sea.' (Melachim I 4:20) What is meant by fattened fowl? Rav said: They fed them against their will. And Shmuel said: They were naturally fat. And R. Yochanan said: From the pasture, they brought oxen that were never forced to work, (the idleness made them extra fat) and from their garbage pile, they brought chickens that had never expended effort to find food. R. Yochanan said: The best of cattle is the ox. The best of birds is the chicken. Ameimar said: It refers to a fattened black hen that is found between the wine vats, and cannot step over a stick (because it is so fat).
(a)What was the significance of Avraham running to the cattle, other than showing his alacrity in the Mitzvah of welcoming guests?
1.Pirkei D'R. Eliezer Chapter 36: When Avraham wanted to take a calf to slaughter, it ran away. He chased it to Ma'aras haMachpelah, where Adam and Chava were buried. Adam rose from his grave and advised Avraham to buy the cave as a burial plot (which he in fact did many years later after Sarah Imeinu died).
(b)What is the central point of the disagreement between Rav and Shmuel about 'fattened fowl'?
1.Maharsha: Rav says that they are fatter if they are force-fed. Shmuel agrees, but holds that it is healthier and therefore better for a person to eat fowl that are naturally fat.
(c)Why is R. Yochanan giving advice as to the best of the cattle and chicken? How is that of spiritual benefit to a person?
1.Maharal: He can therefore use them to show more honor to Shabbos and Yom Tov.
ואל הבקר רץ אברהם אמר רב יהודה אמר רב בן בקר אחד רך שנים וטוב שלשה ואימא חד כדאמרי אינשי רכיך וטב א"כ לכתוב רך טוב מאי וטוב ש"מ לדרשה אימא תרי מדטוב לדרשה רך נמי לדרשה מתיב רבה בר עולא ואיתימא רב הושעיא ואיתימא רב נתן ברבי הושעיא ויתן אל הנער וימהר לעשות אותו כל חד וחד יהביה לנער חד ויקח חמאה וחלב ובן הבקר אשר עשה ויתן לפניהם דקמא קמא דמטיא אייתי לקמייהו ולמה לי תלתא תסגי בחד אמר רב חנן בר רבא כדי להאכילן שלש לשונות בחרדל
Translation: 'And Avraham ran to the cattle.' (Bereishis 18:7) Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: 'Calf' means one; 'tender' means two; and 'good' means three. But why not say one in total like people say: a tender and good calf? If so, then let the Torah write: 'tender, good.' What is 'and good'? Learn from this, that it is there to derive. But why not say it means two? Since 'good' is used to derive, 'tender' is also used to derive. Rabbah bar Ulla objected, and some say that it was Rav Hoshaya, and some say it was Rav Noson, son of R. Hoshaya who objected: 'And he gave it to the young man and he hurried to make it.' (Bereishis 18:7. The Pasuk states that he made it, not them.) He gave each to one young man. 'And he took butter and milk and the calf that he made, and put it in front of them.' (If there were three, why does the Pasuk refer to a single calf?) Each one was brought before them as it became ready. Why three? One should be enough! Rav Chanan bar Rava said: In order to feed them three tongues with mustard (a great delicacy).
(a)What is the significance of giving them mustard with the tongues?
1.Vilna Gaon (Pnei Aryeh): The Midrash (Zohar 102b) states that through the tree, Avraham Avinu was able to identify whether guests that came were upright or decadent people. (For the upright, the branches would bend and shelter them. For the decadent people, the branches would be vertical and not provide shade.) Upright people have three good traits - they love the poor, they live modestly and their hearts tremble for the word of Hash-m. These three are alluded to in the word בחרדל - 'in mustard'. 'בחר דל' - 'they chose the poor'; 'חדל רב' - 'they refrained from having a lot'; 'חרד לב' - 'they have a trembling heart'. Avraham gave them mustard to allude to these three traits.
אמר רבי תנחום בר חנילאי לעולם אל ישנה אדם מן המנהג שהרי משה עלה למרום ולא אכל לחם מלאכי השרת ירדו למטה ואכלו לחם ואכלו סלקא דעתך אלא אימא נראו כמי שאכלו ושתו אמר רב יהודה אמר רב עשה הקב"ה לבניו בעצמו וכל [מה] שעשה אברהם ע"י שליח עשה הקב"ה לבניו ע"י שליח ואל הבקר רץ אברהם ורוח נסע מאת ה' ויקח חמאה וחלב הנני ממטיר לכם לחם מן השמים והוא עומד עליהם תחת העץ הנני עומד לפניך שם על הצור [וגו'] ואברהם הולך עמם לשלחם וה' הולך לפניהם יומם יוקח נא מעט מים והכית בצור ויצאו ממנו מים ושתה העם ופליגא דר' חמא בר' חנינא דאמר ר' חמא בר' חנינא וכן תנא דבי רבי ישמעאל בשכר שלשה זכו לשלשה בשכר חמאה וחלב זכו למן בשכר והוא עומד עליהם זכו לעמוד הענן בשכר יוקח נא מעט מים זכו לבארה של מרים יוקח נא מעט מים ורחצו רגליכם אמר רבי ינאי ברבי ישמעאל אמרו לו וכי בערביים חשדתנו שהם משתחוים לאבק רגליהם כבר יצא ממנו ישמעאל
Translation: R. Tanchum bar Chanilai said: A person should never deviate from the local custom. We see this from how Moshe went up to Heaven and did not eat bread, and the Ministering Angels came down below and ate bread. Do you really think they ate? Rather, say that they appeared to eat and drink. Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: Whatever Avraham did for the angels himself Hash-m did for his children Himself, and whatever Avraham did through a messenger, Hash-m did for his children through a messenger. 'Avraham ran to the cattle,' therefore: 'A wind went from Hash-m.' (Bamidbar 11:31. To deliver meat in the desert). 'And he took the butter and milk,' therefore Hash-m said: 'I will make it rain bread from Heaven for you.' (Shemos 16:4) 'And he stood over them under the tree,' therefore Hash-m said: 'I will stand before you there on the rock...' (Shemos 16:4) 'And Avraham went with them to send them,' (Bereishis 18:16) therefore: 'Hashem went before them during the day.' (Shemos 13:21) 'Take a little water,' (Avraham told Yishmael to get it.) therefore: 'And you should hit the rock and water will come out and the nation will drink.' (Bereishis 18:4. Moshe brought the water, and not Hash-m Himself.) And this disagrees with the statement of R. Chama bar Chanina, as R. Chama bar Chanina said, and so did R. Yishmael's yeshiva teach: As a reward for three things they merited three things. As a reward for serving butter and milk, they merited Mann. As a reward for 'and he stood over them,' they merited the pillar of cloud that led them in the desert. As a reward for 'take a little bit of water,' they merited Miriam's well: 'Please take a little bit of water and wash your feet.' (Bereishis 18:4) R. Yanai, son of R. Yishmael, said: The angels said to Avraham, 'And do you suspect that we are Arabs who bow to the dust of their feet? Yishmael has already come from you (and his descendants will worship idols.)
(a)R. Tanchum observed from the angels who pretended to eat, that one should never deviate from the local custom. If a guest arrives satisfied, would he need to eat in order not to deviate?! Since angels do not eat, they are like a guest who arrives satisfied, so why would they have been deviating by not eating?
1.Yismach Moshe (Parashas Bereishis, on 'ויאמר אלקים תדשא הארץ'): The way of the Tzadikim is to elevate the Divine Sparks contained in food, which gives them spiritual nourishment (even when they are already physically satisfied). Even though these were angels, not Tzadikim, who do not usually elevate Divine Sparks, they did so here in order not to deviate from the 'local' custom.
(b)Where do we find that the water in the desert was given through a messenger?
1.Yalkut Eliezer Tehillim Perek 106: Hash-m told Moshe to speak to the rock. However, since Chazal tell us (Zohar Pinchas 232a) that Hash-m's Shechinah (Divine Presence) spoke through the throat of Moshe. Moshe knew that the water would need to come through a messenger. If he would speak to the rock, it would be Hash-m ordering the rock to give water, rather than it coming through a messenger. Therefore, Moshe hit the rock, so that he would be the messenger that brought the water. However, Chazal tell us that Moshe had become angry. Chazal also say that when a person becomes angry, the Shechinah leaves him (see Pesachim 66b). Therefore, there was no longer a need for Moshe to hit the rock and instead, he should have spoken to it.
(c)Why does the Gemara state that the well, the cloud and the Mann came in Avraham's merit, when the Gemara in Taanis 9a states that they came in the merit of Miriam, Aharon and Moshe? (Maharsha)
1.Maharsha: Avraham's merit alone would have only brought them temporarily. But with the merit of Miriam, Aharon and Moshe, they came for 40 years.
2.Iyun Yaakov: Although it was all in the merit of Avraham, it could have come in the generation of the desert or in a later generation if his descendants. The reason it came in the generation of the desert was because of the merit of Miriam, Aharon and Moshe.
3.Etz Yosef citing Ramas Shmuel/ Torah Temimah (Bamidbar 20, Note 8): When the Gemara wrote, for example, that the well was in the merit of Miriam, it meant that Avraham merited to have a descendant, Miriam, in whose merit there was a well for Bnei Yisrael. The Gemara merely wrote it in a shortened form.
(d)What did the angels mean when they said, 'Yishmael has already come from you'?
1.Rav Shlomo Kluger (Gevuros Shlomo Parshas Vayera P. 6a): The Gemara in Bava Basra 9b discusses a person who pursues charity. R. Nachman bar R. Yitzchak said that Hash-m will provide him with worthy people to receive his charity, so that he will be rewarded for it. R. Yehoshua ben Levi said that he will merit upstanding children. This means that a person who pursues charity will certainly either be sent worthy recipients of his charity or be given upstanding children. The angels were telling Avraham, that since he had Yishmael, who would not be an upstanding son, it must be that they are worthy people, rather than idolaters.
וירא אליו ה' באלוני ממרא והוא יושב פתח האוהל כחום היום מאי כחום היום אמר רבי חמא בר' חנינא אותו היום יום שלישי של מילה של אברהם היה ובא הקב"ה לשאול באברהם הוציא הקב"ה חמה מנרתיקה כדי שלא יטריח אותו צדיק באורחים שדריה לאליעזר למיפק לברא נפק ולא אשכח אמר לא מהימנא לך היינו דאמרי תמן לית הימנותא בעבדי נפק איהו חזייה להקדוש ברוך הוא דקאי אבבא היינו דכתיב אל נא תעבור מעל עבדך כיון דחזא דקא אסר ושרי אמר לאו אורח ארעא למיקם הכא היינו דכתיב וישא עיניו וירא והנה שלשה אנשים נצבים עליו וירא וירץ לקראתם מעיקרא אתו קמו עליה כי חזיוהו דהוה ליה צערא אמרו לאו אורח ארעא למיקם הכא מאן נינהו שלשה אשים מיכאל וגבריאל ורפאל מיכאל שבא לבשר את שרה רפאל שבא לרפא את אברהם גבריאל אזל למהפכיה לסדום והא כתיב ויבאו שני המלאכים סדומה בערב דאזל מיכאל בהדיה לשזביה ללוט דיקא נמי [דכתיב] ויהפוך את הערים האל ולא כתיב ויהפכו שמע מינה
Translation: 'And Hash-m appeared to him in the plains of Mamrei, and he sat in the tent's doorway in the heat of the day.' (Bereishis 18:1) What does 'in the heat of the day' mean? R. Chama, son of R. Chanina, said: That day was the third day since Avraham's circumcision, (when one is particularly weak) and the Holy One Blessed is He came to ask from Avraham. He took the sun out of its sheath (i.e. He made it give off intense heat) in order not to trouble that righteous man with guests. Avraham sent Eliezer outside to look for travelers. He went out but did not find any. He said, I do not believe you. That is what they say there (in Eretz Yisrael), that slaves cannot be trusted. He went out himself. The Holy One Blessed is He saw him standing at the door. That is what is written: 'Please do not pass your servant.' (Bereishis 18:3. Avraham called himself 'your servant', because he was speaking to Hash-m.) Once He saw that he was tying and untying the bandages of his circumcision, Hash-m said, It is not proper to stand here. That is what is written: 'And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men stood near him, and he saw them and ran to greet them.' (Bereishis 18:2) At first they came and stood over him, but when they saw he was in pain, they said, It is not proper to stand here. [So they moved away to a distance. This is why the Pasuk first says that they stood over him, and then that he ran to meet them. Who were the three men? The angels Michael, Gavriel, and Refael. Michael, who came to tell Sarah about Yitzchak's birth; Refael, who came to heal Avraham; (Refael means 'Hashem heals') and Gavriel went to overturn Sedom. (Gavriel means 'Hashem's strength.') But is it not written: And the two angels came to Sedom in the evening? (Bereishis 19:1) Because Michael went with him to rescue Lot. Its wording is also precise, as it is written: 'And he overturned those cities,' and it is not written, 'and they overturned.' Hear it from this! (This proves it.)
(a)The Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim (hospitality) applies when there are guests that need help. But there is certainly no requirement to go and look for guests. So why did Avraham do so? Furthermore, the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim was not even fulfilled here, since they were angels who did not need it. Why then, did he receive such great reward for it?
1.Rav Shlomo Heiman (MiShulchan Gavo'ah, Parshas Vayera): Avraham Avinu would constantly host people. Aside from his intent to perform the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim, he also wished to teach others to be with the trait of Chesed and be benevolent to others. This intent applied even when the Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim did not technically apply. Therefore, he would always look for guests and he received great reward for every small effort he made, even though the angels did not need it.
(b)Chazal tell us (Bereishis Rabah 50:2) that one angel cannot perform two missions. How then, could Michael go to rescue Lot, if he had come originally to announce Yitzchak's birth?
1.Tosfos: The limitation of performing two missions only applies in the same location. Here, they were done in two different places.
2.Maharal: One cannot answer that 'announcing' and 'rescuing are the same thing'. There are three types of angels. One type only comes for pure good, to do kindness (such as announce Yitzchak's birth and rescue Lot). Another type only comes for strict judgement and to destroy (such as overturning Sodom). A third type of angel is in between the others, as it comes to facilitate the normal way of the world (such as healing Avraham). So Chazal were referring to an angel performing two types of missions.